Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/147

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WIGTOUN. 137 II. 1 365 f S. Thomas (Flhming), Earl op Wiqtoun [S.], grandson to and heir, being, prwumRblj, a. and h. of John FLKMUfO, let 8. and b. 1372. Ap- of the above, who d. v.p. probnbly before 1851.(^) He wat one of tho hostagee for David II. [S.], 4 Sep. 1351, and, as such, waa in the English custiMly, 10 Nov. 1358. After his gnuidfathcr's death he had charter, 26 Jan. 1365/6, directed " Thoma Flemyng, Comiii de W$gtaun" of the Earldom. He, however, for a " notable *' sum of money disposed of the Earldom, 8 Feb. 1371/2, to the all powerful Archibald Douglas, of Qallowsy, afterwards (1388) 3d Earl of Douglas [S.J This sale was confirmed by llobert II. fS.], 7 Oct 1372, and from henceforth he waa denuded of the title and is spoken of aa ^'dudum ComeB"^*) He was living 20 Sep. 1882, but d. s.p. t.e., Wigton" Marquessate [S.] (StuaH), see "Kinttrb," Dukedom [S.], titles designated, in 1602, for the yst s, of James VL [S.] ; ex. 1602. Earldom [S.] i. John (Flbmino), Lord Fleming fS. 1445 1], only III. 1606. B* AtHl h. of John, 5th Lord Flbmino [S.], by EliBabeth, da. and h. of Robert Robs, Master of Roes, eue. to the peerage [S.] on the denth of his father, 6 Sep. 1572 ; was aged 25 in July 1592. By patent dat at Whitehall, 19 March 1605/6, the King's Commissioner [S.] was authorised to er. him EARL OF WIQTOUN, LORD FLEMING AND CUMBBKKAULD [S.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body, '*and the act of creation*' followed thereafter at Perth on 1 July 1606.(*) He m. firstly, in or before 1589, Lilias, only da. of John (Qraham), 3d fexBL of MoNTROSR [S.], by Jean, da. of David (Dbumuond), 2d Lord Drummond [S.] He m. secondly, in or after 1608, Sarah, widow of Sir James Jobnstoiv, da. of William (Ma.- wbll). Lord Hkrrib8 of Tbrrbolbs [S.], by Catharine, da. of Mark Kirr, of Newbottle. He d. April 1619. Funeral entry in Lyon office. His widow m., as her third husband and his second wife, Hugh (Montgombrt), 1st VisoouvT Momtqombrt of thk Qrjbat Abss [I ], who d. about 1637, She d. s.p.m. and was hur, 29 March 1686, at Holyrood, near Edinburgh. IV. 1689. 2, John (Fleming), Earl of Wigix)UN, <Ssc., [S.l Ist s. and h., probably hap, about 9 Dec. 1589, at Kincame(<') ; ilyted Lord Fr.iMiNQ, from 1606 till he iw, to the peerage [S.], as above, April 1619 ; was one of the Committee of estates, 1640 ; appointed P.C. by Pari, 1641, m which year, howeyer, he entered heartily into the association framed at his house in Cumbernauld, to support the King. He m. before 25 Aug. 1614, Margaret, 2d and yst da. of Alexander (Litinoston), 1st Karl of Linuthoow [S.], by Rleanor, da. of Andrew (Hay), Earl of Krroll [S ] She was living 28 April 1617. He d. at Cumbernauld, 7 May 1650. Funeral entry in Lyon office. V. 1650. 3. John (Fleming), Earl of Wigtoun, Ac. [S.], Ist s. and h., etyled Lord Flbmino, till he sue to the peerage [S.], as aboTe, (*) One of the hostages for the ransom of David II. [S.], 16 Aug. 1357, is styled " Johan Flemyng, heir au Counte de Wygeton,*' but in the treaty concluded 8 Oct. 1357, he is called " Thomas," and, as Thomas, grandson of the Earl of Wlgton, waa one of the hostages for that King, 4 Sep. 1351, the name John" is probably a misUke for " Thomas." 0») "Ridddl," p. 121, who adds, "This manifestly refutes Lord Mansfield's gratuitous assertion that grants of a ' ComUatue ' in the 14th century did not 'affect the title, honour and dignity,' but operated * as conveyances of the estate only ' in the wonls of his noted jiidgment on the Sutherland claim in 1771." (e) " Riddetlf** pp. 628—636, where is a full account of the proceeding ; it being there reninrked that the constitution of the Karldom of lloxburghe is identical with that of Wiffton." See also " 7/eto/eM," where (i>. 110) it is sUted that " the dignities of Karl of Home and Karl of Perth were created under a similar commission, dated 11 Feb. 1605 * * * and the dignity of Lord Scott of Buooleuch, under a similar commission dated 18 March 1606." (<>) "Lord Fleming*s son [Qy., if not this John, the eldeat son] was bop, at Kittcame about 9 Dec 1589."