Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/165

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WILLOUGHBV. 155 III. 1603. 3, William (Wilix>uoiibt Baron Wilix)uohbt op Parham, gmndsoti and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. William WiLLoroHBT, of Cots, by Blizabetb, da. and h. of Sir Ohristopber Hildtard, of Winestead in Holderneas, which Willimn was 1st n. and h. ap. of the late Baron, but d. v. p. in 1601 (') He was b. 1584 and me. to the peerage in 1603. He m. (lie. Lincoln 4 Feb. 1602/3 to marry at Woolsthorpe) Kranoe8,(*) 2d da. of John (Mamnirs), 4th Karl or Rutland, by Elizabeth, da. of Francis Charlton, of Apley, oo. Salop. He d. 28 Aug. 1617, and was bur. in Lincoln Cnthedral. Will dat. 26 Aug. 161 7» pr. 28 Not. 1618. luq. post mortem 14 Oct. 1617. His widow, who was 6. (p<ietbumous) at Winkboiime, Notts, 22 Oct. 1588, is sai<l to have d. in 1643. Will, in which she directs her burial to be at Knaith, dat. April 1642,(^) pr. 3 May 1653 [tie}. IV. 1617. 4' Hbnry (Willouohbt), Baron Willouohby of Parham, lets, and h., aged 4 years and 11 months, on 14th Oct 1617. He d. an infant shortly after his father.(«) V. 16181 S. Francis (Willoughby), Baron Willouohby of Parham, br. and h.. b. abont 1614 ; $ue, to the peerage about 1618; was a eomtnenaidU at Eton (as " Lord Willoby ") 1624 ; sided with the Pari, on the breaking out of the civil war and it as one of the 237 Commanders((*) in the army of the Commonwealth ; capitulated at Newark, March 1643 ; took and held for some days Oainsborongh, July 1643 ; was accused by the Pari, of high treason, 7 Ang. 1647 and made his peace with the King in 1648. He obtained from the Earl of Carlisle, in 1647, a lease for 21 years of the Cnribbee islands and the post of Lieut.-Qen. thereof, he paytns half profits to the BarKs creditors. He arrived at Barbados 29 April 1650 and proclaimed Charles II. for whom he held the Government till 1651, as he did subsequently from 1663. In the interval he endeavoured to take Lynn in 1659 for the King, but was taken prisoner in his own house. He m. before 1634, Blimbeth,(') 2d da. and coheir of Edwvd (Oboil), yi8CX)UNT WlMBLKDON, by his first wife, Theodosia, da. of Sir Andrew NoBL of Dalby, CO. Leicester. She was living 15 Feb. 1650^1, but dead before July 1666, the date of her husband's will. He d, s.p.m.s.(>), bemg drowned (with all hands) July 1666, in a hurricane off Martinique. Will dat 17 July 1666, pr. 11. May 1678. VI. 1666. 6. William (Willouohby), Baron Willouohby of Parham, only snrv. br. and h. male; b. about 1616, was (with his elder br.) a eommetiMalie at Eton, 1624 ; me. to the peerage in July 1666, becoming also Qovemor of the Caribbee islands, 1666-73. He bad, previously, purchased the estate of Knaith from his brother, tlie late Lord. He m. about 1636, Anne, da. of Sir Philip Carey, of Sianwell, co. Middlesex, and Ilunslet by l^eeds, oo. York (yr. br. of Henry, 1st VisoouNT Falkland [S.]) by Blisabetli, da. and h. of Hichard Bland, {*) Her issue became, in 1687, coheirs of the ancient Barony of de Roe, which was allowed in 1806 to her descendant. Bee tabular pedigree in vol. vi, p. 406, note "b," evb "Roe." (^) She had, shortly before that date, proved, 14 July 1641, the will of one of her daughters, Elisabeth Willougliby, who directs her burial to be at Hambleden, or elsewhere, as her mother " Lady Frances Willoughby " shall direct («) The existence of this Henry is ignored by Vincent, Dugdale and Segar and all the older writers. He is n<it mentioned mmiinatim in his Father's will, where eitiier he, or his brother Francis may be indicated by the term of " my eldest son.** He is, however, mentioned in his father's inq, pott mortem as his heir, which, unless we suppose " Henry '* to be an error for " Francis " (which is not the view taken by Nicolas or Courthope) proves his then existence. (d) Seevol. I p. 290, note <<d tub. Bedford." In the list there given he is called Col. WUtiam Willoughby, Lord WUIotighby of Parham, but apparently this Franeit (not his br. Willianif who was not then a Peer) is meant (•) See vol. vii, p. 414, note "e" tub "Townshend" as to his having been brought over to the Kins's unrty by Sir Horatio (afterwards Viscount) Townshend. (0 The Diar^ of Lady Wiilaughby, 1635-63, an interesting though fictitious and not altogether accurate work (2 parts 1846-48), purports to be written by her. (K) The representation of a moiety of the Barony of Ros devolved in 1679 on the descendants of his daughters. See note " a ** above.