Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/144

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1 34 WICKLOW — ^WIDDRINOTON. v. 1869. 5, Gharub Fbakcis Arnold (Howard), Earl op WiGKLOW, &e. [I.], nephew uid h. male, being 4th but let eunr. s. of Rer. the Hon. FimndB Howard, Vicar of Swordi, oo. Dublin {d. 16 Feb. 1857), by his second wife, Sarah, da. of Charles Hamiltoh, of Hamwood, co. Heath. He was h. 5 Nov. 1839 ; matric. at Ozfoiid (Mag. CuU.), 25 Oct. 1858 ; entered the army. I860, and wss Lieut. 9th Hussars, 1865-70 ; Aide de Camp to the Viceroy of Ireland, 1864-66 ; mie. to the peerage [L], 22 March 1869, his right thereto being confirmed by the House of Lords, 81 March 1870(*) ; Hon. CoL Wicklow MiUtia, 1871-81 ; Rjep. Pna [L], 1872-81 ; SUte Steward to the Viceroy of Ireland, 1874-79. He d. num., at his mother's house, 4 Lowndes street, 20 June 1881, sged 41. VI. 1881. 6. CiciL Ralph (Howard), Earl of Wicklow, &o, [I. L next and only surv. br. and h. ; 6. 26 March 1842, at Swords afsd. ; ed. aC Rugby and at Trin. Coll., Oxford ; B.A, 1867 ; had royal warmnt of precedency of the son of an Earl, 28 May 1870 ; Capt 60th Rifles, 1876-77, and sometime 1881 Major Wicklow Artillery Militia; eue. to the peerage [L], 20 June 1881 ; Rip. Pkbb [L] 1888-91. He m., firstly, 23 March 1876, Franceses Maria, 2d da. of Thomas Chambbblatnk, of Cranbury Park, Hants, by Amelia, da. of Gen. Densil Onslow, of Stoughton, co. Huntingdon. Shed, at Southsea in childbed, 80 Dec. 1877. He VI. secondly, 2 June 1880, at Christ Church, Bray, co. Wicklow, Fanny Catherine, 1st da. of Richard Robert Wihofibld, of Fairy Hill, in that County, by Fanny, da, of Michael Hinton Cabtu, of Btapleton, ca Qloucester. He d. 24 July 1891, at Shelton Abbey, sged 49. Wfll pr. at £20,745 personalty. His widow wl 10 Aptil 1894, Marcus Frsncis BmuvoBDi of Ballanagh, oo. Wicklow, who d., of peritonitis, 12 Dea 1896, sged 84, at Shelton Abbey. VII. 1891. 7. Ralph Francis (Howard), Earl of Wicklow [I. 1798], VisoouNT Wicklow (I. 1785] and Baron Clohmorb [1. 17761 1st s. and h. by first wife; 6. 24 Dec. 1877 ; etyled Lord Clommori from 1881 till he eue. to tke peerage [I.] as Eari, 24 July, 1891. FamUy Atafof.— These in 1888, consisted of 22,108 acres in co. Wickluw ; 6,440 in CO. Dooegal and 170 in co. Westmeath. Total 28,713 seres, worth £15,717 a year. Principal State, — Shelton Abbey, near Arklow, co. Wicklow, and Csstle Forward, ca Done£^. WICOMBE, see Wycombb. WIDDRINGTON OF BLANKNEY. Barony 1. « William Widdrington, of Widdriiigtou, co. T 1 t{l^ Northumberland, was er. 2 Nov. 1648(^), " BARON WIDDUINGTON • iw*«^. Qp BLANKNEY, oo. Lincoln." He was s. and h. of Sir Henry Widdrington of the same and of Swinburne Castle, by Mary, da. of Sir Henry CuRWSN, of Workington, cu. Cumberland ; was aged 4 in 1615 (°) ; sue. bis father (who d, at Swinburne Castle) 4 Sep. 1628 ; Sheriff of co. Northum- (*) His claim to the title was opposed on behalf of an alleged (infant), son of his eldest br. (of the half blood), William George Howard, who d, 12 Oct 1864, aged 39. The marriage of the said W. O. H. with Miss £llen Richardson, on 23 Feb. 1863, wan admitted, but tlie birth of the alleged son was not. An acoount of the proceedings is in the Annual Register for 1870, pp. 185-191. The said person (named like his alleged father, William Qeorge Howard), after full age, continued the claim tu the title and estates, in 1891, in the Irish High Court, but on 27 Feb. 1892, judgment was given iu Dublin against him. (b) Date of Signet bill ; see Creatione, 1483-1646, in ap. 47th rep. D.K. Pub. Records. See also vol. v, p. 171, note ** a " $ub " Lucas." (') Visit of Northumberland of that date. The pedigree is continued therefrom in Hodgson's Northumberland, vol. ii, part ii, p. 287.