Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/103

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WKNMAN. 93 Dtronel, 29 Not. 1662, by hU flrat wife, Mary,(*) 4U] and yst. da. and coheir of Thomas (Wbhmait), 2d VisoouvT Wrnmah or Tuau [I.] ; was b. 1657 ; mat. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.), 27 June 1673, tkf^ 15 ; tue. his father at $eeond BaronHi 2 Sep. 1680, and, some yeare afterwards, 20 April 1 686, sue, to the parage [L] as afsd. He was M.P. for Brack- ley in four Paris., 1679-90. He m., 17 April 1682, at Kirtltngton, Ozon, Catharine (a " fortune of £15,000 "), Ist da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Chambirlainr, 2d Bart., of Wickham, Ozon, by Margaret, da of Rdninnd Pridkaux. He (f., at his house in Ozfordnhire, 1 March 1089/90. Will pr. July 1691. His widow ni. (Lie. Ijondon, 16 April 1698, wben about 30), an hii second wif^, James (Bbrtir), 1st Barl or AmNoooN, who d. 22 May 1699, in h'ln 46Ui year. She m. thirdly, Francis Wrooohtoii, nf Rstcourt, Wiltn, wwd. thero 1733. She (f. 9 Feb. 1741/2, in her 83d Tear, and was hur. at Long Newnton, WilU ; M.l. Will dat. 9 June 1741, pr. 5 March 1741/2. V. 1690. £. Richard (Wbnman), Viscount Wbnman of Tuam, kc [I.], only s. and h., fr. about 1685 ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 1 March 1689/90. He was found *' non eompoe fMiUit'* and his custody granted, 23 Jan. 1706/7,(**) to certain trustees ; his case being still before the OommiMiioners in June 1 709, at which date he had " lately married "(') Susanna, sister of Francis Wrouohton, aboTenamed (3<1 liuslmnd to bis mother), da. of Seymour WRouaRTON,(^) of Bstcourt*, Wilts. He d. 28 Nov. 1729, at Tliamo park, and was bur. in the chapel there. Will pr. 1730. His widow d. wime twenty years Inter. Her will pr. 1751. VI. 1729. .7. Thilip (Wrkman), Viscount Wknman op Tuam, Aa [I.], 1st s. and h., b. 23 Nov. and bap. 13 Dec 1719, at St. James* Westm. ; ate. to the peerage [I.] 28 Nov. 17^9 ; mat. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 9 June 1737 ; cr. D.CL. 15 April 1741 ; waa M.P. for Osford. 1749-54 and for Oxfordshire, 1754-.5.'i. Ha m. 13 July 1741, Sophia, slater and coheir (22 July 1759) of Philip Hrrrrrt, of King^ey, Bucks, ]flt da. nf JaineM Hrhbrrt. nf the same (great grandson of Philip, 4th Rarl or Pbmbrori), by ( — ) da. of ( — ) Hallrt, of Rdgware. Ue d. 16 ami was hftr, 2' July 1760 in the chapel at Thniue Pnrk, aged 40. His wi<low d. of jaundice at Kingsey afsd. 19 July 1787, aged 72, and was bur, in the chapel abovenamed ; M.I. Will pr. Aug. 1787. VII. 1760, 4- Philip (Wbnman), Viscount Wenman of Tuam to and Baron Wxrman op Kilmairham [I. 1683], also a Baronet 1800. [1662] ; 1st s. and b., 6. 18 April 1742, at Thame Park ; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 1 Feb. 1760 ; cr, M.A., 29 Oct. 1762, and D.C.L., 17 July 1773, having eue. to the peerage [I.] 16 July 1760 ; was M.P. for Ozon, 1768-96. He m. 7 July 1766, at Bt. Marylebone, Kleanor, 5th da. of Willoughby (Brrtir), 3d Barl op Abingdon, by Anna Maria, da. of Sir John Colmns. He (is.p. 26 March 1800, in Milsom street, Hnth, and was bur, in the chapel at Thame nark, aged 57, when nfl hit honourt b(>canie exiinr,t. Will pr. April 1800. His widow d, in Hinde street, Marylebone, 19 and was hur, 25 April 1804 in the chapel afsd. Will pr. 1804. WENMAN OF THAM?: PARK. Barony. 1, Sophia Emzabbth Wykbhak, of Thame Park, I. 1834 Oxon, Spinster, da. and h. of William Richard Wi'KBBAM,(*) of . ' SwalcliflTe Park, Oxon, and (a few months before his death) of 1 R7C ^^^^^ ^^^^ a'*^* ^7 ^^' ^^^ ^>'® Elisabeth, da. of William Mahbh, io/U. ^^g b. 10 June 1790; sue to her father's estates on his death (aged 81) 1 July 1800. Having been long and intimately acquainted with William 17, she was by him cr., S June 1834, BARONBSS WENMAN OF (*) She was m. 4 July 1651, and d, 13 Nov. 1657, in her 24th year, being bur, at Witney. M.I. As to her father (who is often spoken of merely as "Thomas Wenman") baring been Viscount Wenman, see the copy of M.I. to her son, Ferdinand (as on p. 92, note " f "), in Lipscomb's " Buckt" vol. iii, p. 186. (^) Peter Le Neve's notes. (•) Luttreirs " Diary," 16 June 1709. i^) This Seymouf if. 19 Nov. 1736, and was bur, in the chapel at Thame park. (*) He was s. and h. of William Humphrey Wykeham, of Swaldiffe afsd., who d. In 1788, by Sophia, sister of Philip (Wenman), 4th(VIIth) Viscount Wenman of Tuam [1.1 (which Philip d. a p. three months before him, 26 Bfarch 1800), being the only child that had issue of Philip the 3d (VTth) Viaconnt.