Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/114

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104 WEST HARUNQ — ^WKSTBURY. WEST HARLING. See *<Ck>tBORMK of Wist IIabijnq, oo. Norfolk/' Barouy (Ridley' Colbome), cr. 1839 ; ex. 1854, WESTBUKY. Baronjr. /. " Sir Richard hwruKU*, Knt., Clmnccllor of T Ififil ^^^^ BriUip," WM er. 27 Juim 1861, BAUON WfiSTBUUY of 1. Aou 1. xv«wil>ur> , cu. WilU. He wm first •. of Rickard BlTUBL^ U.D., a Physiciau of Bridiul, Ly Jane, d«. of ( — ) Bavkimtuck, whs L 30 June 1800, nt Unulfurd-i)ii-Avon, WilU ; eel. at achoola at Conbam and at Bristol; niatric nt Oxford (Wadbau Coll.), 18 Occ 1814 ; It.A., lat class Classics and 2d class Miitbs., when aged aUiut 18 ; Fellow of his College; M.A. 1820 ; beiDK bamptoD, 1859-61 ; Vice-CbauceIK»r of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1851 ; Solicitor Geu. 1852-56, being hniffhled 28 Dec 1852 ; Attorney Gen., 1856-58 and 1859-61, being made P.C. 1861, and L.-Chamobllob 26 June 1861, when he was raised to the peerage as above stated. Four yesrs subsequently, however, a vote of oeusuie on his conduct having {Hissed the House of Commons, be, resigned office, 7 July 1865.(M Ho, however, continued to sit on a^ipeals in the House of iMrtU and in the Privy Council and as late as the year before his death was tlte able Arbitrator in winding op the ooui- pHcated affairs of the European Assurance Society. He m. firstly, 19 Nov. 1825, at St. Geo., Bloomsbury, Ellinor Mary, 1st da. of Rfibert Abrahau, of Keppell street, architect. She d. 17 snd wss 5ttr. 21 March 1868, in her 61 dt year, in the North of London Cemetery, Colney Hatch, Midi. He m. secondly, 25 Jan. 1873, at Christ Churdi, Padiliugton, Eleanor Margaret, 8d da. of Henry Tbnnant, of Cadoiton, oo. Qlauioi^gan. He d, at his residence, 75 I«snciisUT Gate, Padiliugton, 20 and was bur. 24 July 1878,(**) in the cemetery afsd., aged 78.(«) His widow d. of aouU pneumonia, 19 Dec. 1894, in the Via Seiragli, Florence. Will pr. 20 March 1895, at i;9,448. II. 1873. S. Richard AuGuaiiia (Bbi^ukll), Baron WsfrrBURY, lata, and h.; b. 11 Mardi 1830; matric. at Oxford (Univ. Coll.), 29 March 1848; Barrister (Mid. Temple), 1858 ; a Registrar in Bankruptcy, 1862-65 ; tue, to the peerage, 20 July 1873. He m. 6 July 1851, at Dunster, oo. Somerset, Mary Florence, yst. da. of the Kev. Aleiander Fowmkb-Lutthbu., Rector (■) Tho' acquitted of personal complicity in reapect (1) of the corrupt appointment of a Mr. Welch to the office of Registrar of the Leeds Bankruptcy Court, and (2) of the granting of a penaion to a Mr. Kdmuutls (who, aa Clerk to the Couiuiissioner of Patents, was found to have appropriiited money to his own use), the resolution of the House of Commons, in spite of the defence made by the Government, was that these cases, according to the evidence, *' show a laxity of practice and a want of caution with regard to the public interest on the |Hirt of the L. Chancellor (in sanctioning the grant of retiring pensions to public officers against whom grave chaises were pending), which, in the opinion of this House, are calculated to discredit the administration of his great office " [" TifMt,*' 4 July 1865]. He at once announced his resignation, in a speech full of grace and dignity, and Lord Cranworth was appointed (for the third time) L. Chancellor in his room. (b) The death of his old antagonist in the House of Lords, the well-known Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, took place but a day before. («) A xealous reformer of legal abuses, the first of the Statute* Law- Revision Acts and the Bankruptcy Bill of 1861 wei-e passed under his guidance, as also were many other praiseworthy measures. He is, however, better known for his great |N)wer of sarcasm, which liis urbane manner of delivery considerably enhanced. His style is well imitated by the author of a proposed epitaph for him, who, alluding to the judgment of the Privy Council which he delivered in 1864, in favour of the appeal of the authors of ^ £ttag$ and JievUwt,** against a charge of heresy, writes, that thereby " he took away from orthodox members of the Church of England their last hope of rrerlasting damnation."