Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/197

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a CO 00 oo WINDSOR. 187 one of the mottraers ai ilie f iiueral, 18 June 1625, of James L, and was one of the loyal Peers who, in 1630, attended Charles I., at York. He m. Catherine, 7th and yst. da. of Edward (SombrsbtX 4th Eakl or Wobcbstkr, by Elizabeth, da. of Francis (HAsniras), 2d Earl op Huntinodoit. Hed. s.p.(») 6 and was bur, 23 Dec 1641, at Tardebigg, aged 61, when the Baronjf of Windior fell into ci6e^iice.(^) Will dat. 16 No?. 164], pr. 12 Feb. 1641/2. His widow d. 6 and was bur. 8 Not. 1654, at Tardebigg. Her will dat. 18 Aug. 1654, pr. 12 Feb, 1654/5. • ••••• VII. 1660. 7. Thomas- Windsor Windsor, formerly Hick- ma n, of Breedon, eo. Worosster, nephew and eoheir, being s. and h. of Dixie Hiokvan, of Kew, oo. Surrey, by Elisabeth, 1st sister and coheir of the above Lord, was 6. about 1627 [being aged 55 in 1682(*>;], and bap. by the name of Thonutt Winsdor. He, hsTiug, after the death, 6 Dec 1642, of hiB maternal uncle, the said Lord, iw. to his estates, assumed the name of Wimitor in lieu of ffickwum. By a declaratory patent, 16 June 1660, he became LORD WINDSOR, or LORD WINDSOR DB 8TANWELL, the abeyance of that Barony being thereby terminated in his fsTour. He was er., 6 Deo. 1682, EARL OF PLTMOUTH. He <i. 8 Not. 1687, aged about 60. [Otbbr Windsor, styled Lord Windsor, in and after 1682^ s. and h. ap. ; d. 12 Sept 1659, d, T.p. 11 No?. 1684]. VIII. 1687. 8. Othbr (Windsor), 2d Earl op Plymouth, «&c, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Other WmoeoR, ttjfled Lord Windsob aboTcnamed ; 6. 27 Aug. 1679 ; Hgied Lord Wirimor from 1684 till he mcL to tkepeeroffe^ as above, 8 Not. 1687. He d. 26 Dec. 1725, aged 47. IX. 1725. 9. Other (Windsor), 3d Earl op Plymouth, <bc., 1st s. and h. ; ^. 80 Jiino 1707 ; atgled Lord Windsor till he iue. io the peerage^ as above, 26 Dec. 1725. He c<. 23 Nor. 1732, ngcd 26. X. 1732. 10. Othkr Lbwis (Windsor), 4th E4rl of Plt- MOUTII, fca, only s. and h., 6. 12 May, 1781 ; ttyled Lord Windsor till he we. to the peerage, as above, 23 Nov. 1782. He d. 21 April 1771, in his 40th year. XL 177 1. 11. Othbr Hickman ( Windsor), 6th Earl of Ply- mouth, ko.f 8. and h., b. 80 May 1751 ; iigUd Lord Windsor till he $ue. to ikepeeroffe, as above, 21 April 1771. He d. 12 June 1790, aged 48. XII. 1799. i^. Other 'Archer (Windsor), 6th Earl op to Plymouth [1682] and Lord Windsor, or Windsor di 1833. Stanwrll [1520], only s. and h., 6. 2 July 1789 ; tiylcd Lord Windsor till he we. to the peerage, as above, 12 June 1709. He d. s.p. 20 July 1838, aged 44, when the Earldom of Plyinouth devolved on his uncle and heir male (see that title), but the Barony of irtndlfor fell inio abe]/anee.{^) • • ♦ • ♦ • (*) He is stated to have been tlie victim of some foul play by his uncle, Edward Windsor (who m. Elisabeth Ardiugton), of whom Dr. Kawlinson writes "habuit permultos Alios, filias^ue ; sed venencn arte usus ne Thomas, sextus Biiro Windsor (sui nepos) haberet exitum, ipnetnet, Dei judicio, cum numeroeA prole, periit" (^) The coheirs were his two sisters or their issue, vis. (1), Elizabeth, the elder, m. 24 July 1616, at Stoke by Neyland, Dixie Hickman, of Kew, co. Surrey, to whose s. and h. Thomas, the ancient Barony was oon6rme<1, 16 June 1660 ; (2) Etisaboth, the younger, m. her cousin, Andrew, or Andrews Windsor (s. and h. of Andrew, or Andrews Windsor, vr. br. of Henry, 6th Lord Windsor), by whom she had no issue. She 81. secondly Sir James Ware, Auditor-Qen. of Ireland, and by him left issue. («) Heraldic VieU. of WoreeUer^ire, 1682. («i) The coheirs were his two surv. sisters (1) Maria, Marchioness of Downshire [I.], who d, 7 April 1866, leaving issue ; and (2) Harriet, who m., 10 Oct 1819, Hon. Robert Henry CUve, and in whose favour the abeyance of the Barony was terminated in 1866.