Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/143

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WIGRHAM — WICKLOW. 1 33 WICK FI AM. The V1800UNTCY OP WiCKHAM and Earldoh op Flint wore titles which were either Mrceeiically applied to, or which it wm in contemplation, about Oct 1685, to actually confer on the notoriooa Qeorge (Jsffrbts), Baron Jrffrbts op Wrm. See that dignity er. 1686 ; ex. 17012 ; aee also Yvi. iii, p. 886, note "a," sab " Furt." WICKLOW. 3RL0 (with the Barony of Maynard i.e.f Maynard op Wicrlow, fiaronj [1.1 {Mayfiard)^ cr. 1620; ex. Hard of Much Easton) 1775. Yitcountor [L] I. Thb Rt. Hon. RAiiPH Howard, of Shelton, co. I 1785 Wicklow, lit a. and h. of Robert Howard, Biahop of Blphin (1729-40), by Patience, da. and h. of Godfrey Bolitn, of Fennor, Barldom [I.] co. Meath, was i. about 1726 ; sue. his father April 1740 ; Sheriff T 1709 <>' <^* Wicklow, 1749, of cj. Carlow, 1754; M.P. [I.] for 00. 1. WViJ. Wicklow, 1761-76; P.O. [T.l 1770, and was er. 21 July 1776, BARON CLONMORB of Clonraore Castle, co. Carlow [1.], beinjr ttttroduoed, 14 Got 1777. He was, nine years later, er. 23 June, 1785, VISCOUNT WICRLGW,co. Wicklow [I.] He m. 11 Aug. 1755, Alice, da. and h. of William Forward, of Castle Forward, co. Donegal, by Isabella, da. of (— ) Stewart, s. of Sir William Stbwart, Rart. He d. in Rutland square, Dublin, 26 June 1789, aged about 68. Will pr. 1789. I. Alice, Dow Visoountbss Wicklow [I], widow of the above, was er. 20 Deo. 1798, CGUNTBSS OF WICKLOW [I.J, with rem. of that dignity to the heirs male of her body. She d. in Rutland sq. afsd., 7 March 1807, aged 70. Will pr. 1807. Viscountoy [I.] £, Robbrt (Howard), Viscount Wicklow and II 1789 Baron Clormorr [I.], 1st s. and h. ; ^. 7 Aug. 1757 ; was M.P. [I.] for St Johnstown, 1776-86 ; we. to the peerage [I.JasaboTe, Earldom [I]. on the death of his father 26 June, 1789 ; Rv. Piia [I.] TT 1 QAT 1801-15, being one of the 28 first elected. He iue. as Earl op II. 10U7. WiOKLOW [I.] on the death of his mother, 7 Maich 1807. He d unm. in Merrion square, Dublin, 28 Get, 1816, aged 57. Will pr. 1816. Ill, 1 815. 3. William (Howard, sometime, 1 780 to 1 81 5, Forward- Howaiid), Eahl ok Wicklow, kc [I.l, br. and h. ; 5. about 1759; took the addit. name of Forward^ by rojral lie., 21 Not. 1780, on succeeding to the estates of bis maternal family ; was M.P. [I.] for 00. Donegal, 1788-90, and for St. Johnstown, 1790—1800 ; Treasurer of the Post office [I.], 1800 ; me. to the peerage [I.], 28 Got. 1815, and resumed, three months later, by royal lia, 22 Deo. 1815 the name of Howard only. He m. 81 March 1787, Kleanor, only da. of the Hon. Francis Caulpuld (yr s. of James, 8d Vibcourt Charlbmont fl.l), hj Mary, da. and h. of John (Btrr), Baron Etrb op Etri Court [I.] She d, 2 April 1807* He d. 27 Sep. 1818, in Rutland square, Dublin, aged about 68. IV. 1818. 4. William (Howard, tometinie Forward, or Forward- Howard), Earl op Wicklow, ke. [I.], lets, and h. ; h. 13 Feb. 1788, in Uutland Square, Dublin ; HyUd Lord Clohmorb from 1815 till he sue. to tke peerage ri], 27 Sep. 1818, as Earl ; was Rrf. Prbr [I.], 1821-69 ; sometime CoL of the Wicklow Militia; L Ueut. of co. Wicklow, 1831-69 ; BLP., 5 June, 1842. He m., at Barons- court, 00. Tyrone, 16 Feb. 1816, Cecil Frances, ds. of John James (Hauiltor), 1st Marqusss of Abbbc*orr, being coheir of her mother, his second wife, Cecil,(A) da. of his uncle, lUv. the Hon. Qeorge Hamilton. She, who was b. 19 July 1795, d. 7 July 1860, at 2 CavendiBh square, aged 64. He d., s.p.m., at the same place, 22 March 1869, aged 81, both being bur. at Stanmore, Midz. (*) See Tol. i, p. 4, note " d,** tub " Abercom," as to the anomalous precedenoj (as the da. of au Earl) granted her in 1789,