Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/122

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112 WESTMORLAND. 20 Uuth 1450/1.(*) Wm dfraoting hb barial to be at HaaU Bmprifl^ oo. York, dat 1 Dee. 1449, pr. 6 April 1451« nt York.(>^) HU widow m. her Ute hiubaiid*e UDoie, Sir Julm Nkvill ; lum. iia liORD Nsviix 1459, and aUiu at Towton, 29 Harch 1461, being, by him, moiher of the 8nl Karl of WeatmorUud. She m., thirdly, Jaiuea (Douolas), Kahl ok Dooolas [S.] (who d. 1488), and d. 25 Dee. 1488.] III. 148i. « S. Ralph (Nsvill), Karl op Westmorland and Lord NiviLL, nephew and h , beini; a. and h. of John (Nevill), Lord Nkvill»(®) by Anne (relict uf Uiat Juhn'a nephew, John Nivill, ilyied Lobd Kbviix), da. of John (HOLANL*), DuKB OP BXBTKii, which first named John (who waa aum. to Pari, aa Lord Nevill,(«) 20 Nut. 1459) WMa next br. of Italph, the 2d Earl, and waa alain at Towton, fighting for Hon. VI., 29 March 1461, and attainted 4 Not. following. He waa 6. 1456, and having obtained, 6 Oct. 1 472, the reatoration of the greater part of hia eatatea and a reveraal of hia father'a atUiuder.C^) became thereby LOKD NEVILL [1459]. He waa knighted before 20 Ocf. 1480, and, on the death of hia uncle, 8 Not. 1484, aa aboveaUted, auc. him aa Harl of Wul^aintiahd [1397] and Lord NevM [1295]. He held command in the army ft»r the invasion of Scotland, 1497. He m., before 1478, Margaret, or MaUhla, niece of Laurence lliioth, Archbbhop of York, da. of Roger Booth, of Sawley, co. Lancaater, by Catherine, da. of Ralph HanOH, of Mollington. She waa 6ttr. at Branoepeth. He d, (of grief for the death of his eldest son) 6 Feb. 1498/9, at Hornby Castle (the seat of his son-in-Uw, I^ord Conyers), and was bur, in Hornby church. [Rat^h Nevill, Styled Lord Nevili^ only s. and h. ap. He m. firstly, in the presence of Hhii. VI L and hia Queen, ( — ), da. of William Pabtoit. She d* s.p of meatlea about Cari^tmas, 1489. He m, secondly, also in the royal presence, Edith, sister of William, Ist Lord Samdts dr Vimb, da. of Sir William Sahdtb, of the Vine in Sherborne St. John, Hants. He d. T.p., before (probably but shortly before) 12 July 1498, and was bur. at Brance|>eth. Hia widow «., as his second wife, Thomas ^Dabct), Lord Darct db Tbmplb Hirst, who was executed June 1538, for high treason. She d, at Stepney, 22 Aug. 1529, and was bar, at the Friars Minors, Greenwich.] IV. 1499. 4. Ralph (Nkvill), Earl of Westmorland, and I^UD Nbviij^C') grHiuliwiU uud h., beinf 2d but only surv. s. and li.>) of Ralph Nkvill, ttyUd I.0110 Nkvill, by his second wife, Edith, both above- uanie<L He whs b. aiM>ut 1495, and. when very young, 9uc. to the peerage, 6 Feb. 1498/9 ; was at the " field of the Cloth of Gold," 1520 ; knigkud, lfi23 ; eL KG., 7 and inst 25 June 1525 ; Dep. Capt. of Berwick, 1525-20; P.C, 1526 ; joined in the letter to the Pope asking for the divorce of the Queen Consort ; was Capt. on guard for the East Marches, 1543, and Couucillor of the North, 1545, remaining loyal during Uie *' Pilgrimage of Grace." He w., about 1523, Catharine, 2d da. of Edward (Stafford), 3d Dukb op Uuokinqhau, by Kleanor, <hu of Henry (Pbrcy), Earl op North UUBBUL.1NO. He d. 24 April 1549, and was bur, at Staindrop. His widow d. at the house of her son-in-law, the Earl of Rutland, in Holywell, 14 and was bur. 17 May 1555, at St. Leonard's, Sboreditch. y. 1549. S, Hbkry (Nevill), £arl of Wbstuortjind and LiOrd NBVlLL,(«i) 1st s. and h., being one of 18 children; b, 1525 ; UjfUd Lord Nrvill till he aue. to the peerage, as above, 24 April 1549, having been knighted SO Sep. 1544; P.C. and Chief Ambassador to Scotland, 1552; el. K.O.,28 Sep. and inst (•) His efilgy is engraved by Stotluird, and part thereof is reproduced in " Doyle.** The statement, often made, that he was slaiu in the Uittleof St, Albans 1455 (5 yeai*s after his actual death) is incorrect. (b) Teat. Ebor. {SurUea Soe.) (e) ** This John Nevill is called on the Rolls of Parliament < John, lx»rd Nevill.' He was slain at Towton Field, and was attainted by Parliament, 4 Nov. 1461. — Rolls of Parliament, t, 447-480. Ralph, his son and heir, obtained a reveraal of his father's attainder and the restoration of the greater part of his estates, 6 Oct 1472. — Ibid, vi, 24." [Oourthope], {^) He inherited two Baronies of Nevill, viz., one er, in 1295 and the other in 1459. (*) The 1st s. d, youn^ and was bur, at BrancepetU*