Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/142

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1 82 WHITWORTH — ^WIOK. WHITWORTH OP NEWPORT PRATT, WHITWORTH OF ADBASTON, and WHITWORTH. Barony [I.] 1, Sir Cherub Whitworth, K.B., was er., 21 March I IHOO 1800,C) BAKON WHITWORTH OP NEWPORT PRATT, oo. Galway [I.], ww, BubMOuenUy, or. 14 June 1818, VISCOUNT Viaoonntoy. WHITWORTH OF ADBASTON, co. Stafford, being finally cr.. T 1Q1Q 25 Nov. 1815, BARON ADBASTON, oo. Stafford, aod KARL 1. 101^. WH IT WORTH. He waa a. and h. of Sir Cbarlea Whitworth, of BarldonL Leyboame, oo. Kent, and of Millington, co. Clieater, by Martha, da. of Ridiard Shillby, Commiaar. of the Stamp office, which I. 1815, Charlea (who d, at Bath, 22 Aug. 1778) waa a. of Francia Writ- to WORTH, of Ley bourne afsd. (d 1748X who waa a yr. br, of Charlea, 1825. Baron Whitworth of Galwat [I.], above mentioned. He waa hap. 29 May 1752, at Leyboame ; ed. at Tunbridge achool ; entered the lat Reg. of Foot Quaida, 1772, beoomiog finally, 1783, Lieut CoL of the 104th Foot. He waa Miniater at Waruw, 1785-88, and at St Petembuig, 1788—1800 ; S3., 17 Nov. 1798, becoming O.O.B. in Jan. 1815. He obtained a Barony [h 21 March 1800, aa above atoted ; waa Miniater to Copenhagen, Aug. to Sep. 1800 ; P.C., 1800, and Ambaaaador to Paria, 1801-08, where hia dignified conduct, on the occaaion of an intemperate addren of the " Fint Oonaul," gained him great credit ; waa a Iiord of Trade and Foreign Plantationa, 1807 ; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1818 ; Yickuot OF Iriland (aa L. Lieut), 1818-17, obtaining on 14 June 1818, a VUcouuUif [U.K.], ahortlv followed by an Earldom on 25 Nov. 1815, aa above 8tated.(^) At the coron. of Geo. lY., 19 Juiy 1831,he waaaaaiaUnt Lord Sewer. Hem., 7 April 1801 (apec. lie.), at DorMt Houae, Whitehall, St Margaret'a Westm., Arabella Diana, Dow. Duchbss op DORRiv, lat da. and coheir of Sir Charlea Oofi, 2d Bart (of Brewem), by Catherine, da. of Sir Cedl Bibhofp, Bart (<>) He d. a.p., after three daya iUneea, at Knole, oo. Kent, 18 May 1825, aged 72, when aU hU honaun became extincL Will dat 20 May 1815, £r. 80 May 1825, under £70,000. Hia widow, who waa 6. 1769, d. Uiree montha ittac at Knole, 1 and waa bur. 10 Aug. 1825, at Withyam, oa Suaaex. Will pr. Sop. 1825. WHORLTON. t.d., BauoB OF Whori/ton, co. York," Barony (Bruce), er. 1641; aee '* Blqim '* Earldom [S.], er. (with a apec. rem.) 1633 ; ex, (with the Kiirldom of Aileabury) 1747. %A, "Brdoh of Whori/ton, oa York," Earldom (^;i<c«), er. 1821; with the Marquimati of Ailbsburt, which aee. WICHE MALBANK. i.e.f ** Cholmondbliey of Wiohi-Malbank, co. Chester," Barony (CholmondeUy), er. 1645 ; aee '* Cholmondilbt of Kills,*' Viacountcy [[.], cr. 1628 ; ixtina (with the Barldom of Leinater [I.]) 1659. WICK see Wbiok. (*) See vol. i, p. 166, note a," mb. ** Aahtown," for the creationa in the Iriah Peerage in that JMr. (^) Wrazall {PottkumouB 3femotrt) givea a full account of hia " riae and elevation in life," which, being *' highly favoured by nature," and with an addreae that " exceeded even hia figure," he accomplished, in apite of hia want of money. Hia portrait " after Sir T. Lawrence," ia engraved in " Doyle.*' («) According to Wraxall iut tupra) the Duke of Dorset had left her £18,000 a year, and by the death of her only son, the 4th Duke, in 181 5, ahe came into an augmentation thereof of £9,000.