Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/117

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WBSTMBATH. 107 V. 1752. 6. John (Nugskt), Earl of WisntBATH, and, presum- Ab1j,(*) Baron DiiiViH [I.], next br. and h. male; h. 1671: wm Major-Gea in the servioe of France. He m. Margaret, da. of COUVT MoLSA, of the duchy of Modena in Italy. He d. at NifelU, in Brabant, 3 July 1764 aged 88. Hia widow d. 6 Aug. 1772 or Feb. 1776.(^) VI. 1754. 6, Thomas (Nugbnt), Earl of Wbstmkath, dco. L l«t ■.and h., served, when young, with diatinction in the French army ; waa U^fUd Lord Dilviii fmm SO June 1552 till he tue, to the ^peermae [I.] aa above S July 1754. He conformed to the eatabliiihed religion and took hia seat in MrL[I.]7 0ct 1755 : P.G. {.] K.P. 5 Feb. 1783. being one of the 15 original Knighta of that order('). obtainnig in 1787 an annual peniiion of £800. He ai. flratly about 1741, Mary, da. and h. of Walter Durand Stapletow, of theialand of Hispaniola. She, who brought him a considerable estate, d. 1750 or 1752. He m. secondly, Aug. 1756, Catherine, 2d and yst. da. and coheir of Henry WHrri(<l), of Pitcfafordstown, oo. Kildare, by Catharine, da. of Col. Thomaa Brixrw. Bhe d 6 Aug. 1772 or Feb. 1776.(^) He d in Park Street, Dublin, 7 Sep. 1 792. [Richard Nuosnt, styled IjOrd Dei.vik, let s. and h. ap., being only lb by the lat wife ; 6. 1742 ; waa a cornet in the 1st Reg. of Horse. He d, v.p. nnm. and underage, of wounda in a duel on Marlborough green, 6 Aug. 1761} [Thomas Nugent, styled Lord Dklvin, 2d but Ist surv. a. and h. ap. by aeoond wife ; i. about 1758 ; d T.p. in infancy.] YII. 1792. 7. QioRGB Frederick (Nugent), £arl of West- UBATH, kc [LI 8d but lat surr. s., br second wife ; 5. 18 Not. 1760 ; tiyUd Lord Dblvin till he mic. %>» the peerage [I.] aa aboTc, 7 Sep. 1702, baring been M.P. [I ] for Fore in three Paris., 1780-01, and Sec. to the order of St. Patrick, 1788-02. He waa Qoy. of oo. Weatmeath ; P.C. [I.]. He m. ftratly, 27 April 1784, Marianne, lat da. of Jamea St John JiFTRBTa, of itlamcT Castle, co. Cork, bv Arabella, aiater of John, lat Earl or Clarr [1.], da. of John Fitsqibbon. This marriage waa dissolved by act of Pari. Oct. 1796.(*). He m. secondly, 2 Feb. 1707, Elizabeth Emily, 1st da. of Charles (Moorb), 1st Marqujus op Droohida [I.], by Anne, da. of Francia (Sbtmour), 1st Mabqubss op Hbrtpord. He d, 80 Dec 1814, in Rutland square, Dublin. Hia widow, who waa 5. 14 March 1771, d, 18 March 1841, in Chapel atreet, Groarenor square, aged 70. VIIL 1814. 8 and 1. George Thomas John (Nugent), Earij iir«.^«^««..*Arf 1 ^* Wbbtmbath, &c [L], 1st s. and h., by first wife ; b. 17 July jurqaessaie LLJ 1735^ ^^ Clonyn, co. Weatmeath; etyted Lord Dblvin from L 1822, 7 Sep. 1702 till he sur. to Me peerage [I.] aa above 80 Dec. 1814 ; ^ ed. at Rugby ; many years Col. of the Westmeath militia. He 1871 ^'"^ ^' 1^ •'<^°- 18-^> MARQUESS OF WESTMEATH [L] ; L. Lieut of Westmeath, 1881; Rbp. Prbr [L] 1881-71. He m, flratly, at Hatfield house, Herts, 20 May 1812, Emily Anne Benuet Eliaabeth, 2d da. of Jamea (Cbcil), let Marqubss op Sausburt, by Mary Amelia, da. of Wills (Hill), 1st Marqubss of Downshirb [I.]. She, who was 6. 18 (*) The ancient Irish Baronies (with the exception of one anomalous deciaion in 1767« in the case of La Poer) have invariably deacended to the heira male to the exclusion of the heira general. {^) The following entries in the **OenL Mag*' arenoteaay to identify with certainty, vU-t " The Counteaa of Westmeath died in Ireland," 7 Aug. 1772, and " The Counteaa of Westmeath died " in or shortly before Feb. 1 776. Accordmg to Debrett's peerage (1840) the earlier entry refen to the wife of the 6th Karl and the later one to the widow of the 6th. («) See vol. i, p. 186, note " a,** euh, ** Arrau," for a list of them. ^) See a long account of thia family of White, in " Lodge^** toI. i, page 248. (•) She m. (a month Utter) 15 or 28 Nov. 1706 the Hon. Augustus Cavendiah- Bradahaw, who d, s.p. 11 Nov. 1882 in his 64th year.