Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/163

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WILLOUGHBY. 153 30 Aug. 1711 ; tur. to the peerayt, 26 Dec 1728. He m. firstly, Penelope, or Rebeoea, da. of Clifton Packr, of PreMtwoIr), oo. l^icenter, by Penelope, dii. and b. of Kdward Batk, of MaMs Morton, niicks. 6he d, » p. Tbe burial entry of "Lady Wiltoughby da Broke," 17 Sep. 1730, at KenKington, most probably refei-s to her.(") He m. aecondly, Klisabeth, da. of Nathaniel Wilijams. nr Neheminh Walkrh, of Newport, co. Mou- uiniitli. He c/. B.p.8.(**) 11 Aug. 1752, nged nbout 60.;o) His widow d, 22 Jan. 1767. Admou. 16 Ang. 1767, to James Haynes, uepbew, and others, next of kin. XIV. 1752. IJf. John (Vbrnrv, afterwartU Pbyto-Vbrnby) Lord WiLLouoUDT Di llROKR, nephew and h., being only s. and h. of tbe Hon. John Vrrnbt, Msster of the Bolls (1738-41), bf Abigail, sister of Bobert, Ist Earl of Oxford and Mortinrr, only da. of Kdward Harlby, which John was 6th and yst s. of Qeorge, the penultimate Lord, and d, 5 Aug. 1741, in his 42d year. He was b, A Aug. 1788 ; mc. to the peerage, 11 Aug. 1752 ; mat at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 29 May 1756 ; er. M.A., 28 June 1758, and D.C.L.« 3 July 1750. In oomplisnce with the will of his cousin, Margaret Peyto, of Chesterton, co. Warwick, spinster, he took, about 1772, the name of Pepto liefore that of Vertfey ; was a Lord of the Bedchamber till his death. He m., 8 Oct. 1761 (spec, lie), in Audley street cliapel, St. Geo., Han. sq., Louisa, tst da. of Francis (North), 1st Earl of Guilford, by Elizabeth, da. of 8ir Arthur Katb, Bai?fc. She, who was 6. 23 March 1786/7, and bap. 17 April 1787, at St. Marylebone, d. at her husband's house in Jjondon, 2 April 1798, in her 61(it year, and was bur, at Ckimpton Verney. He d. ai Cumpton afsd. 15 and was bur, there 27 Feb. 1816, aged 77. Willpr. 1816. XV. 1816. 15. John (Pbtto-Vbrnby), Lord Willoughbt db Brokb, 1st s. and h. ; 6. 28 June and bap. 18 July 1762 ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 9 Not. 1780 ; ma. to the peerage, 16 Feb. 1816. He d. unm. 1 Sep. 1820, at Castle Carey, co. Somerset, in his 69th year. Admon. Nov. 1820. XVI. 1820. 16. Hbnrt (Pbyto-Vbrnby), Lord Willouohdy db Bkokr, only surv. br. and heir(<') ; b. 6 April and bap^ 8 May 1778 ; mat at Ozfonl (Oriel Coll.), 8 Nov. 1790 ; er. M.A., 8 May 1793 ; etie. tothe peerage, 21 Sep. 1820, taking his seat, 6 Feb. 1821. He m., 10 Msrch 1829, at the Cathedral of St. Arapli, Margaret, 8d da. of Sir John Wiluamb, 1st Bart., of Bodelwyddan, oo. Flinty by Margaret, da. and h. of Hugh Wiluams, of Twyfry, co. Anglesey. He rf. s.p. at Compton Verney, in his 80th year, 16 and was bur. there, 22 Ilec. 1862.(«) Will pr. Jan. 1853, His widow d. 8 Aug. 1880, at her seat, Plas Newydd, oo. Anglesey, aged 81. XVII. 1852. 17. UoiiBRT John (Barnard, itfienvardt, 1853, Vkrhrt), Lord Willououbt db Hrokk, nephew, by the sister, and heir, being 2d and yst. but only surv.,(0 s. and h. of the lie v. Bobert Barnard, Preb. of Winchester, Bector of Lighthome, co. Warwick, sud Vicar of Witney (who d. 26 Feb. 1834), by Louisa (6. 20 June 1769 ; m. 31 Oct. 1793, and d. 3 Feb. 1835), 5th of the 11 children, and the only one that had issue, of the 1 4 th I^ord. He was h.M Oot 1809 and bap. at I«ighthome afsd. ; ed. at Eton ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 17 April 1828 ; 9ue. to the peerage 16 Dea 1852, taking his seat 2 Msy 1853. Uy roysl lie 17 May 1853, iraue a posthumous da. and h., Elennor, who m., 1 Oct. 1724, Qeorge Bowes, of Gibside, co. Durham, and d. s.p. before 26 Dec 1728. (a) Lysons's ** Bnvirone nf London" edit 1795 tub ** Kensington.*' (b) George, his only child, by his i^econd wife, d. in infan<7. («) According to Foster's Alumni Oxonieneet he is " s«id to have assumed the title of Barl of Carrick in ScotUnd, vide ' Daily Advertiser,' Friday, 6 Feb. 1741." He, may indeed, possibly, have been entitled to the Barony of Kincleven. [S.], cr, 1607 (see vol. iv, p. 389, note "c," tub that title), but the remainder of the Earldom of Carrick [S.], er. 1628, wns, apparently, to heirs mslo of the body. (*) Of the two intermediate brothers (1), Qeorse Peyto- Verney, b. 25 June 1768, d. 11 June 1773 ; (2) Francis Peyto-Veruey, b. 13 May 1772, d. July following. («) In politics a conservative ; very fond of mechanical pursuits ; reputed one of the richest fund-holders of the aristocracy." (0 His elder br. Bobert was 6. 31 Aug. and d. Sep. 1806, being lur. at Lighthorne.