Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/196

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186 WlNDSOft IIL 1558. 5. Edward (WiHoeoR), Lobd WiNDfiOB, or Wihdhob db Stanwbll, 5ih but Isi scinr. «. and 1l(») wis aged 26 at hk father'a dMth in 1658. He it aaid to bave been knightedi^) with bis uncle Kdmund) 2 Oct. 1553, and distinguisbed binuelf. v.p., at the taking of St. Quintin in Picardj and the defeat of the French in Ang. 1557. He was anm. to Pari, from 1 1 Jan. (5 Rlis.) 1562/3 to 8 May 1576, and sat therein, 15 Jan. 1562^*3. In 1566 he entertained the Queen st hit boose at Bradenbam, on her return from Oifbrd. He si Kathcrine,(^) da. of John (Di Verb). Eahl oi^ Oxfosd, bj bis first wife Dorothy, da. of Balpb (Niyill), Eabl of WnnfOBLAKD. He d. 24 Jan. 1574/5, at yenioe.(«) Will daL 20 I>ec. 1572, and codicil dat at ^|ia, in Oermany, 18 June 1573 (directing bis burial to be in the cathedral of Liege, but that bia heart should be hmr. at Bradenbam/, pr. 25 June 1575. Imq. p. ai. at Ciranoester, 19 Sep. 1576, and at Westni« 29 Not. 1577. His widow d. 17 Jan. 1599/600, and was 5icr. at Tardebigg, co. WarwidL M.L WiU dat. 15 Feb. 1548, pr. 24 AprU 1600. IV. 1575. 4. Frbdkriok (Windsor), Lord WiNDaoR, or Windsor DB Stahwbix, lat s. and b., h. 1559, being aged 16 years on 2 Feb. 1574/5 ; wss sum. to Pari. 6 and sat therein 16 Jan. (23 EUx.) 1580/1. He greatly dis- tinguished himself in feats of arms and toumamenta, eepedally in one, of 1 Jan. 1581, aoamst the French nobles then in I.iondon ; and was in the Garter MisBion to Ifeniy III. of France, Fob. 1584/5, and other atate miaHJons He if. num. at Westm., 24 Dec. 1585. sged 26. Will dat. 2 and pr. 22 Dec 1585. !nq. p. ai. at Finabury, 17 Blay 1586. V. 1585. 5. Hknry (Windsor), Lord Windsor, or Windsor dr Stamwkll, br. and b., b, at Hewell in Tkrdebigg afsd. in 1562, being sged 23 on 10 Aug. 1585. He was with bis brother at the joust of 1 Jan. 1581 and tbe niittitiu of Fob. 1584/5. He was sum. to pari, from 15 Oct. 1586 to 19 Mar. 1603/4, aiiUiig therein, 29 Oct. 1586. lie was oho of the Peers on the trials of the Karls of KiMez and Southampton, 19 Feb. 1601. He si., in or before 1590, Anne, da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Uivhtt, of Obippenbam, oo. Cambridge, by Qrisel, da. of William (Paqkt), Lobd PAOirr di Bkaudksxbt. He d. at Hewell afwl. 6 April 1605, in his 43d year, and was bur. at Tardebigg. M.I. Will dat 6 April, pr. 2 May 1605. Inq. p. m. at Bury St. Edmunds, 1 Sep. 1605. His widow JL 27 Not. and was bur. 5 Dec. 1615, at Stoke by Neyland, co. Suffolk. M.I. Will dat 22 March 1610/1 to 27 Not. 1615, pr. 20 Feb. 1617/8. VI. 1605, 6. Thomas (Windsor), Lord Windsor, or Windsor dk to Stanwill, only a. and h., b. 29 Sep. 1591, tue. to the peerage, 6 April 1641. 1805 ; was sum. to Pari. (1610) 8 Jac, and aat therein, 5 April, 1614. He was made K B. at the creation of the Prince of Wales, in June 1610 ; was Rear Admiral of the fleet sent ui 1628 to bring Prince Charles out of Spain, and is said to have expended £15,000 in entertainments on that occasion ; was (») Of his elder brothers (1) Tbomss d. an infant (2) Sir Thomas Windsor, K.B. (so made 20 Feb. 1546/7), was of Princes Risborough, Bucks, He m. Dorothy, da. of William (Dacre), Lord Dacre of Gillesland. He d, T.p. and s.p.m. in 1552, his wife surriving him. Will dat 8 Not. 1552, pr. 16 Jan. 1552/3. He "left a daughter, AnUj but she is presumed to have died before her grandfather, as be does not mention her in his will." [Nteolai], *' Glover, in a large Pedigree compiled in 1582, states that the said Thomas married, but that he died ' fitdpatris sui sine prole.' [Court- hope], (8) Henry, d, in infancy and was bur, at Stanwell. (4) Andrews, d, v.p. and •.p. and was bur. at Bradenbam. {^) " CoUiru" but his name does not appear in any of the liats of Knights of that date. (^) On this occasion, his cousin Miles Windsor, Fellow of Corpus Coll., Oxford (son of Tliomas, a vr. s. of Andrews, 1st Lord Windsor), eutertuiued the Queen, to " her great content. ' He who was ** a tolerable Latin poet, but a better orator," d, 1624 and was bur. in the chapol of his College. (^) The L. Protector SomerMt bad arranged a marriage between her and his own son, Lord Henry Seymour, which, in 1552, was set aside. (•) He was a " risid Papist," and, consequently, li?ed much abroad. In 1678, he petitioned to enjoy his own religion iu quiet [Strype's Annali o/the R^omuUion,