Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/195

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WINDSOR. 185 WINDSOll, or WINDSOR DK STANWELL. Barony by i. SiR Andrbw, or Andrkws Wikusor, of 8tauwcll,('^) W'i^ CO. Mi<1x., 2«l but let sarv. «. nod li.(*>) of Thomas Windsor, of the I. 1529 BAino (will pr. 15 Feb. 1485), by Kli»ibeth, let da. and coheir of John Andrsws, of Dayleham, co. Suffolk ; was b, probably before 1476(^); was K.B. 3 Juue 1509. at the ooroiintion of Hen. VIII., with whom he scrred in France in 1513, being at the sieges f»f Then>nenne and Toumny, and being made a Banneret at the battle of the Spurs, 16 Aug. 1518. He attended the Princess Mary, on her marriage, 1514, with LfOnis XII. of France. Was at tlie meeting at Ouisncfl, called the " Cloth of Gold " in 1520 ; was seyeral times (1525-.15) nominated, tho' never elected, a Knight of the Uarter, and was sum. to Pari as a Riron (LOUD WINDSOR DK STANWELL) bv writs from 8 Nov. (21 Hen. Vlll.) 1529 to 8 June 1536, directefl "Andrea Windtor dt Slanwdl"{^) and sat therein, 21 Jan. 1533/4. It is not improbable that the writs from 28 April 1539 to 4 June 1543 tho* directed " WiUidmo Windmir, ChVr " were meant for him (tho' he was then an old man) and not his son. He subscribed the letter to the Pope in favour of the divorce of Hen. VIII. fmm his first wife; was Keeper of the Wardrobe, 1 543, in which year (the one of his death) he had been forced to surrender his manor of Stanwell to the king(^) in exchange for the Abbey of Bordesley, co. Worcester. He m. Klinibeth, 1st sister and coheir (1475) of Edward (Blohnt), Baron Moumtjot, da. of Sir Wiiliara Blount (s. and h. ap. of the 1st Baron), by Margaret, da. and h. of Sir Thomas EcillNGHAii. She d. before him and was hur. at Hounslow, oo. Mtdx. He d, 30 March 1543 and was bur, there, aged probably, 68 or upwards. Will dat 16 Match, pr. 81 July 1548. Inq. p, nun-L 18 April 1543 at South wark. II. 1539, £, William (Windsor), Lord Windsor, or Windsor or DB StamwilIi, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h.,{^) aged 44 in 1543 ; was 1543. X.B. at the coronation. 30 May 1533. of Anne Boleyn, the Queen Consort, and was Slieriff for Bucks, 1537-38. He was sum. to pari. from 28 April (21 Hen VIII.) 1.039(0 to 5 Nov. 1558 by writs which tho* in all cases directed " WUlitlmo Windaor** were possibly, bt'foro 1543, intended for his father. He nndoubtedly sat therein, 10 April 1543. lie was one of the 26 Peer8(K) who signed the settlement, 16 Juno l.>53, of the Crcwn on Ijntly Jane Orcy, but was active in the proclamation of Queen Mary, on wheiae coronation, 1 Oct 1553, he acted as Pantler. He was also (with his then oldest Fon. Edwartl) in the expe<lition against the French in 1557. He resided chiefly at Bradenhiitn,(l*) Bucks, where he built the manor house. He m. firstly, Margaret, da. and h. of William Sambornr, of .S<inthcote, Berks, by Anne, da. of Roger Coplbt. He nt, secondly, Kli%al)eth, widuw of lltchard roWLBTT, 2d da. and coheir of Peter Cowdrat, of Hnrricnl, Hants, lie d. 20 and was bur, 20 Aug. 1558 with greet pomp, at Brad«nhani. Will dat. 10 Aug. and pr. 10 Dec. 1558. Jnq, p.m, at Gloucester and Nov. 1558, at Southwark. His second wife survived him. ^*) The manor of titan well was held in the time ut i>onit4siiny by Walter Kits-Other, whose son William, being Warder of Windsor Cnstle, took the name of Windsor. In this family it remained nearly 500 years, till in 1543 Henry VIII. compelled the then owner to surrender it to him in exchange for Abbey lands, according to the policy of that crafty king and his advisers. (^) His eldest br., Andrew, or Andrews, d. young. (^ He was the second of seven sons, bom to a man who died in 1485. (<>) " Meoltu," followed by Gonrthope, who however alters *' Andnn," as therein given, to '* Andrew" but, presumably, the word should be " Andreic." (o) Qcorge Windaor, the oldest ron, m. Ursula, sister and coheir of John (de Vere), Karl of Ozfoni, da. of Sir Qeorgo de Vore, but d, 8.p. and v.p., being 6ur. at Hounslow, M.I. (0 '* So in the Summonses in that ycir, and in the two following Parliaments ; but as it is evident his father was then living, it is jirobable that * WiUidmo ' is erro- neouBly substituted for ' Andrete de Windsors,' m Dugdale's Summonses to the Parliaments of the Slat, 88rd,*and 35th Hen. VIII., as Andrew, the first Baron, did not die until the 85th year of that reign.'* [*' Nieoloi" reproduce<l in " CourtKope,* ] (■0 See vol. iii, p. 70, note " f " tub " Derby," for their names. (^) This estate had been acquire<l by his father between 1500 and 1521 and riresumably continued in his descendants till their eitinotion in the male line in 1642, but was undoubtedly alienated before 1660.