Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/180

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170 WINCHESTER. Babl or PuiBBOKi. He d. B.p.nL(*) 26 April 1264, when the Earldoui lafod io the Crown. Hie widow m. (ae lier third hu^bend) Roger DB Lbybodbnb, Wardeu of the Cinque ports, who </. 1271 (before 7 Not.) and whom she eurvived. IIL 1322, 1. Hugh (Lb Dbspencbr), Lord Lb Dbspbngbr, to was cr., 10 May 1822, BAUL OP WINCHfiSTEU for life, 1326. with rem. to hie sou, Hugh, and hie heira. He waa hanged by the furcea of the Queen Couaort, laabella, 27 Oct. 1826, outside the city of Briatol, aged 64, and, haviug been convicted of high treason by Tm-l.toU kis kowmn became /or/etted. See fuller particulars under " Dbspbnobb " Barony, 1295 to 1826. lY. 1472. 1, Lbwis DB BRuaB8,(**) or Van Bruoohb, Seigneur de la Qruthuyse, Prince of Steenhuyse, Seigneur d' Avelghem, Hamstede, Oostcamp, Thielt ten-hove and Bevereu in Flandera, was only s. and h. of John IV., Seigneur de la Qruthuyse, &c.,(<>} by Margaret, da. and h. of Felix, Prince of Steen- huyse and Seigneur d' Avelghem ; was b, about 1427 ; sue. his father in or after 1488; was Cupbearer to Philip, Duke of Burgundy, 1449, by whom he was knigkUd, 22 July 1453, at the battle of Qavre, and to whom (1461) he was Chamberlain and Councillor ; was made a Kniqht ov thb Qoldbn Flbbor at the Chapter held at St Omer, 2 May 1461, and waa Lieut. Qen. of Holland, Zealand and Friealand, 1468 to 1477, in which capiicity he received Edward IV., when a fugitive at Alckmaer, 9 Oct. 1470, and entertaining him magnificently at Bruges till 19 Feb. 1471. By that King, he, not long afterwards, being on an embassy to England, was or. 18 Oct. 1472, EARL OF WJNOHESTBU, " with an annuity of £200 per annum [vie, £20] out of the county of Southampton, besides a grant [of £180] out of the customs payable at the port of Southampton."(<*) In the next month he received a grant of Arm8.(*) He was a oommissr. from England, March 1478, to treat with the Hausetowns ; was deprived of the Qovemoi'ship of Holland, &a, in consequence of a law, 28 Jan. 1476/7, excluding aliens from office ; was Chamberlain to the Duchess Mary of Burgundy in 1478 ; was an opponent of the Archduke Maximilian and was consequently imprisoned in Jan. 1485, but bis proiierty, which had been forfeited, was restored by the treaty of 10 May 1488. He m., about 1455, Margaret, da. of Henry van Bobssklk, Heer van der Veere, in ZiCaland, Count of Qrandpi^ in Champagne, by his second wife, Jane, da. of Oliver tan Halbwtii, Heer van Laoken and Hemserode. He d. at Bruges, 26(0 ^nd was 6ur. (*) He left three daughters and coheirs by his first wife, vis,, (1) Margaret, m. as his second wife her step-mother's father, William (Ferrers) 5th Earl of Derby ; (2) Elizabeth, or Isabel, pliglite«l 8 Feb. 1240 to Hugh Neville (who d 1269), but m. Alexander (Comyn), Earl of Buchan [S.] ; (3) Helen, or Ela, m. Sir Alan La Zouche, of Ashby-de-1a-2^uohe, Constable of the Tower of London, 1267, who (i. before Got 1270. (b) por the information reacting this Earl and his son, the*Editor is indebted to 0. W. Watson's Two Earlt of WtnckeUtr, [Oenealogittf N.S., vol. xiv.] For some account of Lewis de Bruges see an article by Sir F. Madden, in the ArdicBUogia, xxvi, p. 270. (0) He paternally belonged to the anoient family of Van der Aa, of Brabant, but the wife of his ffreat-great-grandfather, Qerard d*Aa, was Anne (or Catherine), da. and h. of Quildolf, Sire de la Qruthuyse de Bruget, living 1292. (<i) '< Oourthope" where is added " but without a teat in Pari" There is, however, nothing in the Charter itself (save tlie omission of words expreedy conferring such seat), to warrant such a statement (which is not to be found in " Dugdalt," or in " Vincent on Brooke "), neither was the peerage one for life [aa seems to be implied in " Courikope^" p. Iviii], but to heirs male of the body. Copies of this charter are in Watson's and Madden's articles as in note " b " above. (*) These were Azure^ 10 maacles, 4, 8, 2 and 1, or; on a canton (^*de nostre propre armes d'Engleterre "|, gu.^ a leopard passant, guardant, of ike tecond. The masoles were probably in allusion to the coat of de Quinoy, the former Earls of Winchester, vi hich (tho' the field was gu., a tincture which could not have been followed in this case, where the canton was of the same colour) consisted also of mascles, tho' generally but of 7, viz., 8, 8 and 1. These arms, however, he appears to have never used, and they were not on his tomb (destroyed 1797), those thereon being ^^or^ a cross, la," for Qruthuyse de Bruges, quartering " Chdee, a saltire, argent,^ for Van der Aa. (^ Not ** 24 Nov." as reproduced in Madden's article (see note *' b " above) from a misprint in the work of Van Praet This Btfl is said to have been » munificent ^tron of art and literature.