Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/157

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WILLOUGHBY. 1 47 XIV. 1666. 14* RoDBRT (Bbrtik), Earl of Lindsbt, Lord WiLLonoHBT DK Brisbt, L, Ofttti Ciamberiain, s. and h., b. About 1680, H^ed Lord WiLLOoansT from 1642 till he mc, to the peerage^ at above, in 1666. He cf. 8 Hay 1701, aged about 70. ' XV. 1690. 15, Robert (Bbrtib), Lord Willouqhdt db Rrrbbt, a. and h. ap., b, 80 Oct 1660, ttyUd Lord Wil- LODonBT from 1666, and aubeequently became ao, being aum. T,p. in that Rarony (veeted in hia father) 21 April 1600. He, on the death of hia father, 8 May 1701, $uc. as Karl of Liivdbrt and L, Qrmt Chamberlain. He waa er. 21 Dec. 1706. MARQUi^S OP LIND8BY, being er, 26 July 1715, DUKE OP ANOASl ER AND KESTEVEN. He d. 26 July 1728, aged 62.(*) IRoBBRT Dbrtib, tfj/hd Lord Willouohbt, after 1701, Ist a. h. ap. ft. 6 Feb. 1683/4 ; d, tinm. and v.p. at Wolfenbuttel, on hU timTels, about 4 May 1704 ; admon. 8 July 1704.] XVL 1715. 16, Pbrbgrinb (Dbrtib), Lord Willouohbt db Erbsbt, 2d but let aurv. a. and h. ap. ; 6. 29 April 1686 ; tijfled Lord Wiluiuohbt from 1 704 to 1715, and aubaeqnently became ao, being auro. v.p. in Uiat Rarony (feated iu hia father) 16 March 1714/6. He waa $tfied MARQUB88 OK LiNDSBT from 1715 till, on the death of hia father, 26 July 1726, he fue. aa Dukb of Ancastbr and Kbstrtbr. Marqubss op Liitdsbt and Earl of Lihdsit, aa abo?e. He d, 1 Jan. 1741/2, aged 55. XYII. 1742. 17, Pbrborikb (Bbrtib), Durb of Akcabtbrand Kotrvbii, Mabqobs of LnrDBKT and Lord Willocghbt di Rrbbbt, lat a. and h. ; 5. 1714 ; uaually known aa Lord Willouohbt from 1715 to 1728, and it^Ud Marqubss of f jndsbt from 1728 till he me. to the peetoffe, aa above. He d, 12 Aug. 1778 aged 64. iPBRBaRiNB Thomas Dbrtib, sfyled ^iARQUBSs of Lindbbt, lat s. h, ap. ; b, 21 May 1755 ; d. young and T.p. 12 Deo. 1758.] X VIII. 1778, 18, RoBBRT ( BBitTiB), DuKB OF Angastbr and to Rrsfstkn [1715], Marqubss of Lirdskt [1706], Earl of 1 779. LivDSBT [1626], and IjORD Willouohbt db Erbsbt [1818], L. Oreat Chamberlain^ only aury. a. and h. ; 5. 17 Oct 1756 ; tlifUd Marqubss of Lindsby from 1758 till he tue, to the peerage, aa above, in 1773. He d, unm. 8 July 1779 aged 22, when the Dukedom, Marqueaaate and Earldom devolved on hia uncle and heir male but, the Barony of WHUmghhjf de BreAy and the office of Great Chamberlain fell into aheyanoe^ between hia two aiaters and ooheira, the heira general. XIX. 17«0. 19. The "Lady Pribcilia-Barbara-Eliza- ^ BBTH Bubrbll, wife of Peter Burbbll, of Beckenham, CO. Kent, Eaq.,*' 2d bnt lat aurv. siater and ooheir,(*>) 6. 15 Feb. 1761 ; m. the afad. Peter Burrell, 28 Feb. 1779, at her mother'a house in Berkeley square ; waa by patent, dat. 18 March 1780, declared to be BARONESS WIL- LOUOHBT 0F(«) ERESBY, the abeyance of that Barony being thua , 1 I 3 I I S {^) By the marringe of the lat Duke of Ancnater with the heireaa of the family of Wynn, of Qwydyr, co. Onmarvon he aoqiiirod tlmt conaiderable estate, which afterwardff gave its name to the Bnrony of Gwydyr, conferred iu 1796 on the husband of his great grand-daughter, Prisoilla, mo jure Raronesa Willoughby of Erosby. (b) The dd and onlv other surv. sister and coheir wns Georgiana Charlotte, after- wards Blarchioness of Cholmondeley, who d. 1 838, leaving issue. See vol. i, p. 207, note **d/' tub. " Aveland." The eldeat aiater, Mary Catharine, 6. 14 April 1754, d. at Brifftol, 12 April 1767. («) The title ia called in the patent of 1780 Willoughby of Eresby, but in that for the termination of the abeyance of the same Barony in 1871 by (ita more proper deaignation) Willoughby de Breaby.