Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/128

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118 WESTMORLAND. Oct 1788, BAUON CATHERLOUGH, oo. Cutherlough [I.] ana in l<«s Umo 8 yeHrs iuc. to the Snglish peerage, 4 June 1736. He wa« er. D.C.U of Oxford 18 April 1740, receiving ike iMme d<^ree, teu years Ikter, by diploma 29 June 1759; High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford, 1754-59, and Chauoenor Uiereof, 176902.('») He w. [about 1720 f] Mary, da. and h, of Ix>rd Henry Oavcndish (2d a. of the Ut DuKK ok Divunsuiuk), by Hhotbi, da. of William Caktwhuiut, of Aynho, co. Northampton. He d. B.p. 20 Aug. 1762, aged 77(^), »hen the Barony of Cutkeiioyf/h[.] I>ecauje extinct, the ancient Barony of Le Deepencer fell into abeyance between the deaceudauta of hia siater, but the Earldom and Barony (of 1624) devolved on the heir male of the body of the grantee as below. Will pr. 1762. Hia widow, who was 6. 30 Jan. 1698, d, at Hammersmith, 29 July 1778, aged 80. WUi pr. 1778. XIV. 1762. 8, Thomas (Fans), £arlof Westmorland and Baron BuBQHBBaii, 2d cousin once removed and h. male, being 2d but l»t iurv. ■.(0) of Henry Pank, of Brympton, co. Somerset, by Anne, da. of Thomas ScROFB, of Bristol, and sister and coheir of John Scropi, of Walmaley, Oxon, which Henry (who d, 19 Deo. 1726 and was Imr. at Westbury-upon-Trim, oo. Glouo.) was 6th but 2«1 surv. n,{^) of Sir Francis Fans, X.B., of Henbury, co. QIiMicester (will pr. Sep. 1691), who(«) was a. and h. of another Sir Francis Fank, K.B., of Fulbeck, oo. Lincoln, Dramatist and Poet (will pr. Sep. 1681), which Francis was 8d B. of the Ut BarL He, who waa h. 1700, was of Brympton afsd., being a merchant of Bristol, 1721-62 ; was M.P. for Lyme Regb from 1758 till m tuc to the peerage aa also to the estate of Apethorpe, oo. Northampton, 26 Aug. 1762. He m., 8 Aug. 1727, at Westbttry-upon*Trim, co. Gloucester, Elisabetli, widow of (— ) Kbntish, da. of William Swtmmbb, of Bristol, merchant He d. at Bath, 25 Nov. and was frier. 8 Deo. 1771, at Weatburyupon-Trim. Will pr. Deo. 1771. His widow d, at Bristol 12 Not, 1782. Will pr. Dea 1782. XV. 1771. 9, John (Fani), Earl of Westmorland, <ba, Ist s. and h. ; 6. 5 and hap, 22 May 1728, at St Werburgh, BiiaUil ; ed. at Weatm. ; a Comndssr. of tuxes, 1760-62 : M.P. for Lyme Regis and $tyled Lord BOBaHBROH, 1762-71 ; er. LL.D. of Cambridge, 8 July 1769 ; «»itf. to the peerage, as an Earl, 12 Nov. 1771. He m. firstly, 26 March 1758, at St Jamea,' Westm., Augusta, 1st da. and coheir of Lord Montagu Bbrtib, Capt R.N. (4th a. of the 1st DuKB OF Ancastbr), by EliBibeth, da. of William Pibrs. She d. at Rath, 4 and was hur, 11 Feb. 1766, at Westbury afsd. He m. aecondiy. 28 Bfay 1767, in Hariey street, St. Marylebone, Susan, Ist da. of Co^nio Qeorge (Gordon), 8<1 Dukb or GOBDOM [S.], by his first wife, Catharine, da. of William (Gordon), 2d Earl or Abbbdbbn [S.] He d, after a few houra' illness, 25 April 1774, aged 45. Will dat 81 March and pr. 18 May 1774. Hia widow «i. 28 Dec. 1778, at St. Jamea,' Weatm., John Woodford, Lieut Col. 1st reg. of Foot Guarda, who d. at Edinburgh, 18 May 1800. She d, hia widow, 11 Deo. 1814, in Berkeley acinars, agud OS. Will pr. 1815. XVI. 1774. 10, John (Fank), Eahl of WK»TMORiaAND, «Lc., lut s. and h., by first wife ; 6. in Churles street, 1 and hnp. 7 Jmu. 1750, UyUd Lord Buboubrsh, till he tuc, to the peerage at the age of 15, aa an Earl, 26 April 1774 ; ed. at Charterhouse and at Emman. Coll., Cambridge, where he formed a friendship with William Pitt ; M.A., 1778 ; Ji>int Postmaster Gen., 1780 ; P.C., 1789 ; Vicbrot of Iubland (as L. Lieut), 1780-95 ; el. K.Q., 12 June (*) Hor. Walpole {Geo //.) writes of thia appointment in 1759 that the ICarl waa " an aged man of gravity and jignity. . . . They wanted a repreMCutative, and he waa a oomely one." (^) He rebuilt the familv seat at Mereworth, after a plan of Palladio, lui also the church of that pariah. This estate, on his death, devolved on the deaoendanta of hia sisters, his heirs general. (0) Francis Fane, the lets., a Commisar. for Trade and the Plantatioua, 1746-56, d. uuro. 28 May 1757, aged 59, and waa bur. at L«wkuor, Uxon. (^) His e!der br Francis Fane, of Fulbeck, oo. Lincoln, 4Ui but lat aurv. a. and h-, left one a, and h., Francis Fane, of the same, and of Creasy hall, co. Lincoln, who d. Uiere a.p. 19 Oct. 1758. (*) Hu yr. br., Sir Henry Fane, K.B. (another son to Sir Francis, the elder), was father of CharleB Fane, cr, 1718, Viscount Fane [L].