Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/164

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154 WILLOUOHBY. he took for hioiaelf aud bU iiisue iho name of Verncjf in lieu of that of Barnard, with authority to aign that nauie before hia title of peerage. He m. 26 Oct. 18'I2, at Saodhursti Qeoi^aua Jaue, 8d da. uf Major Geu. Thomaa Williaiu Tatlob, O.B., of Ogwell, 00. Devon, by Auue Harvey, da. of John PtTBU, of Gatton, ca Surrey. He d, auddenly 5 June 186*2 in Groavenor street, aged 62. Hia widow d. 7 March 1880, at Lighthorue Rectory, aged 65. XVII r. 1862. 18. Hbnry (Vbrnby, bom IUrkard), Lord Wil- LOUOHBT DB Bbokb, lat 8. and h., b, at Kineton, co. Warwick, 14 Mav and b*tp, 13 July 1844 ; received (with hia father) royal lie. 17 May 1863 to take the name of Verney in lieu of that of Barnard ; ed. at Eton ; nic. io ^ peerage 6 June 1862 ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Gh.) 17 Oct. 1862 ; Hon. Ool. Warwickshire Yeomanry, 189S He m. 17 Oct. 1867, at Great Budworth, Cheahire, Geraldine, lat da. of Jamea Hugh Smith Babby, of Marbury Hall, in that county, and Foaty ialand, eo. Cork, by Eliia, da. of Shaloroaa Jaosom, of Newton Bank, Cheahire^ She d. 21 Deo. 1894, after a long ilkiisaa, at Kineton Houae afad. 21 Deo. 1894, aged 47, and waa Mir. at Compton Veruey. FamUif JPitotei.— Theae, in 1888, conaiated of 12,621 acrea in Warwickahire ; 2,980 in Linoolnahire ; 929 in Northamptonahire ; 688 in Somenet ; 666 in Staffordahire ; 896 in Angleaey, and 126 in Leiceaterahire. Totals 18,146 acrea, worth £23,916 a year. Princ^al SeaL — Compton Vemey, near Stratford upon Avon, oo. Warwick. WILLOUOHBY DE ERESBY. See <' Willouohbt/' 3arouy (Willoughbjf), er, 1313, the 3d Baron and hia auooeaion being aum. in 1860 aa " WiUtmghhjf de ErtAjf,** WILLOUOHBY OF PARHAM. Barony. i. Sir Wiixiam Willouqiiuy of Parlmin, co. Suflblk, wim I. 1547. ** *"*' '*' ^' ^"' ^^^'■^^I^ WjLLOUUiiBr, of tliu aiiuie, by Eiizabuth, da, (whoae idaiio became eventunlly coheir) to Sir Gilbert Talboys, uf Kyme, co. Liuoolu, which Chriatopher waa next br.(^) to William, Lord Willouohbt ub Ebksbt, who inherited that Barony in 1606. He waa 6. about 1616 ; diBtinguialied himself in the wars of Henry VIlI , waa knighted and waa one of the batch of Pee»(^) made on the acoeaaion of Udward VI., being er. 20 Feb. 1646/7, BARON WILLOUOHBY OF PARHAM, co. Suffolk. He waa Lieut Got. of Cahtia 1660-68 ; waa one of the 26 Peer8(^) who, in 1663, aigned the leUera patent of Ed. Vi whereby the Crown waa aettled on Lady Jane Grey. He m. firatly, about 1636, Elisabeth, da. and h. of Sir Thomaa Hdwagb, of Hamton and Knaith, 00. Lincoln, Chief Gent, of the Privy Chamber, by Katharine, da. of Sir John Skifwith, of Ormeaby, ca Lincoln. He m. aeoondly, in or after 1663, Mamr«t, Dow. YuoouNTBM Hbbevobd, da. of Robert Gabnkys, of Kenton, co. Suffolk, by Anne, da. of Thomaa Baooh, of Baoonthorpe, co. Norfolk. He d. Aug. 1674 and waa 6iir. at Parham. Will dat at Doncaater 10 Deo. 1669, pr. Auc. 1574. Hia widow, by whom he had no iaaue, direota in her will, dat 13 Feb. 1698/4, pr. 28 Jan. 1699/6()0i that ahe ahould be 6ttr. with him at Parham. IL 1674. i9. Charlbs (Willoughbt), Baron Willoughdy of Parham, only a. and h. by firat wife ; matria aa a peuaioner of Hag. Coll. Cambridge, May 1661, being then under 14 ; «uc. to tie peerage in Aug. 1674. He m. Margaret, da. of Edward (Ciwtom), lat Eabl of Limooln, bv hia firat wife Elizabeth (aometime miatreaa of Henry VllL), Dow. Babonbss Talbotb, da. of Sir John Blount, of Kinlet, Salop. He c(. in 1603.l<i) (*) Thomaa Willoughby, a yr. br. of the aaid William and Chriatopher, ia anoeator of the Barona Middleton, who ainoe 1779 are apparently the repreaentativea, in the male line, of that illuatrioua family. See tabular ped. p. 146, note " a." 0>) See vol. iv, p. 228, note ** b,'^«ti3 " Hertford,'^ aa to theae Peera. (0) See ToL iii, p. 70, note **t" wb " Derby for their namei. (^) Segar*a Baronagtun^