Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/161

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WILLOUGHBY 151 aoo, 8iR FuLRB Grbyillb, who, in hnr right became of Beauchamp's Court in Aleeater afsd. ; being Sheriff of co. Warwick, 1542-48 ; M.P. for that count v in 3 Paris, from 1647. He d, 10 Nov. 1669 and was bur. at Aloester. M.L Will pr. 1560. 8he obtained confirmation of the lands of her grandfather, to whom she was then sole heir (1560) 8 Elis., and d, 9 [—] 1560, being 6ttr. at Aloester afsd. HI. IV. 1660, 4' Sir FuLKB Qrkvillb. cfeyt*re(») Lord WiLLOUOHBT DB Brokr, Ist 8. and h., &. about 1536 ; knigkied at Keuil worth 1666, being then aged 29 ; was M.P. for oo. Warwick in 4 Farla. from 1686 ; proclaimed at Warwick the accession, in 1603, of James I. He m. about 1653, Anne, da. of Ralph (Nbvill), 4th Earl op Wrstmorijind, by Catherine, da. of Edward (Stafford), DuKB OF Bdokinobam. He d. 1606. Will pr. 1607. V. 1606. 6. Sir Fulrs Grbvillb, de. jw^) Lord' WiLLonoHBT DB Brorb, only s and h. ; 6. about 1564 ; was cr. 29 Jan. 1620/1 BARON BROOKK OF BEAUCHAMP'S COURT, 00. Warwick, with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his cousins Robert and William Qreville. He d, unm. 80 Sep. 1628 in his 76th year, when the Barony of Brooke of Beauchamp'i Court patied to the said Robert QreviUe^ (ancestor of the Earls Brooke, Earls of Warwidi[) but the right to the Barony of Willoughby de Broke dcToWed OS below. VL 1628. 6. Margaret, de jure{^) Baronbss Willouohbt db Brokb, only sister and heir; b. about 1661. She m. before 1684, Sir Richard Vbrnbt, of Compton Murdoch, otiierwise Compton Verney, oo. Warwick, who d. 7 Aug. 1630, in his 70th year, and was bur, there. M.I. Will pr. 1681. She d. 26 March 1631, also in her 70th year, and was bur, there. M.L VII. 1631. 7, Sir Grsvillb Vernby, dt jurtSf) Lord Willoughbt DB Brokr, 1st s. and h., b, about 1587. He in., 13 Mav 1618, Catherine, da. of Sir Robert Southwbll, of Woodrisiug, oo. Norfolk, by Ehsabeth, da. of Charles (Howard), 1st Earl of NomHOHAU. He d, 12 May 1642, in his 66th year, and wasfrur. at Compton af8d.(**) M.L Will pr. 1681. VIIL 16Ifi^ 8. Qrbvillb Vbrnbt, dejure{^) Lord Willouohbt db to Brokb, 1st s. and h., 5. about 1620. He m. Elisabeth, 4th da. and 1648. coheir of Thomas (Wbnman), 2d Vuoourt Wbvman of Toam [I.], by Margaret, da. and h. of Edmund Hampdbn. He d 9 Deo. 1648, aged about 28. His widow d. in childbed two months later. Both bur. at Comptco afsd. M.L IJ[. 1649. 9. Sir Qrbvillb Vbrnbt, dejure(^) Lord Willouohbt DB Brokb, posthumous and only child and heir, b. 26 Jan. 1648/9 ; K.B., 23 April 1661, at the coronation of Charles II. ; er. M.A. of Oxford, 28 Sep. 1668. He m., 29 Aug. 1667 (Uo. Fac.), Diana, 2d da. of William (Rubbbll), 1st DuRB of Bbdford, by Anne, da. and h. of Robert (Carr), Earl of Sombrsbt. He d in London, 28 July 1668, in his 20th year. Admon. 6 Aug. 1668. His widow, who was 6. 9 April 1662, m. (as his third wife), 16 July 1675 (Lie Fac.), William (Auroton), 8d Baron Aliroton of Killard [I.], and Ist Raron Auroton of Wtmondlbt, who d. 1 Feb. 1684/6. She d, 16 and was 6ur. 24 Dec 1701, with him, at Horseheath, co. Cambridge. X 1668. 10. AViLLiAM Vbrnbt, de jurel^) Lord Willouohbt db Brokb, only child and heir, b. 12 June 1668 ; d. in France, num., 23 Aug. 1683, aged 16. (<") See p. 160, note " i." (b) *' A gentleman accomplished with Binsular endowments and of a noble and courteous dispositiott.*' [Dugdale*s WarioUkikirt,