Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/112

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102 WIBNTWORTH — WEST. (together with hit father and elder br.) took the name of Nod after that of Kittg by loyal lie, 29 Sep. 1860, aod aabicquently, by royal lie., 6 Nov. 1861, the name of Milbanke in lieu of that of Nod. By tlie death of hia elder br. aboTenamed, 1 Sep. 1862, he fc io the peerage aa Lord Weutworth, beoominn^ alao, by courtesy, Viaeomnt Oekkam, the Barony of Wentworth bi-ing confirmed to him by the committee for iiriTilegfla, 16 March 1864. He m. firstly, 25 Aug. 1869, at St Peter's, Eaton aqnars, Fannie, 34 da. of the Rev. Qeorge Hiriot, of Fellows Hill, co. Berwick, Vicar of VewcssUe-upon-Tyne. She d. s.p.m.s.C) (aa "Lady Wentworth ") after an illness of 2 years, at Norwood, Surrey, aged 25. MJ. at Whitchardi, Oxon. He at. secondly,

)0 Dea 1880, at St. Anne's, Si>ho, Mary Csroline, 1st da. of the Rt. Hon. Jamce

Stuabt-Wobtlit (yr. a of the 1st Baron Whabhclutk), by Jane, da. of Paul lleilby (Lawlbt-Tbomfboii), lat Babon Wxnlook. She waa b. 10 May 1848. By the death of his father, 29 Dec. 1893 (aged 88) he became Eabl op Lovblaci [1888], VisooovT OcKHAM [1838], and Lobo Kivo, Babob or Ockham [1725]. FamUg Atatef.— For these see vol. t, p. 167, fit6 "LoYelaos." WENTWORTH and WENTWORTH OF WENTWORTH WOOD- HOUSE AND OF STAINBOROUGH., "WsKTWORTn OP Wkntwobth Wooduoubi, 00. York," Barony, r.r, July 1628, and "Wbntwobtu'* Viscountcy, cr. Dec. 1628: {Weniwortk) see "Stbapfobo" Earldom, cr, 1640; all being forJeiUd in 1641 ; rcstemi in 1662 becoming exlinct in 1695. t.«., "WiNTWOBTH OF Wbntwobth Woodhousb, CO, York," Barouy* and "WiHTWORTH" Viscountcy (Wentigorik), cr. 1641, with the Eabldou of ^SiBAvroBD, which see ; e». 1695. t.d., '^ Wektworth of Wbntworth Woodhoubk and of Stainborouoh, CO. York," ViMsountcy {Weniwnik) cr. 1711 with the Eabldom or SrBAirroBD, which «ee ; ex. 1799. WERKE. See *' Ros db Wbrkb," Barony (Hot), er. 1295; forjeited about 1297. See "Qrbt db Wbrkb," co. Northumberland," Barony (Grey) cr, 1624 ; ex. 1706. WERINGTON [i.e., WARRINGTON! See <<Botblbb db Wbrinoton, Barony (Boteier), 1296 to 132S. WEST. Barony by J. Sir Thomas Wbst, of Hempeton Cantilupe, co. ^^1^' Devon, &&, waa s. and h. of Sir Thomas Wbst of the same {d. I. 1402. l^S^)i ^y Alice, sister and h. to Sir Edmund Pitzhbrbkbt, da. of Edmond Fitzbbbbbrt, of Midsomer Norton, co. ^omersetX^) which Tliomaa last named was s. and h. of Sir Thomas Vb8T(^) sum. to a council [not a Pari.] 26 Feb. [1841/2] 16 Ed. III,(«) by Eleanor, da. and h. of Sir John (») A son, chrisUned *' Ralph Gordon Noel/' b, at 61, Belgrave Road 12 Feb. 1878, d. at hia uncle*s house, hear Reading, 10 and was 6iir. 16 April following at Pang- bourne, Berks. ()>) See " OoU. Top. U Oen.,*' toI. vU, p. 168. Her will, dat at Hynton MarUl, Dorset, 16 July 1865, and pr. the same year, is printed in full in the *' Katiy Englitk waur (0) Of this Thomas* marriage in 1828-24, writes Dugdale, that it is *' the ant mention I have seen of this family." (dj xhe origin of the Barony of West is consequently often assigned to this date.