Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/198

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188 WINDSOR. XIIT. 1855. 13. Ladt Harribt Clivb, widow, 2d and yst. siRtcr, and, ill 1838, coheir, obtained Hit teruiination of the abeyance of ibis Biirony in her favour, by patent, 25 Oct 1865, and thus became $uo jure Baronkss Windsor, or Windsc^r db Stakwkll. She, who took by roval lie, a few days later, 8 No?. 1S55, the aurnume of WincUor befi>re that of Olive, waa o. 30 July and bap. 1 Sep. 1797, at St Geo., llan. sq. She m. 19 June 1819, at St Qeo. afad., the Hon. Robert Henry CuvR, of Oakley park, Salop, 2d a. of Jfidward (Cuvk), lat Karl of I'owm. He was 6. 15 Jan. and btip. 22 April 1789, at St. Qeo. afsd. ; was M.P. for Ludlow, 1818-32, and for South Salop, 1832-54 ; d. 20 Jan. 1854, aged 65, and was bur. at Bromefield, Salop. Will dat 24 Jan. 1843, pr. 5 May 1854. She <L 9 Nov. 1869, at St Leonards on Sea, in her 73d year. XIV. 18G9. 14' RoDBRT Gborgb (Wikdsor-Clivs), Lord Windsor, or Windsor db Stan will, grandson and h., being s. an<l h. of the Hon. Robert Windsou-Ci.ivk, formerly Clivb, by Mary Selina Louisa, 5th da. of Geoiige Augustus (Ijiudokuan), 2d Kaul op Bradford, which Robert, who was M.P. for Ludlow, 1852-54, and for South Salop, 1854-59, was lat s. and h. ap. of the late Baroness, but d. before her, 4 Aug. 1859, aged 35. He waa 6. 27 Aug. 1857, in John street, Berkeley pcpinro ; tuc. to Ihe peerage, 9 Nov. 1869 ; ed. at Eton, and at St. John's Coll., Canibridgo ; M.A., 1801 ; Lieut. ()o1. Wore. Yooiii. Gav. ; L. Lieut, of Glaiuorganahiru ; PayiuaHtcr Uuiieral, 1891-92. He im., 11 Aug. 1883, at St Paul's, Knightsbridgo, Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline, only da. of the Rt Hon. Sir Augustus Berkeley Pagkt, O.O B. (grandson of the Ist EaRL of Uxuridqb), by Walpurga Ehrcugarde Helena, do. of Cliorles Frederic Anthony, Count or Hodbnthal, in Qermany. She, for whom Queen Victoria stood sponsor, was b. 7 Aug, 1863. Family Fitatet.—TheBe, in 1883, consisted of 17,858 acres in Glamorganshire (worth 135,136 a year) ; 11,204 in Salop ; 8,530 in Worcestershire; 327 in Flint- shire, and 40 in Hurcftirdtohire. Total, 37,454 acres, worth £63,788 a year. Principal lieeidaieet. — Oakley park, near Bromfield, co. Salop ; Hewell Orange, near Bromsgrove, CO. Worcester, and St. Pagan's Castle, near Cardiff, co. Glamorgan. WINDSOR. The name of Thomas Windsor appears together with that of William Windsor in the writ of summons, 5 Nov. (1558) 5 and 6 Philin and Mary, as given in Diigdale's list ; on which Nicolas remarks that " as only one Lford Windsor is mentioned in the Journals of the House of Lords, as having been sum. that year, the insertion is probably an error of the person who transcribed the list from the roll." This seems, however, unlikely, as WiUiam Windsor is aUo included in that list 7*Aofiiaj, however, may not improbably refer to Thomas Windsor, of Bentley (a yr. br. of the said William), who m. and had seven sons and tliree daughters, duly set out in " OolUm" voL iii, p. 670. WINDSOR OF BLACKCASTLE. Vifloountoy [I.] 1. The Hon. Thomas Windsor, 2d a. of Thomaa- I 1699 Windsor {yfrnnaovt formerly Bickuah), 1st Earl op Pltmoutu and 7t]i Lobd Wihdsor di Stanwux, being his 2d s. by his second wife Ursula, yst da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Widdhino- TON, of Sherbum Orange, co, Northumberland, was b. about 1670, and having distinguished himself in the wars of Flandera was cr. 10 June 1600, VISCOUNT WINDSOR OF BLACKCASTLK [I.]. Was elected M.P. both for Monmouthshire and for Bramber, 1710. He was subsequently made a Peer of Great Biitain being er. 1 Jan. 1711/2,(») BARON MOUNTJOY OF THB ISLE OF WiaHT.(b) He m, (a) (« ffora teplima ante meridiem," he being one of the twelve Peers who were er, in five davs. See vol. i, p. 269, note *< d," tub " Batliurst." (^) His lineal ancestor in the male line, the 1st Lord Windsor de Stanwell, m. Anne, 1st sister and coheir of Edward (Blount), Baron Mountjoy, gi'^ndson of the 1st Baiou. That dignity became extinct (together with the Earldom of Devonshire) in 1606.