Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/160

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150 WILLOUGHBY. AVILLOUGHBY DE BROKE. Barony by Writ 1, Sir Robkrt Willouohbt, of Broke, or Bi-ooke,(*)

I. 1491 ^^"^ Westbury, oo. Wilts, and of Ottery, ca Devon, s. and h. 

of Sir John WiLLOOaHBT,(^) by Anne, d^i. and oobeir of Sir Edmund Ghembt, of Broke and Ottery afftd., waa aged 27 in 1479 ; took an active part in the cause of Henry, Earl of Richmond, afterwards Hen. VII., for whom he fought at Bosworth, and was accordingly sum. to ParL as a Baron (LORD WILLOUGHBY DB BROKE) by writs 12 Aug. (1491; 6 Hen. Vn.(^) to 1 6 Jan. (1496/7) 12 Hen. VIL, directed *' Rob*to WUlwyhhy de Broke, Ch'r "{^)). He was Marshal of the army sent into France, 1493, and one of the commanders against the Gornish insurgents, 1497 ; was sometime Steward of the Household. He purchsaed Wardonr Gastle, co. Wilts.(*) He m. in or before 1475, Blanche, da. and coheir of Sir John Ghampibnownb, of Beer Ferrers, oo. Devon, and (}allington, oo. Gomwall. She, who was living in 1480, d. before him-O His will, dat. 19 Aug., was pr. 25 De& 1502. II. 1502, ^. RoBBRT (Willoughby), Lord Willouquby dk to Beokb, only s. and h. ; h. about 1480; iuc* to ihe peerage, late in 1521. 1502, and was sum. to Pari, from 28 Nov. (1511) 8 Hen. VIU. to 12 Nov. (1515), 7 Hen. VIIL ; being in the writ of 5 Feb. (1514/5) 6 Hen. YIIL, sum. as Lobd Bbookb [only] ; was one of the oommsnders of the forces sent into BiMsy in (1511-12) 8 Hen. YIIL He m. firstly Elisabeth, Istda. snd coheir of Richard (Bbauohamp), 2d Babon Bkaucuaaip op FowTK,(f) by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Humphrey Staffobd. She, who inherited the manor of Alcester, co. Warwick, d. 10 Aug. 1503. He m, secondly Dorothy, da. of Thomas (Gbbt), 1st Mabqubbs or DoBSBT, by Cicely, wo jure Babonbbs HABiifQTON and Bomvilb. He d. s.p.m.s. of " a pestilential air,'* 10 Nov. 1521, when the Barony fell into alkyance,{^) He wss bur. at Bare Reg^ afed. Will pr. 1521. His widow m. before 4 Nov. 1528, ss his fourth wife, William (Blount), 4th Babon Mountjot, who d, 8 Nov. 1584. She was living 11 Feb. 1585/6, but her will was proved 1558. ///. 1558 f 3. Elizabeth de jure,Q) 9uo jure Baronbss Wh/- LOUOHBY DB Bbokb,(^) granddauKhter and eveutuallv (on the death of her two sisters who d, s.p. before her) sole heir, being 1st da. and coheir of Edward WiLLOnoHBY. by Margaret, da.(i) of John (Nkvill), 3d Lobd Latimbb, which Edward was 1st s. and h. sp., by his first wife, of the late Lord, but d. v.p. She, who in 1522 was in ward to Sir Edward Greville, of Milcote co. Warwick, m. sbout 1534 his second (•) See vol. ii, p. 81, note " a," $uh " Brooke." if) This John Willoughby was great grandson of Robert, Lord Willoughby de Bresby, being grandson and heir of his third son. Sir Thomas Willoughby, by Elizabeth, sister and heir of John (Nevill,) Lord Latimer, da. of Elisabeth, iuo jure Baroness Latimer. See tabular pedigree, p. 145, note *'a," and vol v, p. 24, note ** b," tub "Latimer." (0) CV*sa<i<mi, 1488-1646 in ap. 47th Rep. D.K. Pub. Records. The date given in

  • < Nicoloi " and <* OourAtfe " is " 12 Aug., 7 Hen. VIL, 1492."

{^) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his silting. (*) This was sold by his great granddaughter and heir. Dame Elizabeth Greville, to Sir Thomas Arundell. (0 According, however, to the Vid, of Devon in 1564 (as edited by F. T. Golby in 1881) she survived him, and remarried John Carew. X9r W See vol i, p.>7«; note " a," eub " Beauchamp." (h) The coheirs were his three granddaughters, children of his eldest son, E<lward WUloughbv, who d, v.p. See tabular pedigree in vol. v, p. 24, note "b," fti6

    • Latimer.'* Of these (1) Elisabeth, on the death s.p. of her two sisters, became

entitled to the Barony, as m the text ; (2) Anne, d. in infancy ; (8) Blanche, m. Sir Francis Dawtrey, and d. s.p. before her eldest sister. {}) In accordance with the decision of 18 Feb. 1695/6 whereby the Bsrony wss allowed to Sir Richard Yerney. The title, however, was not assumed, by any of the persons so entitled, between 1521 and 1696. (k) See vol. U, p. 81, note " b," tub " Brooke " (>) See Ubular pedigree iu vol. v, p. 24, note ** b," tub *< UUmer.*'