Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/124

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114 WRSTlfORLAND. UthauD Laixmsb (tf. 1409), a yr. •. of Balph, Ui Kasl or Wmiiiouab>.M He WM k htiore 1655 ; was an oll&eer in tha Spanish aimy Mors 1577 ; wad a pnmm^r in the Tower of London for 14 yesia, bat had a geocrsl pardon in 1585. He atpkd kiwudf anvaow jfyC^) Lord Uthmer, after his fsther'e death in 1590. and cUimed to be Earl of fVaimorUmd, after his oonsin's death in 1001, O The following taboUu' pedigree iUasifates the male deaeeni of famslj : — 0) (2) Mand PerqrT Jol>n (Nerill), LordxBUaU>eth,jife/vrv BanNieaBUUnier[1299];d. I NeYfll ; d. 1888. | 1895. See Ub. ped. in rol. ▼, p. 24. note "b." I "— T -I (I) I (2) "~1 I I Maigaret^L RalphyLordNerilli^J o a n CUibrd. or. Earl of West- Beaa- moriand, 1897 ; d. fort. 1425. Tliomas, Lord JohD,Ixvd Bliaibeth,ai. PiimiTslI, d. Latimer, d Sir Thos. B.p.m.l407.=|= ap. 1431. Willougbby. A I 1 r 1 1 1 JohnNertll RalidiKeinll, Badiard, William, George, Rdward, iipUd Lord had one son Earl of Lord Fsu- cr. I^ord Lord Aber- Nefill, d. whod.ap.m. Salisbury con berg, Ijatimer gsTeniiy, d. T.p. leaving a da., beheaded and Earl in 1482; 1478- whose da. k 1400. of Kent, d. Dec =f h.fli. Thomas =p d. ap.m. 1489. Weotworth. 1408. I I II. fialph. Sir John Richard,Biirl John, Msr- Earl of Nevill, of Wsrwick, qaess of slain Ac, the King H pntagu ; 1401. maker, sUin slain 1471- 1471, s.p.m. =7= Robert, NeTill. Biahop of Dtirham, d. unni. 1451. Westmor- land, d, 1488. T Sir Henry George, Lord Aber- NeTill, d. gRTenny, d. 1492, ▼.p. July whose descendant 1409. and heir male is the present (1897) MAr- quess. See tab. ped. iu rol. i, p. 25.=f^ 1 John NeTtU, III. Ralph, Earl John, Duke of Ridiard, Lord Thomss Nevill, of ityled Lord Nevill, d. T.p. Ralp^ NevUl, tiyted Lord Nevill, d. T.p. IV. Ralph, ofWeatmorland Bedford ; de- Latimer, d. Shenstone, co, d. 1523. graded 1477 ; 1530. Staffurd.*n= d. 8.p. 1488. =Y A WillUm Nevill, Thomas Nevill of PigotU of Penwyn, oo. Anlley, oo. Essex ; d, 1550* Worcester. =f= J r— John, Lord Latimer ; d. 1542. Earl John, Lord Lstiuier, d. s.p.m. 1577, whose Richard Nevill assumed of Westmor- issue represents the Barony of Latimer of the title of Lord I^ati- land,d.l549^ the creation of 1432.y mer iu 1577, d. 1590=7^ T V. Henry, Karl of WestmorUnd;d. 1503.=? [VII.] Edmund Nevill, assumed the I 1 title of Lord Latimer in 1590, and of VL Charles, Earl of Westmorland; attainted Earl of Westmorland in 1001 ; d, 1571 ; d. s.p.m. 10O1.=f ap.m.a about 1031.=^ I

  • See Dmmmond's NMe BrUith Familiei for account of his male issue, as also

1. V, p. 20, note " g," of tliis work. (^) See note " h '* on preoeetUiig i>age.