Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/102

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92 AVENMAN. 27 April 1629, 4t Twyford. Yet another wife, Mary, da. uid coheir of Thomwi KiBLi, of 00. Bmex, was bur. 28 Julj 1688, at Twyford. He d. ou Good Friday, 8 and waa bur, 7 April 1640, at Twyford, in hia 67th year. M.I. WUl dat. 15 Aug. 1688 to March 1640, pr. 30 April 1640. II. 1640. ^. Thomas (Wbnman), Viscount Wbnman of Tuam, &c. [I.], I at a. and h., by first wife ; b. about 1506 ; matrio. at Oxford (Ball. Coll.), 28 Nov. 1604, aged 8 ; Student of the Inner Temple, 1614 ; kniglUed 10 Sep. 1617. at Woodstock ; waa one of the adventurers in Ireland, when it waa reduced by the English Pari, from whom he received 1,000 acres in the Barony of Gairycastle, Kings County ; sue. to the f>eerage [I.], 8 April 1648 ; waa M.P. for Braokley in five ParU., 1621-22, 1624-25, 1625, 1628-29, April to May 1640 ; for Oxon, 1626 and 1640, till secluded, 1648, and again, 16tS0 ; waa a Commisar. from Pari, to the King at Oxford and at Uxbridge, both in ld44. and at Newport, 1648, being one of the forty- one members who voted that the King'a concessions were sufficient to proceed upon. Took his seat in the House of I^ords [I.], by proxy, 18 July 1661. (*) He lu., before 1 Nov. 1617, Margaret, da. and h. of Edmund Hampdbn, of Hartwell, Bucka, by his second wife, Margaret, da. of ( — )• She, who waa bap. at Hampden, 18 Feb. 1598, d. 1 May 1658, aged 60, and waa bur> at Twyford. M.I. He d. at Twyford, s.p.m.s.(^^ 25 Jan. 1664/5, aged 68, and was 6ttr. there. M.I. Will pr. 1665. III. 1665, 3. Philip (Wbnman), Viscount Wbnman of Tuam to and Babom Wimuan ok Kilmaimuau [I. 1628], br. and h. male ; 6. 1686. 17 Aug. 1610 ; M.P. for Oxon, 1660 ; tue, to the peeraye [I.], 25 Jiiu. 1664/5. He m. Elizabeth, widow of Duttou (Gkuaru), dd BAnoN GiHARD OF QiiRARD*8 Bhomlby (who d. 22 April 1640), Sd da. and coheir of Henry (O'Buibm), 5th Eaul of Thomomd [I.], by Mary, da. of William (Brkribtom), Ist Baron BRERRTOif ov Lbioun [I.J Her will, dtit. 9 April 1656. pr. 80 June 1659. By letters {Miteut, 80 June 1683, reciting that he had no »urv. issue to inherit his titles, and that 9ir Uichard Wenmau, Bart [who was a great-nephew, by the mother, she being one of his brother's daughters and coheira] was " his nearest of kin," bia said titles were, in the event of his dying without idsue male, granted to the said Richard and the heirs male of his body.(«) He d. s.p.s.(<l) 20 April 1686,(«) and was bur. at Twyford, when the peerage (aa granted in 1628) became extinct. IV. 1686. i. Sir Richard Wbnman, Bart, became, on the death of the late Peer, by virtue of the patent of 80 June 1683, above quoted, BARON WBNMAN OFKILMAINHAMand VISCOUNT WENMAN OF TUAM [I.] He was 4th but only surv. s. and h.f) of Su* Francis(c) Wrnman, of Caswell, Oxon, cr. a (•) He is aaid to have given a generous reception to Dr. Seth ^Vard, afterwards Bishop of Saliabury, when expelled from Sidney College, Oxfoitl, during the Civil War. (^) The Hon. Richard Wenman, his only s. and h. ap., mat. at Oxford (Line. Coll.), 20 April 1688, aged 16. He m. Barbara, da. of Edward VUliers, and d. s.p. and v.p. about 1646, aged about 24. His widow ta., for her third husband, in 1650, James (Howard), 8d Earl of Suffolk. His four daughters became co-representatives of the Barony of Williama de Thame, of which their father was a coheir. («) A copy of the said letters patent ia in the addenda (p. 624) to Burke's " £xiinot Pteraget* 1888. It containa, however, no clause of precedency as is often imagined. {^) He is sometimes credited with a da., Mary, who ni. William Croft. (•) The date, 1686, ia that given in Lipscomb's *' Baths " (see p. 91, note " a."), and ia probably correct. He would then be 75. He waa certainly alive in 1683, and dead before 1691, so that " 1696," which is generally given as the year of his death, is dearly wrong. (^ His elder brothers, Thomas, Fi-ancis and Ferdinand, all d young. Francia d . 8 June 1655, and was 6ttr. at Witney ; M.I. Ferdinand, mat. at Oxford (Mag. Coll.), 20 July 1669, aged 14, d. 8 Aug. 1671, and was bar. at Twyford. M.I. (S) Thb ]«>anci8 was s. and h. of Sir Francia Wenmau, of Caswell afisd. {d. 26 June 1640, aged 40), who wsa a. and h. of another Francia Wenman, of the same (living in Ireland 1572), who waa yr. br. of Sir Thomas Wenman, father of the 1st Viaoount, both being aona of Sir Richard Wenman, of Caawell and Twyford, by the heiress of Lord WilUama de Thame. See p. 01, note " c.*'