Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/162

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152 WILLOUGHBY. XL 1683 ; 11, Richard Vbbkby, de jurel^) iu 1 683 and dejaclo nJtnwA «n ^^ 1(^96, LORD WiLLOUQHBT DK Brokv, gieiii uucle Aud lieii*, being atiowea in g^ ^^^j ^^ g.^ Greville Vkrkbt, dejure 7th Lord. He wne 6. 28 Jau. 169l]. 1621 and was for someUiue of Belton, co, Rutland, being Sheriff of that county 1682 ; he auc. in the next year to the Warwickshire estates and to the representation of this Barony ; was M.P. for that county 1685 and 1688 and was Knighted 1 April 1685. Having; kiid claim, 21 Nov. 1694, to the Baronp of Bmhtt afterwards amended to that of WiUovghby de JBroke, as lineal heir to the person so sum. in 1491, the House of Lords decided, at first, agHin%t the claim('0 but, shortly afterwards resolved, 1$ Feb. 1695/6, in his favour as to the latter title. He received his writ accordingly, as LORD WILLOUGHBY DK BROK K, taking; his seat on the 28th as a Peer by descent, without ceremony, iu the ancient sent or place of hia ancestor, Sir Robert Willoughby. next above the Lord Eui'e.C*!) He in. firstly, before 1658, Mary, 1st da. of Sir John Prbttman, 1st Bart. [S.] of I^tdington, CO. Leicester, by Elisabeth, da. and h. of George Turpin, of Knaptoft. She was living 1676, but d. soon afterwards. He m. secondly, about 1677, Prances, da. of Thomas Dotb, of Upton, co. Northampton. He d. 18 July 1711, aged 90(<') and was bur. at Compton Yemey. Admon. [not till] 1 Dea 1762. XIL 1711. iiB. Qkobgb (Vbrnbt), Lord Willouqhby db Brokb, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. by first wifcO bap. 20 March 1659, pro- bably at Alexton, oo. Leicester ; ed. at Winchester ; mat. at Oxford (New Coll.), 24 March 1678/9, aged 18 ; B.A. and Fellow of his College, 1682 ; M.A. 1686 ; B.D. and D.D. 1699 ; in boly orders ; Rector of Uallaton (South mediety), 1683 ; Rector of Kimcote, co. Leicester, 1696 ; Rector of Southam, oo. Warwick, 1700 ; one of the Brothers of St* Katharine's near the Tower of Loudon ; Canon of Windsor, 1701 ; tuctotke puraget 18 July 1711. Dean of Windsor, 1714-28. He m. (settl. 29 Nov. 1688), Margaret, da. aud h. of Sir John Heath of Braated, oo. Kent, by Margaret, da. and h. of Sir John Mbnnbs, K.B., by (another) Margaret, da. aud h. of James (Stiwabt), Eabl 01^ CarriokC) and Lord Kinolkyxn [S]. He d. 26 Dec 1728 and was bur. at Compton Yemey aged about 68. Will dat. 11 Oct. 1724, pr. 29 Jan. 1728/9. His widow d, 18 Oct. 1729 aud was bur. with him. Her will dat 14 Sep., pr. 22 Oct. 1729. XIII. 1728. 13. RiOHARD (VBRlfBT), LoRD WiLLOUQHBY DB BllOKB, 4th but 1st surv. s. and h.(i>) ; 5. 1693 ; mat. at Oxford (New Coll.), (a) See p. 150, note " i." (^) John Yemey his next elder br. d. an infant 2 Aug. 1620. («) This dedsioa was on the ground that when a 'person possessed of a Barony by writ died *' leaving two or more daughters, sisters or other coheirs, the Barony became vested in the Crown, conformable to the opinion of the Judges [1625] iu the case of the Earldom of Oxford." [Cruise's Diynitiet, p. 198, edit 1823.] (^) CoUins's Baronies by WriiSt whereof there is a goo<l oi»itome in Ciiuho On Dignities. According to Luttrell's Diary on 10 Jan. 1694/5, '*The hou^e of I'cors tliid day debated Sir Richard Yerny's claim to the Barony of Brook and voted him no Peer," but, a year later, on 18 Feb. 1695/6, the Diary Aates that the Lords '* were this day upon the title of Sir Rich. Yerney, as to his being a Peer, and carried it, without dividing, that he is Ijord Willouglily of Brook.'* See Yul. ii, p. 31, uoio «* b." Jtt5, " Brooke," and Yol. ii, p. 802, note *' b," iub. ** Clifton." (®) Dugdale in his Warwidlsikire acknowledges his assistance and speaks of him as

    • happily qualified with most ingenious inclination ; " while Wright (in hia Rutland-

shire), calls him " a true lover of antiquities and a worthy Mcscenas." He was bom in the reign of James I. aud lived to withiu a few yearn of that of George i. (0 His elder br., John Yemey, who d. s.p.s. and v.p. 31 Oct. 1707, was of Alexton, CO. Leicester and was M.P. for that county in 4 parls. from 1698 to 1706. He was a barrister of the Middle Temple and aged 28 in 1681, aud it is said that it was diiefly thro' his advice that his father prosecuted the claim to the Peerage. He m. and had issue, 2 sons, who both d. young. (K) See Yol. iv, p. 889, note '*o" sub, "Kindeven" as to the possibility of that Barony [S.] being vested in the descendants of the grantee. (ii) Of his elder brothers (1), Qeorgo, b. IS Oct 1689, d. 16 March 1698, and whs bur. at BrasUd, co. Kent ; (2) Philip, 6. 1690, d. young ; (3) Thomas, b. 1692 ; mat At Oxford (New Coll.), 4 Sep. 1707, aged 17 id, of small poz, 5 May 1710, v.p., having