Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/146

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1 36 WIDDRINGTON — WIGTOUN. V, 174s, 5. Hbnrt Francis Widdrinqton, s. and h. by to first wife, h. about 1701 ; tl^ec^Aifiuel/, after hit father's death 1774. in 1743, Baron Widdrinqton of Blanknkt, Dotwiihstanding the attainder of 1716. He m. A Due, da. of ( — ) Qattonby, of 00. York. He d. s-p., 19 Sep. 1774, at Tumham green, and was bur, at St. Pancras, Midx., when the issue male of the 1st Lord most probably became exiineL{'^) Wai dat 1772.(t>) His widow d. at Bath, Sep. 1780. Will pr. Jan. 1781. WIGAN OF HAIGH HALL. i.e., " WiGAN OP Haigh Hall, go. Lancaster," Barony (LAndsay), cr, 1826 ; see " Baloarru " Earldom [S.], «r. 1651, ander the 7th Karl, who in 1848, was confirmed in the Earldom of Crawford [S.]. WIGHT, Isle of. See vol. ill, p. 100, note " V'$uh *' Devon," as to " the LortUiip of the Ide rf VI'i^At," which, however, was never a title of Peerage. WIGMORE. 1.6., " MoRTiuBR DB WiQMORB," Baix)ny (Mortimer), see ^* Mortimbr," Barony, cr, 1296 ; mergid in the Crown (with the Earldom of March), 1461. «.e., '* WiGMORB," Earldom (Stuart), said to Lave been cr, with the Ddkidom of Kbndal, 1666, which see ; ex, 1667. 1.6., "Harlbt of Wigmorb, CO. Hereford," Barony (Harley), cr. 1711 with the Earldom of Oxford and Mortimbr, which see ; ex! 1858. WIGTOUN, or WIGTON. Earldom [S.] 1, Sir Malcolm Fleming, of Cumbernauld, Ist s. I. 1341 '^^ ^* ^ ^'^ Malcolm Flkmino, of the same, whose father Robert FucMiNQ received those lauds from liobeit I. [S.] ; auc hid father after 19 Hay 1821 ; was one of the fuw who survivutl the battle of Halidonhill, 19 July 1888, securing the Caatle of Dunbarton for David II [S.], whom he assisted to escape into France, and by whom, by Charter, 9 Nov. 1841, he was cr. EARL OP WIQTOUN [S.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body.(o) With that King also he was captured 17 Oct 1846, at the battle of Durham, and for sometime imprisoned in the Tower of London. He was in thu Pari [S.], 26 Sep. 1867. He m. Harjorie, foster-sister of the said King David II. [S.] He d. about 1865. (•) The Hon. William Tempest Widdrtngton, his yr. br., also m., but d, s.p. about 1758. Will pr. that vear. (b) The ancient estates of the family, had, of course, been forfeited in 1746, but those at Stella and Stanley, co. Durham (derived from the family of Tenipebt), devolved, in 1774, on Thomas E^re, of Hassop, 00. Derby, the nephew of the late Lord, he being only child and heir of his only married sister Mary, by Rowland Kyre. He, however, d. s.p. at Nice, 26 March 1792. (0) " Ut ipse Malcolmus et hairedes sui praodioti [i.e., heirs male of the body], abinde nomen Oomitis aoctniant et Oomites de Vygtoun de cetero nuncupenter." The charter is given at lengtn in Crawford's Peerage [S.], 494.