Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/158

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148 WILIX)UOHBY. termiiiAted in her faTOur. In May 1781 it wm deoidad thai the ofiloa of (TtmI ' (^amberlain of Bngland{^) devoWed on her and her aiater as coheirs of their brother, the late Duke of Ancaster, the laat holder thereof. By hie death in 1779, ■he had (previously) sue, to Qrimsthorpe Castle, oo. Lincoln, and to most of the family estates in that county and to that of Gwydir, co. CamaiTon. Her husband ^ub knighted d July 1781, and was appointea 14 Aug. following Deputy Grand Chamberlain. In April 1787 he succeeded as a baronet (a dignity er. 12 July 1766), was cr. 16 June 1796, BARON GWYDIRO") of Gwydir, 00. Camnrvou, and d. 20 June 1820, aged 67. She d, 29 Dec.. 1828, aged (also) 67, at her house in Whitehall and was bur, at Edenham, co. linooln. wm pr. July 1829.(«) XX. 1828. iBO. Pbtbb Robert (Drumuond-Burrel^ f&rmei^ly Burrbll), Lord Willoughbt or Bbbbbt and Baron Gwydyb, let B. and h. ; h. at Whitehall, 19 March and hap, 20 April 1782 at St Margaret's. Westm.; ed. at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; B.A. 1801. He m. 19 Oct. 1807, at Edinburgh, Clementina Sarah, only surv. child and h. of James (Drumuond), I^ohd Pbrth, Baron Drummomd or Stobhall (who, but for the attainder of 1715, would have been 11th Barl or Pbrth [S.]), by Clementina, da. of Charles (Elphinbtonb), 10th Lord Elpbinbtonb [S.], and in consequence of such match, took by royul lie. 5 Not. 1807» the name ^t Drummondf befiire that of Burrdl, He iue, to the peerage as Baron Cfwgdgr, by the death of his father 20 June 1820, taking his seat 15 Aug. following. He officiated as deputy Grand Chamberlain 19 July 1821, at the coronation, of Geo. rV., P.O. 1821. On the death of his mother, 29 Dec. 1828, he became lord WiUoughby of Eraky, taking his seat as such, 9 March 1829, becoming also in her right joint hereditaij Grand Chamberlain and, as such, officiating 28 June 1838, at the coronation of Queen yictoria.(<') His wife, who was 6. 5 May 1786, d, 26 Jan. 1865, aged 78, at 142, Piccadilly, Midi. He d, there, after a long illneas, a few weeks later, 22 Feb. 1865, aged 82, and was hwr, at Edenham afsd. Will pr. under £120,000. XXI. 1866, 21. Albbrio (DRUifMOND- Willoughbt, /ormer/^ Drum- to mond-Borrbll), Lord WiL[X)DaHBT or Ehbsbt [1818] and Baron 1870. GwYDYR [1795], also a Baronet [1766], 2d but only surv. s. and h.(*) ; 6. 25 and hap. 30 Doc. 1821 at St. Geo. Han. sq. By royul lie., 26 June 1829, he, and his sisters, took the name of Drummond- Willoughbg, in lieu of that of XfrumMond- BurreU, He iuc. to the peerage 26 Feb. 1865 and took his seat 16 Aug. 1867. He d, unm. at Bertie House, Twickenham, Midi. 26 Aug. and was bur, 2 Sep. 1870 at Edenham, aged 48.(0 ^Vill pr. 28 Aug. 1870, under £70,000. On his death the Barony of Owydyr and the Baronetcy devolved on his oousin and heir male, but the Barony of WiVjouyhhy de Brenby fell into abeyance, between his two surviving sisters and coheirs, the heirs general. • ••••• XXII. 1871. 22, Clementina Elizabeth, Dow. Baroness Avbland, widow of Gilbert John (Hbathootb), 1st Baron Avbland, ist sister and ooheir,(C) 6. 2 and bap. 15 %ep. 1809 at St. Geo. Han. sq., m. (as above) 8 Oct. 1827 at Drummond Castle, in Mu thill, oo. Perth ; was by patent, dat. IS Nov. 1871, (>") See vol. i, p. 207, note " d," $ub '* Aveland," as to this office. (t») Seep. 147, note "a." («) Her portrait was painted by John Sanders. {^) The Marquess of Cholmondeley as deputy to his mother, the other ooheir, had officiated at the coronation of Will IV. according to arrangement See vol. i, p. 207, note"d,"ttt^**Aveland." (•) His elder br. Frederick, 6. 4 Feb. 1818 ; d, 17th May 1819. (0 He is " the Hon. Alberic de Courqy " in Disraeli's Coningtby, See vol. v, p. 807, note " a," «tt6. '< Mezborough." (B) Of her two sisters (1) Blixabeth Susan, 6 21 Sep. 1810 ; d, unm. (before her brother) 10 Oct 1858 ; (2) Charlotte AugusU Annabella, 6. 8 Nov. 1815. was in 1871 (being at that date Dowager Baroness Canrington) a ooheir with herself of the Barony of Willoughby de Eresby and of the moiety of the offioe of Great Chamberlain which devolved on their grandmother as afsd. Lady Carrington d^ 26 July 1879, leaving issue.