Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/113

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04 WEST — WEST AUCKLAND. 103 Di CAiiTiLDn, of Hempston Caniilupe aM., and of SniterAeld, oo. Warwick. Ho tue. hia fatlior 8 Sep. 1886, being then aged 21 ; waa in the ware with France, 1887 ; waa Knighifd before 1399, and waa aum. to pari, aa a Baron (LORD WEST) from 21 Jone (1402) 8 Hen. IV. to 25 Aug. (1404) 4 Henry IV. He m., about 1490, Joan, aister of the half blood of John and Thomaa (La Warr), Lords Di La Warr (both of whom d. 8.p.) only da, of Roger, 3d Lord Dk La Warr, by hia second wife Eleanor, da. of John (Mowbrat), Lord Mowbrat. He d, Eoater daT 17 April 1406. Will dat. 8 April 1405, directing his burial to be at Chrtatchurch minster, Hants. Hia wife anrvired him. II. 1405. S, Sir Thomas West, de jure Lord Wbst, 1st s. and h., aged 14 at hia father'a death in 1406 ; aerved in the war with France, 1415, being then a Knight. He waa never aum. to Pari. He m., in or before 1419, Ida, yst da. and coheir of Almaric (db St. Amamd), Lord Saint Amahd, by hia second wife Alianore, said to be heiress of the family of St. Elbn. She, who waa aged 10 at her father'a death in 1402, d. in or before 1415. He d. 8.p. 80 Sep. 1415, m France. Each. 4 Hen. V. III. 1415. 3, Rbqinald (Wbst), Lord Wbst, or Lord DbI J La Warr, br. and h., aged 21 at his brother's death in ^ 1415 ; Knighted before 1417. Having auc, 7 May 1426, hia maternal uncle H Thomaa (La Warr), Lord Db La Warr, in the eatatea of that family, he waa aum. to Pari, ss LORD liA WARRE, or DE LA WARR (a Barony cr. 1299), by writ directed, 15 July (1427) 5 Hen. VI, *' JUginaldo La Warrt, Chiw!* tho' he subsequently receired other writs, down to 28 Sep. (1449) 88 Hen. VI, na LORD WEST, scTeral of them being directed *< X^naldo Weat, ChVr," He d. 27 Aug. 1451. IV. 1451. 4. Richard ^Wjbst), Lord De La Warr and Lord Wbbt. s. and h., aged 19 at the death of hia father in 1451. He WAS sum. to Pari, from 22 Jan. (1455/6) to 19 Aug. (1472) 12 Ed. IV by writs directed " Jiic*o WeH, MUiii, or JUe^o WeH, CkeWr:' He d 10 March 1475/6. V. 1476. 5. Thomas (West), Lord Db La Warr and LoRDWiflT, a. aud h., sged 19 on 1 Sep. 1476; sum. to Pari, from 15 Not. (1482) to 15 April (1582) 14 Hen. VIIL(») K.Q. 1510. He d, 11 Oct. 1525. Will, aa " JAomos, Lord La Warn;* pr. 12 Feb. 1525/6. VI. 1525, 6, Thomas (West), Lord Db La Waiir and to Lord Wbst, s. and h. ; sum. to Pari, from 8 Nov. (1529) 1554. 21 Hen. VIIL to 14 Aug. (1558) 1 Manr ; K.Q., 1549. He d, s.p. 25 Sep. 1554, when both his Baronieg fell into abeyaneefi^) and, tho* the Barony ofDe La Warr(^) wss subsequently allowed to (or a new one of that deaignation conferred on) the heir mal€ (who waa not the heir general), there ia no auch reaaon to except the Barony of IVui from following the usual course of the devolution of a Barony by writ. WEST AUCKLAND. See *' Auckland of Wbst AucklamI), go. Durham, Barony (Eden)^ €T, 1798. f Ml 9 •■ 0jg i I 9 I {•) See vol. iii, p. 47, note "c," iv5 " De La Warr" aa to the erroueoua duvctiun of aome of these writs. (^) The coheirs were the daughters of his next br. Sir Owen West ; see vol iii. p. 48, note " b," tti5 " De U Warr." («) Pike^a "Gonatitut. Hiat. of Lorda" (pub. 1894, aome time since the article on "De La Warr*' iu tliis woric was written) contains many valuable remarks respecting the anomalous Barony of De La Warr.