Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/175

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WILTSHIRB. 165 II. 1449, 1. Sir Jambs Butlbr, otherwUe Ormond, s. and h. np. to of Jnmes (Botlbr), 5th Eabl of Ormond [I.] by his first wife, 1461 Elizabeth, da. of William (BBArcRAMp), Lord AbbroavinnTi was 6. 24 Not. 1420 ; Knighted 19 May 1426 and was er. T.p. 8 July 1449, BARL OF WILTSHIRE and sam. to pari, as such 28 Sep. following. He tue, his father, 22 Aug. 1452, as Earl of Ohhond [L], was K.G. and sometime Treasurer of England. He d, s.p. being taken prisoner at Towton (fighting for Hen. VL) and was beheaded at Newcastle 25 April 1461.(*) He was attainted 4 Nov. 1461, when aU hi$ honoun became forfeited, but, in any ease, the Earldom of Wiltshire would have become extinct on his death B.p. See fuller portioularB under " Ormond " Earl- dom [L], er. 1828 under the 6th EarL III. 1470. 1. Lord John Stafford, oikerwiie Buckingham, 3d surv. 8.(^) of Humphrey (Stafford), Ist Durb of Buokinoham, by Anne, da. of Ralph (Nbvill), Ist Earl of Wbbtmorland, was b. before 1440 ; Knighted by Ed. IT. 29 March 1461. Oupbearer at the insUIIation feast of the Archbp. of York, 1465 ; Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, 1469 and was er, 5 Jan. 1470(«) EARL OF WILTSHIRE, being sum. to Pari. 19 Aug. 1472. He was in high favour with Vtl IV. ; was Chief Butler of England, 1471 ; el. K.Q. 24 April 1472. He m., before July 1468, Constance, da. of Sir Henry Grrbnb, of Drayton, 00. Northampton, by Constance, da. and coheir of Sir Hugh Potn mos, s. and h. ap. of Thomas, Lord St. John db Ba8IN0.(<^) He d. 8 May 1478. Bsoh. 18 Ed. IV. The will of his widow is dated 1478. I v. 1473, fd. Edward (Stafford), Earl of Wii/fshirs, only s. to and h. h. 7 April 1469 ; »ue. to the peerage, 8 May 1478 ; K.B., 1499. when but 6 years old, 18 April 1475 ; bearer of the crown of the Queen Consort, 7 July 1488, at the coronation of Rich. III.,(®) and was sum. to pari. 15 Sep. 1485. He in, Margaret, saidO to be "da. of Edward Qrbt of Lisle" [ted queere}. He d. s.p. in his 80th year, 24 March 1499, when the peeraoe became extinct. He was hur. with his maternal ancestors at Luffwick, oo. Northampton. M.I.(8) Will dat. 21 March 1498/9, pr. 24 April 1499. His wife survived him. ,.^_^^_^_^^^^_______^^ regarded as annulled ; it was abandoned, ns the five contemporary Dukedoms and the [one] Marquessate were by the parties most interested, and this determination was acquiesced in by the person who could have claimed it, if rightly granted . . . WUIiam Le Scrope was actuallv a Lord of Pari, for two years, as Enri of Wiltdiire, but it [the Earldom] was certainly regarded, without remonstrance, either as [having been] forfeited, or extinct (by the death of the grantee without children) in the Pari, of 1 Hon. IV.'* It may bo observed that the EarFs widow is spoken of, 27 Jan. 1899 (Exit PeU, Mich. 1 Hen. IV.) as " Isabelle, que fuit uz. WUli le Sorop, MU., nup. Com, WUiee, def., consang. Dni. nri. Regis." [Delta's Order of the Garter, p. 851.] (*) See vol. vi, p. 141, note "d," ttt& "Ormond," as to his apparently having lived much longtir, 1472-75. if) His affiliation, rightly given in " Nieolat," has been erroneously altered by Courthope to ** second s. of Humphrey, s. and h. of Humphrey, 1st Duke of Bucking- ham." Bv this alteration he has contrived to misstate the parentage of no less than two out of the three Earls of Wiltshire with which he has dealt. It is certain that this John was (as Dugdalo makes him) a son, not a grandson, of the 1st Duke. Of his elder brothers (1) Humphrey, styled Earl of Stafford, was slain v. p. 22 May 1455, leaving a s. and h. Henry, (5. 4 Sep. 1454), who on 10 July 1460 (at his age of 5) became Duke of Buckingham ; (2) Sir Henry Stafford, step father to Hen. VII. He, in his will, 2 Oct 1481, expressly mentions hit brother, John, Earl of Wiltshire. («) The date of the Writ to the Sheriff of Wilts directing the payment of the annuity of £20 out of the county, and reciting the creation, but no enrolment of the grant of the Earldom, is to be found on the Patent or Charter Rolls." — [Oourtitope,] (^) See ped. of Poyuings in Suuex Arch, Soe,, vol. xv. i*) See vol. iii, p. 8, note " o," $ub " Daere *' for r list of the nobles then present. (8) His handiome face, from his effigy engraved in Ctough'i Sepulchral Monumente, is reproduced in '* Doyle,