Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/176

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166 WILTSHIRE ~ WIMBLEDON. Y. 1510, 1. Lord Hbkrt Si*afford, X.O., 2d & of Henry i(> (Stavford), 2d Dukm of Buokinquam (nephew of John, cr. Eaul 1523. OF WiLT&HiRB ill 1470 as afsd.), by Katharine, da. of Richard (Wyovillx), Earl Rivrbs, waa 6. about 1479; el. K.O. before 4 May 1505 ;(») and waa cr. 27 Jan. inO,(b) EAUL OF WILTSHIRE, being auui. to pari. 28 No7. 1511 ; P.O. 1526. He m. flratly, Muriel, da. of Edward (Qrby), VisoouNT L'Ibm, by Elizabeth, da. of John (Talbot), Viscount L'Islk. She d, B.p. He m. seoondly, after Sep. 1501, Cicely, fwo ;ure Babonbab Haringtun and Bonyillb (aae those dignitiea), widow of Thomaa (Grbt), Mabqubbs ov Durbbt. He (f. a.p., 6 April 1623, aged about 44, when his jpeeraye became exUnet, His widow d.l2 April 1680 and was bur, (with her first husband) at Astley, oo. Warwick. Will, in which (ignoring her second and la«t husband) she styles herself ** Marquess of Dorset, Lady Harynton and Bonvyll," dat 6 May 1627, pr. 5 Noy. 1580. VI. 1529, I, Thomab (Bolbyn), Vibcoukt Roohford, waa er. to 8 Dea 1529, EARL OF WILTSHIRE [B.], with (the usual) rem. 1538. to heirs male of his body, being er, at the same date EARL OF ORMOND [I.] with rem. to his heirs general.(«) He was 2d s. of Sir William Bolbtm, by Margaret, 2d and yst. do. and coheir of Thomas (Butlbr), 7th Earl of Ormond [I.], who was br. and e?entuaUy heir to James (Rutlbr) 6th £ABLOFOBiiOHD[I.],which James 1449 Earl ovWiltsuiub asisabovuBUted. Hed, B.p.m.B., 18 March 1688/9, aged 61, when the Earldom of WUUhire became extinct. For fuller particulan see " Ormond " Earldom [I.], er. 1828, under the 8th Earl. .,_^______^_._^ VII. 1550. t. " William Paulkt, Knt., Lord [Dominue] St. John, Grand Master of the Household," (<>) was cr. 19 Jan. 1649/50 EARL OF WILTSHIRE. Within two years of that date he was er., 12 Oct 1661, MARQUESS OF WINCHESTER (•) See that dignity. WIMBLEDON. Visoountoy. i. The Hon. Sir Edward Cbcil, 3d son of Thomas I 1625 (Cboil), Ist Earl of Exktbb, by his first wife Dorothv, da. and " . ' coheir of John (Nbvill), 8d Lord Latimbr, was 6. 29 Feb. 1671/2 ; 1 ^QA served in the Low Countries 1696, being in command at the battle 1000. ^j| Nieuport, and being in 1601 at the relief of Ostend, «»n return from which he was hniyhted by Queen Eiis., 18 Sep. 1601. He was M.P. for Aldborough (co. York) 1601 ; for Chichester, 1614 and 1621-22, and for Dover, 1624-26. In 1602 he was Col. of the English Horse in the Dutch service, and distinguished himself under Prince Maurice; in 1610 he was in command (>) In the Paston letters (iii, p. 404) the gorgeous apparel in 1606 of "my Lord Harry of Stafforth " and of his '^courser " is mentioned. (b) This is the daU given in " DoyU," In « Oreaiioni, 1488-1646 " (ap 47th Rep. D. K. Pub. Records) the date of the creation of " Henry Stafibrd, Knt," as Earl of Wiltshire is given bb " 1609 or 1610, month not mentioned." It is added that " This dignity wss conferred with assent of ParL ; Patent Roll (No. 610) 1 Hen. Vlll., p. 17, m. 2. (27). A marginal note statee that this enrolment was vacated because the creation bad been enrolled on the Charter roll. It has not been found on the Charter roll., temp. Hen. VIII." (c) See vol. VI, p. 144, note <<c," tub "Ormond" for the explanation of the&e different remainders, the creation as to tlie Irish Earldom of Ormond being there considered as equivalent to the Urminaiion of ike abeyance thereof. (<l) Oreationt, 1483-1646 in ap. 47th lUp. D.K. Pub. Records. (•) Banks (Bar, Angl vol. i, p. 877) says, eub " Poynings," that when the Marquessate of Winchester was created ike karhiom of WUt$kire wat resigned and the patent cancelled, adding that this was '* a proceeding not then uncommon, as in the case of Pembroke, temp, Ed. IV ; and, it seems, the vacancy was so looked upon bv Queen Elis., who, aooonling to Naunton, is said to have offwed the Earldom [of Wiltshire] to her cousin, the Lord Hunsdon." See p. 172, note *' c*'