Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/111

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WBNTWORTH. 101 26 May 1860, of Vronohiiis, in her 68th ymr, at St. Qeorge'i terraoa. Regent*! ParlL(«) WiU as " Baroneaa NoelByroo/' pr. 1 Aug. 1860, ander £60,000.C') m XIL 1860. 12. BviioN Nobl (Kino-Nobl^ formerly Kino), Lord WvNTWORTH, ttyled Viscount Ockham, gmodson Rnd heir, being 1st B. and b. ap. of WillUtn (Kino, a/UrwartU, 1860, Kiko-Nobl), let Earl of Loyblack. and let i. nnd h. of his mother, the Earl's first wife, AugustH Ada (d. 27 Nov. 1852, nged 36), who was (In. nud h. of Oe<»rge Gordon (Rtron, afterward* Norl), 6th Baron nrRUN or UocimALR, )>y Anno InnlHslln, nut jvre lUnonim Wbntwoktii, nbovonnniod. He was b. in SL James sq., 12 Mny and ftap. 25 June 1836, at Odchnni, Surrey ; wm tijflfd ViaoouNT Ockham from 1838 ; wiis in the Royal Navy ; sue fo the peerage, 26 May 1860, and took the name of Noel after that of Kinp, by royal tic, 20 Sap. following. He d num. 1 Sep. 1862, aged 26, at Wimbledon Hill, oo. Surrey. XIII. 1862. IS, Rai.fh Gordon NosL (KiNG-Mn3ANKK, /(^ifii^rZy, 1860-62, KiRG-NoBL, and, before that. Kino) Lord Wbntworth, dyUd (1862-93) ViaoouNT Ockhau, br. and h., being 2d and yat. a. of his mother abovenamed ; b, 2 July 1829, in St Jamea* aq. and bap» at St. James* Waatm. He (^) ** An elegant blonde, with a pleasins countenauee ** [OenL Mag,] (^) The following pedigree illustrates the aomewhatintrieata descent of this Barony among the deacen<knta of the 4th Lord : — (lY.) Thomaa (Wentworth), Lord Wentworth, sue. aa sueh 1598 p=F er, Barl of Cleveland, 1626 ; if. 1667. | r— r— -————- : — H (V.) Thomas (Wentworth), Lord- Wentworth, sum., aa such, T.p., 1640 ; d. v.p, 1667. John (Lovelace) 2d^(yil.) Anne, tua ' jure Baron Lovelace of Hurley ; d. 1670. (VI.) Henrietta Maria, tuo jure Baroness Wentworth, d, unm. 1686. Baroneaa' Went- worth ; (i|1607, John (Lovelace), 8d Baron Lovekce^P Sir William Noel, Bart of Kirkby^Margaret d. of Hurley, cf. vitA matris, 1698. Mallory, oo. Leiceater ; d. 1675. 1 1671, aged J Sir Heniy John-=( VIII.) Martha, wo jure Baroness Sir Thomaa Sir John Noel, eon, d.* B.p.m., Wentworth, d. 8.p. 1746. Noel, 8d Bart, 4th Bart, d. 1719.«T» d. B.p. 1688. 1697. I Sur aobery Noel, 5th Bart., d.* r ' (IX.) Edward (Noel), Lord WentwoHh ; er, 1762, Viscount Wentworth ; d. 1774. «f , J j_J (X) Thomaa (Noel), Sir Ralph Mil-^^Judith, aisUr .Nathaniel (Gur.«7^ op hia 2d Viscount and banks, ajter- 10th Lord Went- varde Noel, 6th worth ; d, s.p. Bart. ; d, a.p.m. 1815. 1825. and coheir ;d. son), 2d Baron | Susanna 1822. Scarsdale, d. d, 1782. 1flfl7 1 1887. I -J Qeorge Gordon (Byron, after-^Xl.) Anne Isabella, Nathaniel (Curson), 8d Baron ward* Noel), 6th Barnn Byron of Rochdale ; d, s.p.m. 1824. tuo jure Baroness Scarsdale, coheir to the Barony Wentworth ; d. of Wentworth ; d. unn^ 1860. ^'"n William (Ring, aftcrwardt Kiue-Noel), 8t]i Baron King=f Augusta Ada, only child ; of Ockham, er, in 1888, Earl of Lovelace; d. 1896. I d. 1852. [ ■■ . ■ > % *. (XIL) Byron Noel (King- (XIII.) llidph Gordon (King.Min)anke,Vf(to«7|r Noel), Lord Went- Lord Wentworth. He sue. his father, in 18ft£- worth , d. unm. 1862. of LoveIaoe.=T»