Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/179

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WINCH KSTEK. lb DR QRBifTRiminL, he beeame, in her right, by the death B.p., 20 or 21 Oet 1204» of her only br. Robert, Rarl op Leickstbr (called ** PiU Pemdl") coheir to a moiety (i^) of the vnet eetntcfl of the Beaumont and Grentemeiinil families. He consequently received a charter, 18 March 1207, of an annuity of £10 **de eaaiibui comiiaUiM ^^'utknmpt.p. man. Vic. SiUh. ajtd. Mint,, no* it Cnmitii** whereby he became an Enri, and was known as KARL OF WINCMKSTKR, "tho* SOUTHAMPTON was the title which the usnge of the period would seem to have conferred.**(*') From 1205 to 1207 lie T-ftld the office of Steward, as custodian of the lands of the Earldom of Leicester, but '. ) the last named year the Stewanlship was confirmed to the new Earl. In 1210 he accompanied King John to Ireland ; from 1211 to 1214 heactedas Justiciar, sitting (1212) in the Exchequer ; in May 1212 was joint Ambassador to the Empenir Otbo ; in May 1218 was a witness of the King's surrender of his crown to the Pope ; was excommunicated in 1216, being, in June 1215, one of the 25 Barons, guardians of the Magna Charta^ and was one of those who, in Jan. 1215/3, brought over Prince Louis of France, to whom, even after the accession of Hen. III. (Oct- 1216) he adhered, being joint Commander of the Barons's army, April to May 1217. Two years later he joined the Crusade during the siege of Damietta, and d. abroad, 8 Nov. 1219, being bur. at Acre.(e) His widow d. 12 Jan. 1235/6.(d) II. 1219? 2. IIOOKII (l)R QuiNOY), KaiU. of WlNCllKSTKlt, 2(1 to s. and h. male,(*) who was excommunicnted, with his father, in 1264. 1216, had seisin of his father's lands Q Feb. 1221, and was in command in the army in Poitou in 1222, hut, inasmuch as his mother held the vast estates of her family (which had obtained the KaHdom for his fnther), he does not appear to have been ra^tgniied at Earl of Winrhrtter till after her dctth in Jan. 1286/6. Having m. before 1234, Helen, da. and cohoir(0 of Alan, Lord ok Gallo- way [S.] by Margaret, Istda. of David (Lb Soot) Karl op Huntingdon, next br. to William the Lion, King of Scotland, he was in her right, 1235, owner t^f a iHrge |)art of Galloway and Constablnof Scotland. By the death, s.|i., in 1246, nf hin wife*s sister, the Countess of Albemarle, he ac^nire<l a further )K)rtion nf thnt district. Galloway, however, rebelle<l against him in 1247, and was with difriciilty siibdue<1. In 1242 he served in Quienne ; was in the parls. of 1248 and 1264, which censured the Ring's government; was, in 1257, an arbitrator between the King of Scotland and his nobles, and, in 1268, was one of the 12 deputies from the llarons to treat with the King's Council. He m. firstly as almvpstated. He m. secondly, after Jan. 1246, Maud, widow of Anselm (Marshal), Earl of PmiBROKB, da. of Humphrey (UK Bohvn), Earl of Hkrbford and Kssrx, by hiti first wife, Maud, da. of Ralph D'ISxooDUN (de Lusignan), Count of Rit, in Norraan<1y.(<) She, who desired to be buried at Brackley. d. s.p. 20 Oct. 1252. Ho f«. thinlly, before 18 Jan. 1268, Eleanor, widow of William DB Vauz, 7th da. of William (Frrrbrs), 6th Earl of Dkrbt, by his first wife, Sybilla (to whom she was coheir), da. and coheir of Willinm (MarsiiaIi) C^) The other moiety descended to the cliildnn of Amicin, eldeiit KiHtor of the said Margaret, among whom was Simon de Montfort, cr. Enil of Leicester in 1207. (^) Courthojie* (0) M. Paris calls him " Miles strenuus et elegnns.*' His arms (from liiK ntal) were [or] a fesse [^m] with a through-label of 7 points in chief [nzHrc but W*me. of IiIh sou, the 2*^ Earl (also from Uie seal), which are blnzoned in Chailet't Uoll an " dn );iinltts, poudr6 h fause losengez, d*or," appear to have been Q/m] 7 masclcs conjoined, 3, 3 and 1 [or]. Both coats are engraved in " Doyle,** (d) She d. 12 Jan. (necrol. of the Abbev of St. Evroult) [G. W. W.itiioii]. l^) " Some writers assert that Uobcft, the eldest son, who accompaniiMl hin fnther tu the Holy Jjand, returned to England only to find hin itdieritnnc« »fir.o«l by hi^ younger brother, whose right to it he unsuccessfully disputeil " [CouHhof^]. "It is, however, certain'* that this llobert "cf. [v.p.] iu 1217" [fice Nat HuHfr.], He, however, by his wife Hawyse, sometimes ctiusiilered as mo jure Countess of Lincoln, had a da. and b., Margaret, m^ John de Lacy, er. 1232 (by reason of Kiioh marriage) Enrl of Lincoln. It is to be observed that no claim to the Earldom of Winchester was ever moote<l on behalf of this Margaret, who wns ex parte patemu the heir general thereto, but who was doubtless satisfied with the {ex ^tarte maternA) Earldom of Lincoln. (0 Dervorgilda, who m. John Baliol, was another such coheir, in whose right John Baliol, her sou (as heir at line of David I [S.]), was crowned King of Scotland in 1292. (K) See vol. vi, p. 208, note "g," tub ** Pembroke."