Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/123

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WRSTMORLAND. 113 16 Dec. 1552; L. limit, of the Bishopric of DtirhAin, 1S52; was one of the 8ignmtorie8(*) of the ■eitlement, 16 June 1558, of the Crown on Lady Jane 'Grey, but supported the accession of Queen Mary, at whose oorouation, 1 Oct. 1553, he bore the Second Sword. In 1557 was Chief Commissr. to treat with Scotland ; Capt. Gen. of thn Hi>rte in the army for the North ; was Warden of the West Marches, and WHS, 1558-59, Ltent. Qen, of the North. He m. firstly (at a veiy early age), 8 July 1.538, Jane, 2d da. of Thomas (Mavnbrs), 1st Earl op KnTLAiiD, by his seoond wife, Kleanor, dn. of Sir William Paston. She was bur, at Staindrop. He m. seoondly, Jane, da. of Sir Uoger Cholublit, by Catharine, da. of Sir Robert Cohstabu. He m, thirdly, before May 1560, Margaret, sister of the said Jane and widow of Sir Hnnry QARcninNR. Ho d. Aug. 1563, and was bur. at Staindron. M.I.(^) Will (litt. 18 Aug. 1563, pr. at York, 22 Sep. 1564.(«) His widow was bur. 2 April 1570, at St Dunstan's in the West. Admon. 8 June 1570, to her son, Thomas Gasooigne. VI 1563, 6. Charub (Nbvill), Earl of Wktmorland [13971 to and Lord Nbtill [1295 and H50],only s. and h., by first wife ; o. 1571. 1548; Hyftd Lord Nbtill from 24 April 1549 till ht tw. to ike peerage, aa above, Aug. 1568, taking his seat, 80 Sep. 1566 ; was a Councillor of the North, 1569 ; in that year, however, he joined in the " rising of the North " with the Earl of Northumberland, and was proclaimed a traitor, 4 No?. 1569 ; fled to Scotland, and, subsequently, to the Spanish Netherlands. He was attainted in the Parl.of 13 Eliz. (1571) whereby all hie honoure b9Ctkm9 forfeited. {^) In 1580 he was Col. of a reg. of English refugees in the Spanish service, and, in 1581, was oue of the English pilgrims at Rome.(*) In 1 600 he was at Brussels, oontemplating a aeoond marriage. He m., before 1564, Jane, sister of Thomas, Dukb or Norfolk, da. of Sir Henry Howard, K.O., ttpfwt Earl of Surrbt, by Frances, da. of John (Vrrr), Earl of Oxford. She, who had an annual pension of £300 after her husband's attainder, d. in or before 1593, and was 6«r. at Kenninghall, co. Norfolk. Admon. 11 July 1593(0 He d s p.m.(l) 16 Not. 1601, at Nieuport in Flanders. VII. 1601, 7. Edmund Nkvill, erroneous! j(*») fitjling him- to self Lord Latimbr, cousin and h. male, would, had it not 1631^ been for the attainder of 1571, have sue as EARL OF WESTMOULAND, 10 Nov. 1601. He was only s. and h. of Richard Nkvill, also erroneously (^) tityling himself Lord LAnMBR, by Barbnrn, da. of ( — ) Ardrit, which Richard (who d. 1590), was only s. and h. of William Nbvill, of Penwyn, co. Worcester, yr. br. of John (Nbvill) 3rd Lord Latimbr {d, 1543), both being sons of Richard (Nrvill), SdljORD Latimrr {d. 1530), wli«i was grandson and heir of Oeorge (Nbvill), (*) See vol iu, p. 70. note " f," iub " Derby." (^) The monument is of wood. It has been engraved in Drummond*s " NMe Britiih I'anUtiet " and part of his own elBgy thereon is given, also, in " Doyile** («) Printed by the Surtees Society. (^) His vast estates in the diocese of Durham went to the Crown (instead of to the Bishop) on the plea that the Crown had had to defend them. Raby continued with the Crown till bought about 1645 by Sir Harry Vane, whoso descendant, Lord Barnard, still (1897) holds it (•) See Coll Top, et Gen., vol. v, pp. 78-87. He is spoken of in 1689 (Stote Papers, Domestic, 80 Elie.) as being ** as careless and full of youth as ever." ('} She is therein incorrectly describe^l as " widow.'* (K) On his death the two Baronies of Nevill [1295 and 1459] fell into abeyance (subject of course to the attainder of 1571) among his daughters or thoir issue and still (1897) so continues. See vol. vi, p. 13, note " c," »ub " Nevill." {^) llie Barony of Latimer was one deflceudable to heirs general and this Edmund Nevill, and Richard Nevill, his father, tho' they were hein malej were not the kein general^ inaamuch aa the 4th Lord Latimer (who d 1577), had left female issue, among which such heirs were.