Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/148

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188 WIOTOUN. 7 Hay 1650| baTing previously joiued the Harquew of Hontroie, and been preseut, 1645| at tiie battle of Pbilipbaugb, whence he eicaped, remaining bid for aome time in the Highlands ; was served heir of his father, 20 Aug. 1652, aud 5 March 1668. He f». Jean, 1st dn. of John (Dbuumovd), 2d BaEL or Fbbth [S.], by Jean, da. of Robert (Kkb), 1st Earl ov Uoxburohk [3.] He d. Feb. 1665. Will dat at Stirling 24 July 1661. YI. 1665. 4. John (Klbmimg), Earl of Wiotoun, &c, [8.], Ist 8. and h. ; Btffled Lobd Fuuuva till he auc. to tke peerage [S.], as above, Feb. 1665. He tii. before 10 May 1662, Anne, 2d da. and coheir of Harry Kan, Ky/eii Lobd Kbe (s. and h. ap. of Itubert, 1st Babl or Rozbubghb [S.]), by Maigaret, da. of William (Hat), Eabl or Kkkoll[3.] He d. B.p.m.(*> April 1668. Funeral entry (wherein be is called " James ") in Lyon office. His wife, or widow, was dead before 17 July 1680. YII. 1668. 5. William (Flbmiko), £abl of Wigtoun, <&c. [S.], next surv. br. and heir male, being 5th s. of the 8d l£arl(b) ; $uc. to tke peerage [S.], April 1668 ; served heir to estates iu the counties of Dunbartou, Haddingtou, Lanark, Peebles, Perth. Selkirk and Stirling, 5 Aug. 1668, aud 19 Oct. 1678 ; Gov. of Dunbarton Castle, and Sheriif of that county ; P.C.(e) He m. Sen. 1670, at Dalgety, Henrietta, 1st da. of Charles (Sbtom), 2d Kabl or DuHncBMUMB [S.], by Mary, da. of William (Dooglas), Eabl or Mobtoh [S.] He if. 8 April 1681, and was bur, at fiiggar. His widow m., as his second wife, William (Lihdbat), Eabl or Cbawfobd and Eabl or Lindsay [S.], who d. 6 March 1698. She w<i8 living June 1691. VIII. 1681. 6. John (Flbming), Eabl of Wigtoun, «&c [S.], Ist s. and h., 6. about 1678 ; tt^Ud LoBD Flbmuig, till he nte, to tke eerage [S.], ss above, 8 April 1 681. He attended the court of James II, at St. Qermains. e opposed, in 1706, the proposed treaty of Union [S.] ; was imprisoned in 1715, iu Edinburgh Castle, during the insurrection, but released in June 1716 ; was, iu 1786, the King's Chamberlain of Fife. He ta. firstly, 14 March 1698, Margaret, da. of Coliu (Limdsat), 3d Earl or Ualcaukks [S.], by his third wife, Jean, da. of William (Kbb), 2d Earl or IIoxbobguk [S.] She was living 29 May 1707. He m. secondly (contract 8 Feb. 1711) Mary, 1st da. of William (Kutu), 9th Eaul Mariscual [S.], by Mary, da. of James (Drumuono), 4th Eaul or Pbrth [3.] She, who was probably h. in May 1665, d. 1721, being bur, at Biggar. He m. thirdly, Euphemu, da. of George Lockhart, of Camwath, co. Lanark. He d. ap .m.(<i) 10 Feb. 1748/4, in bis 71st year, and was hur, at Biggar. Funeral entry in Lyon office. His widow m. Peter Mac Eluoot, Major General in the Austrian army, and d, at Bath, 24 Nov. 1762, bemg bur. at Biggar. IX. 1744, 7. Gharlbs (Fleming), Earl of Wigtoun [S. 1606], to Lord Flimihg [S. 14451] and Lord Flimimo amd Combkrnadld 1747. [S. 1606], only br. and h., 6. about 1675 ; entered the Uoman Catholic College of Douay, 18 May 1689 ; me. to tke peerage, as aboYe, 10 Feb. 1748/4. He d. unm. at Cumbernauld afsd., and was bur. 22 May (») Jean, his only da. aud h., m. 28 Deo. 1677, Geoige (Maule), 8d Earl of Pan- mure [S.], and their onl^ child d. an infant, between May 1684, and May 1685. (^) llie second son, Sir Robert Flemmg, d. unm., as also did James and Harry, the 8d and 4th sons. («) He obtained, upon his resignation, a royal sign manual, 18 Aug. 1660, of a novodamui of his peerage dignities to himself and other relatives iu tail male, ** with an tdtimate substitution to the eldest heir female, without divisiou, of the body of the disponee. It is remarkable, however, that this r^grant always remained in the same incnoate state, and was never perfected in any manner." The heuv under this regrant would be, after the date of 1747, tlie Lords Elphinstone, but, *' by the resignation of 1669, [this] William, the 5th Earl, may be legally held to have denuded himself of the honours." [" MiddeU," pp. 6'28-686]. (^) Clementina, his yst da. and eveutually sole heir, only child by second wife, m., Oct 1785, Charlea (Elphinstone), 10th Lord Elphinstone [S.] She, who d, a widow, 1 Jsn. 1799, in her 80tb year, brought the estates of Cumbernauld and Biggar to that family. See vol iii, p. 259, note ** c," $ub " Elphinstone."