Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/193

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WINCHILSKA — WINDSOR. 183 refused the Governorahip of the Cape, 1880.(*) Hem., 27 Get 1875, Edith, only da. of Edward William Habcoort, of Nuneham park, oo. Oxford, by Suian Harriet^ only da. of George (Holrotd), 2d Earl op Sbbffibld [L] She was 6. 16 Oct 1866. n3E0R0B HiBNRT Edward Murrat Finoh-Hatton, siffled^ in and after 188f , ViflooaiiT Maidstonb, only s. and h. ap. ; 6. 8 Sep, 1882 ; d. T.p., 6 March 1892, at ViUai^es, Cannes, from inflaenza, and was bur, from Hayerholme priory afsd., aged 9.] FamUjf Sttaia — These, in 1383, consisted of 5,114 acres in Northamptonshire (worth £8,708 a year), 6,681 in Kent(«») ; 741 in Notts ; 856 in Leicestershire; 78 in Lincolnshire, and 13 in Rutland. Total, 12,882 acres, worth £18,216 a year. Prineijpal Rnidenea. — Eastwdl p8rk,(^) near Aahford, co. Kent, and Hayerholme prioiy, near Sleaford, oo. Uncoln. The magnificent residence of the Hatton family, Kirby Hall, oo* Northampton, has been uninhabited and unroofed since the beginning ol the 19th century. WINDHAM, see WYNDHAM. WINDSOR. i.e,, " WiNDBOR.'X) Earldom of (Stuart), cr. 1796, with the MaBt QUBflBATi OF Bun, which see. WINDSOR, or WYNDESORR Baronv by 1, William db Wtndx80R2, who possessed lands in Writ. Westmorland, Cumberland, Lancashire, Torkshire, Notts, Wnrwick- I. 1381 ahire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Ozon , Berks, WH ts, Somerset, ^ Dorset, Middx., Essex, Herts, Surrey, Gloace8ter8hire,(^) Hereford- 1 'KRA. shire and the Marches of Wales, was s. and h. of Sir Alexander 1004. ,,g WyKDBSOiiR, of Omyrigg, co. Westmorland (living 1886), by Kliziiboth (d. Aug. 1340), his wife ; wns of full age Aug. 1349 ; wasiu the wars with France ; was sometime (1374-76) the King's " Lieutenant" in Ireland ; was Wanlen of the West Marches, and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron [LORD WYNDE- SOUK] by wriU from 22 Aug. (1881) 6 lUc. II. to 3 March (1888/4) 7 Itio. II. directed WiUo de Wynd€9ore, He iti., before Deo. 1876, the well known (much maligned) 0)urt beauty, Alice DB Pbrrkii8,(<^) who not improbably was then widow of Sir Thomas di {^) He has tiiken an active part in support of British Agriculture. (*>) The Eastwell estate was sold to Lord Qerard for about £260,000 in Aug. 1892 and has, it is believed, again changed owners since that date. (c) Tliis does not refer to the well known town of Windsor in Berks, tho* it arises indirectly (see p. 186, note "a ") therefrom. The grantee was the husband of the da. and eventually sole heir of Herbert (Hickman- Windsor), 2d and last Viscount Windsor of Blackcastle [1.], and chose this title, so as to perpetuate the surname and peerage of hb father-in-law. («*) In an able history of the Duket family, entitled " Duekeliana " [4to, 1876], written by Sir O. F. Duckett, Bart., is [pp. 268-283, referring to pp. 166-167] a full account of the ancestry of this Baron, from whose sister, Margery, wife of John Duket, the writer thereof is (thro* his paternal grandmother) descended. It is there clearly proved link by link (by the Plaeita de Banco, 16 Hen. VL, Mich. 163) that all the previous accounts of such ancestry are erroneous, and that the Baron's father was Sir Alexander de Wyndesore, who was fourth in descent from another Alexander de Wyndesore, who, by his marriage with Agnes, da. of William de Lancaster, " Bnron of Kendal,* " acquired the estate of Grayrigg, co. Westmorland, which, for no less than 800 years after the Baron's death in 1384, was the inheritance of the family of Duket The precise connection, tho' doubtless one existed, between this Baron and the family of Windsor of Stanwell (afterwards, 1629, Lords Windsor do Stanwell) is not ascertained. (•) The accounts of her are so contradictory that the reader is refened to the able one (bv " 0. L. Kingsford ") in the ** Nat. Biog.^" where, in spite of the suggestion (therem noticed) that she was only the King's sick nurse^" she is spoken of as

  • Dodsworth says of him " fecit le vocari Baronem do Kendal in Parliamento."