Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/192

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  • Qeoige (who d. 17 Feb. 1828, aged 75) wm ■. and h. of the Hon. Edward Fxkoh-

Hatton, formerly Finoh, who asauined the additional Dame of BaUan on inheriting, 5 Oct. 1764, the estates of that family at Kirby, &c., inheriting aubaequeutly, in 1769, Eastwell park, and who d. 16 May 1771, being ysL br. to the father of the late Karl, and to Daniel, the penultimate Earl. He was 6. 19 May 1791, at Kirby Hall afsd. ; ed. at Westiu., and at Christ's Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1812 ; tue. to the peerage, 2 Aug. 1826, taking an active part in opposing the Iteform bill and other Whig measures, and being a zealous champion of the Protestant religion('^) and of '* protection " ; Lieut Col. com.. East Kent Yeomanry, 1830 ; er. D.C.L. of Oxford, 10 June 1884. He m. firstly, 26 Julv 1814, Georgiana Charlotte, da. of James (Gbaham), 8d DuKB OF Montrose [S.J, by his second wife, Caroline Maria da. of Qeorge (Momtaqu), 4th Duki ov Manchbstir. She, who waa b. 8 Sep. 1791, d, 13 Feb. 1835, aged 48, at Haverholme priory, and was bur, at Ewerby, co. Lincoln. He m. secondly, 15 Feb. 1887, at St Qeo., Han. sq., Emily Georgiana, 2d da. of the Ut Hon. Sir Charlea Ba«ot, Q.O.B. (yr. s. of William, 1st Baron Baqot), by Mary Charlotte Anne, da. of Wilh'am (Wbllbblbt), 4th Earl of Morninoton [I.J She, who was b, 9 July 1809, d. B.p. 10 July 1848, at Haverholme priory, aged 89. Admon. Sep. 1852. He tn. thirdly, 17 Oct 1849, at Godmertfham, oo. Kent, Fanny Margaretta, Ist da. of Edward Royd RiOR, of Dane Court in that county, by Elizabeth, da. of Edward Kniqht, /ormer/y Austrn, of Godmersham park. He d. 8 Jan 1858, at Ha?ei'holme priory, aged 66. His widow, who waa 6. 1820, living 1897* XL 1858. 11. Gborob Jahbs (FiNcn-HATTON), Earl of Win- OHILBBA, Earl of NomNOHAM, &o., 1st s. and h., by first wife ; 6. 81 May 1815, in Manchester square ; tiyled Visoount Maidstonb, 1826-58 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 26 Nov. 1885, and 2d daas Classics ; M.P. for North Northamptonahire, 1837-41 ; tue. to the peerage, aa above, 8 Jan. 1858 ; F.S.A., 19 June 1862. He m. firstly, 6 Aug. 1846, at St Geo., Han. sq., Constance Henrietta, 2d da. of Henry (Paobt), 2d Marqubss of Anolbsby, by his first wifo, Eleauora, da. of Col. John Caupbbll. She, who was 6. 22 Jan. 1823, d. 5 March 1878, at 91 Victoria street, Westm., aged 55. He m. secondly, 16 Feb. 1882, Elisabeth Georgiana, widow of George Leopold Bryan, of Jenkinstown, co. Kilkenny, 3d da. of Francis Nathaniel (Conynqham), 2d Mauqubss Conynquau fl.], by Jane, da. of Henry William (Paqbt), Ist Marqubss of Anulbsby. He d. B.p.m.8. at Oadogan Mansions, Sloane square, of scarlet fever, 9 June 1887, aged 72, and waa bur. at Eastwell. His widow, who waa b, 15 June 1829, living 1897. [George William Hbnbaoe Finch-Haoton, styled, in and aftor 1858, Visoount Maidstonb, only a. and h. ap., by fii-st wife; b. 26 Dec. 1852; enlisted, aa a private, in the army. He m., 28 Dec. 1876, at St. Margaret's, Westm., I^uisa Augusta, 3d and yst but 2d surv. da. of Sir George Samuel Jbnkinson, 7th Bart, of Eastwood park, co. Gloucester. Ho c/, a. p. and v. p. 8 Feb. 1879, in Victoria street, Weatm., aged 26. His widow living 1897. XII. 1887. 1^. Murray Edward Gordon (Finch-IIatix>n), Earl OF WlNCHILSBA [1628], EaRL OF NOTTINQUAM [1681], ViSCOUNT ^Maidstonb [1623], and Baron Finch of Davbntky [1673], also a Baronet [1611 and 1660], br. of the half-blood and h. male, being 2d a. of the penultimate Earl, by hid third wife. He was b. 28 March 1851 ; e«l. at Eton,«nd at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; B.A. and 1st olasa Modem History, 1874 ; Fellow of Hertford Coll., Oxford ; M.A., 1877 ; Sheriff of Lincolnshire, 1870 ; M.P. for South Lincolnshire, 1884-85, and fur the Spalding diviaion, 1885-87 ; tue. to the peerage, 9 June 1887 ; was offered, but (<^) He presided, 10 Oct 1828, at the meeting on Penenden Hosth ** when atrongiy worded resolutions in favour of Protestant principles were carried. " [Nat. Biogr?] He identifled himself with the " Orange " party in Ireland, and his hostility to the Catholic Relief bill led to his well-known duel with the great Duke of Wellington, 21 March 1820, on which ocoaaion he fired in the air. ** In person he was tall and stout ; his face was round and animated with a pleasant and dignified expression : bis complexion was dark, hia hair black, and his features small and regular." [OenL Mag., N.a, vol. xii, p. 212]. Hii portrait, *< after T. PhiUipe," is engntved io