Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/118

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108 W£STM£ATH — WESTMINSTER. July 1789 and wm extra Lady of the bedchaubttr to Adelaide, the Queeu Concort, d, 21 Jan. 1858, at St. Jamea' palace. He tn. secondly. 8 or 18 Feb. 1868, Maria Jabvis, Spinster, wLom be divorced in 1862. He m. thirdly, 12 July 1864, at St. Stephen's, Paddiiigtim, Elixabetb Charlotte, 24l da. of David VEitziBa, by Anna Wilford, da. of Arthur Oolb. He d. 8.p.m.s.(*) 5 May 1871, aged 85, when the MarquetaaU of Wettmtatk [I.] became extincL His widow d, s.p„ 18 Sep. 1892. [WlU.rAM-HKNUY-WBLIJNa'lX>K-BllYDUK8 NUGBNT, Styled LORD DkLVIN, only a. and h. ap., by lat wife ; h. iu Stratfonl place, 24 Nov. 1818, and d, an infant, 16 Nov. 1819, of water on the brain, at Clonyn afsd.] Earldom [1.] p. AN'niONY Francis (Nuq£nt), Eaulof Westmbath, IX 1871 ^^' [^ ^' cousin and h. male, being a. and h. of William Thomas NoQKNT, Uyling himaelf Bauon Nuqbmt or lUvBUBTOir [I.], by Mary Catherine, da. of Michael liBLLBW, of Mount Bellew, co. Gal way, which William Thomas (who d, 6 Sep. 1851, aged 77) waa a. and li. of Anthony Nugbht, »tyUng himself as afsd. {d, Sep. 1814), who was a. and h. of William Nuokmt, Uyling himself as afsd. (d 11 May 1756), who was br. and h. of Hyacinth Richard Nuqbmt, UffUng himself as afsd. (cf, s.p., 6 March 1787/8), both being sons of the Hon. Thomas Ndgknt, of Pallas, co. Qalway^ who was er., a April 1689, by Jamea II., BARON NUQKNT OF UIVERSTON, co. West- meath [I.] (.-i creation(^) of which the validity has never been acknowledged), which Thomaa (who d. May 1716) was 2d s. of Richard, 2d Eaul or Wbbtjikatu [I.] He was b. 1 Nov. 1805, at Pallas afsd. ; sue. his fathei*, 6 Sep. 1851, when he tiyltd himself Baron Nugbnt of Rivbbston [I.], and, twenty years later, sue, his cousin, 1 May 1871 » as Hurl of Westmtath [I.], his rigbt tu that Earldom being established iu the House of Lords, 7 July following. He m., 8 Oct. 1829, Anne, 1st da. of Malachy Dalt, of Raford, oo. Gal way, by Julia Catherine Anne, da. of Sir Thomaa John BUBKB, 3d Bart. [I.], of Marble Hill. She d. 27 Sep. 1871. He (who was a aUunch Roman Catholic) d, 12 May 1879, at Pallaa, aged 74, '* fortified by the righU of the Church." X. 1879. 10, William St. Gbouub (Nugbnt), Earl of Wkst- UBATU, &c. [I.], l&t s. and h. ; 6. 28 Nov. 1882, at Pallas ; ed. at Osoott Collie : Capt in the 9th Foot, serving iu the Crimea from Nov. 1854, being at the siege of Sebiistopol, &a, and receiving a medal and clasp ; waa siyUd LOBO Dblvin from 1 May 1871 till he sue. to the peerage [•!.], as above, 12 May 1879. He m. 24 July 1866, hia first cousin, Emily Margaret, da. of Andrew William Blakb, of Furbough, oo. Gal way, by Maria, da. of Malachy Daly, abovenamad. He d 81 May 1888, aged 50. His widow living 1897. XI. 1883. 11. Anthony Frakois (Nugent), £arl of Westmsath [1. 1621], and pre8umablv{«) Babon Dblvim [I. 1889 t], also, not improbably, Babon Nuqbmt or Rivbbbton [I. 1689],(^) 1st s.and h. ; 6. 11 Jan. 1870 ; slyiedLoRD Dblvin, from 12 May 1879 till he sue. to the peerage [I.], as above, 31 May 1888 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 1895. FamUg Estates,- -TheMe, in 1888, conaisted of 14,604 acres iu oo. Galway, and 1,091 00. Boaoommon. Total, 15,695 acres, worth £5,486 a year. Principal Seat Pallas, near Tynagh, co. Galway. WESTMINSTER. KarquesMte. 1, Robert (Grosvbnor), Earl Grosvenor, 2d., I 1831 ^"^ ^^^^ ^^^' ** ^^ ^* ^^ Richard (Gbo&vbmob), Ist Eabl Gbobvbnob, by Henrietta, da. of Henry Vbbnon, of Hilton Park, 00. Stafford, was 6. 22 March, and hap, 8 April 1767, at St. Gea, Han. aq. ; ed. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge, M.A., 1786 ; (^) Roea Emily Mary Anne, 6. May 1814, his only da. and h. bv first wife, inherited the family estate of Clonyn. She m. 28 April 1840, Fulke-Soutliwell Greville after- wards Greville-Nugent, who was cr., in 1869, Baron Greville of Clonvn, co. Westnieath. Geoige Nugent, who d. 4 July 1852 aged 8 at Paris, called hia ^'only ion " [Qtnt. ifa0.j, waa prooably an illagit. child. !^) See ToL vi, for an account of this title, uh " Nugent of Itiverston." «0 See p. 107, note " a."