Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/178

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168 WIMBORNB — WINCHESTER* WItiBORNE OF CANFORD MAGNA. Barony. 1, Siji Ivor-Bbrtib Gubst, Bart, of Dowlais, co. Glamor- I 1880 ^'^"^ '^"^ ^^ Canfonl Magna, co. Dorset, lata, aud h. of Sir ioaiuh John GUBST, iSart (ao er. 14 Aug. 1888) of Dowlais afa(l.,«ueuiinetit Iron-miist«r, by hia aecond wife, Charlotte Elisalieth,(«) only da. of Albemarle (Bbkiib), 9th Eabl op Limdsby, waa b. 29 Aug. 1835, at Dowlais ; cd nt. Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge; M.A.. 1856, having previoualy, 26 Nov. 1852, inc. kU lather in Ike Baruneicif ; waa High Sheriff for co. Q la morgan, 1862, an waa cr. 80 April 1880, BA HON WIM BORN K OF CANPOUD MAQNA,(>>) co. Dorset. Ha waa Mayor of Poole, 1896-97. He m. 25 May 1868, Cornelia HenrietU Marin, 1st da. of John Winston (Spb.nobb-Chukohill), Dukb ok Marlborough, by Fraucea Anna Emily, da. of Cliarlea William (Vamb, formerly Stkwabt), 8d Marquees of LonDONDBBBT [I.] She waa 6. 17 Sep. 1847.-t= PamUy i?ilalei.— Tlieae, in 1883, oonaiated of 17.400 acrea in Donetahire ; 5,820 (worth £27,979 a year) in Qlamorganahire ; 310 in Breoonahire and 9 in Ham|)shire, besides 60,000 (worth bnt £1,180 a year) in lioss-shire. ^Ua/, 83,539 acres, worth £46,856 a year. Principal RetitUnou. — Canford Manor, near Wimbome, co. Dorset ; Dowlais Houaa, oo. Glamorgan ; and Glencarron Lodge, co. Roes. WIM BORNE ST. GILES. «.d.. <' AfiRLBY OF WlMDORNB St. GiLBB, CO. DoiSCt," BarOliy {CiHtpfn), er, 1661 ; aae " SuAFTBsbUBT," Earldom, cr. 1672. WINCHENDON. ».«., " Winchendon, co. Bucks," Yisoountoy ( Wharton)^ cr, 1 706, with the Eabldom of .MThabtoh; see "Whabion," Marqueisate, er. 1715 ; all becoming ex., with the Dukedom of WkarUm, 1731. WINCHESTER. [This Earldom wsa, in the earlier centuries, evidently considered equivalent to the Earldom of the county of Southampton, just as Shrewsbury, Salisbury, &c., were to the counties of Salop, Wilta, &c. It was not till 1587 that an BJarldom of Southampton as distinct from Winchester was conferred.] EarlAom. 1, Sbybr db Qoinoi(^) b. of Robert db Quinoi (pro- I 1207 bably br. of Seyer DB QuiNCi, of Bnckby, co. Nurthauipton) by Orabilis, apparently widow of an early Eaiil op Mak [S.], da. of one Nbss, of Leuchars, co. Fife(<'), was b. about 1155, being, tho' then young, one of the knights who, in 1173, adhered to King Henry the younger, in his rebellion against his father(**) an<t waa a witneaa in 1174 to the treaty between them ; was Costellar of Nonancourt in Normandy, 1180-84 ; was one of the escc^rt of William, King of Scotland, to Lincoln and a witness of his homage there to King John in Nov. 1200. Having m., between 1168 aud 1173, Margaret, 2d and yst da. of Robert (di Bbaumont), Kablof Lbiobstbr, by Petronilla, da. and probably sole Leirof Hugh (a) She, who waa 6. 19 May 1812, m. aecondly 20 April 1855, Chariea Schruiber (who d. 31 March 1884), and waa well known (as "Lady Ohariotte Schreiber ") both aa an authoress and as a collector of curiosities. She <i., 15 Jan. 1895, aged 82. {^) The greater being deaoribed as of the lest, aa in the absurd instances of " Leicester of Holkham," "Truro of Bowes," Ac («) From " Cfuinchy, between B6thune and la Bnsaco, on the frontier of Artoin and Flandera. This can he sliewn with some degreu of probability." [G. W. Watson's "Ancient Earls of Leicester" in 7%e Oenealoyitl, N.S., Vol. x, pp. 116.] {^) Ness and his da. Orabilis, bestow the church of Leuchara on the convent of St. Andrew's "about 1180." She, " before 1199," being then designed " Comitibsa do Mar " attests the same, which was confirmed by her son, Saher de Quincy, before 1207, hia father, Robert de Quincy, being a witneas. See the Oenealoyia, N.S., Vol. !▼., p. 179, note 1, to Burnett's XaHy EarU of Mar, but it may be noted that aa Morgund, Earl of Mar, was living 1178 it could not be his widow (as there conjec- tured) that was mother of Saher, who was a young Knight as early as 1172. (•) Oesta Ilenrici 11, i, 46.