Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/199

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WINDSOR — ^WINM ARLEIGH. 1 89 28 Aug. 1708 iicl at Chelsea (Lie. Lond 2 July 1702 [<te], he 88, she 27), Charlotte, widow of John (jKiTitRT8)| 2d Baron JitFiniTS of Wbm, da. and h. of Philip (Hsrbrrt), 7th Earl of Prmbrorr, bj Henrietta Mauricetta, da. of Willinm (db I'rnaroort dr Rrroualkr) C<iunt dr Krrouallr. She d. at Reignt<», eo. Surrey, 18 and was bur. 23 Nov. 1733, at Saliebury Cathedral. Admon. 20 May 1745, 16 July 1765 and 11 March 1766, He d, 8 and was frur. 19 June 1738, at Salisbury Rfwl. Will pr. Nov. 1739. ^. ITerdbrt (Windsor), Viscount Windsor op Blaok- II. 1738 CA8TLR [I. 1669], also Baron Mouktjot of thb Irlr of Wight to [Q.D., 1712] only s. and h. ; hap. at Ohelmsa, 1 May 1703 ; was M.P. 1758. for Cardiff; 1735-36 ; tue. to the peerage [f. and Q.B.] 8 June 1738. Hem. 12 Aug. 1735. or 16 April 1737, Alice (*' worth £60,000") BiBter and coheir (1726) of Sir James Clavbrirg, 4 th Biirt, of A z well, CO. Durham, being da. of Sir John C , 8d Bart., by BliRabeth, da. of Sir William MiDDi«RT0N, Barfc., of Beleey. He d, 8.p.m.B.(>^) 25 Jtin. and was hnr, 9 Feb. 1758 at Saliflbury afsd. nge<1 54, when aXl hit honnun became extinct. Will pr. 1753. His widow d. 24 Nov. and was bur, Deo. 1776 nt Salisbury afsd. Will pr. Nov. 1776. WINDSOR DE 8TANWELL. See " Windsor or Windsor db Stanwbll^" Barony ( Windsor)^ cr. 1 529. WING or WYNG. See " DoRMRR of Wtko, go. Buckingham," Barony {Doitner), cr. 1615. WINGHAM. t,c., "CowpRR OF WiNonAM," CO. Kont," Barony (Cowper), er. 1706 ; see "Cowprr" Earldom, er, 1718. WINOFIELD. I.e.. « Winofibld" of Wingfield, co. Wexford," Barony [I.] (IftnfjMi), er. 1744 with the Vucountct op PowBRSCOunT [I.], which see. WINMARLEIGH. Barony. i, Thb Right Hon. Joun WiijaoN-PATTBN, of Win- I 1874 wiarlcigh, CO. Ijancanter, only s. and h. of Tliomaii(*>) VVif.80N-PATT«!f, it formerly Pattkn, of Bank 1 1 nil in that county (who d. 7 Deo. 1827, 1 MQ9 ^K'^^ 67) by Kh>.nl>eth, da. of Nathan Htdr, of Ardwick, also in that loyw. c«ninty, was h. 26 April 1802 ; ed. at Eton and Mug. Coll., Oxford ; was M.P. for Lancashiri*, 1830-31, and for North Lnncnshtre, 1832-74 ; Col. of the 3d Tjane. Militia, 1842 ; Chairman of Committees in the House of Commons, 1862-53 ; Militia Aide-de-Cnmp to the Queen, 1860: P.C, 1867 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1867-68 ; Constable of Lancaster Cnstle, 1869 ; Chief Sec. for Irelnnd, 1868 60, and was cr. 16 March 1874, BAKON WINMARLEIQH of Win- marleigh, co. T^nncaster. He m. 15 April 1828, at St. Qeo , ITan. sq , Anna Murin, 4th da. and coheii-(^) of his paternal undo Peter(^) pATTRN-not.D, formaiy Pattrn, of (") The only s. and h. ap., Hnrbort Thomas, d 18 March 1741/2. and was bur, in Audley Chapel, St Qeo. Hnn. sq. Charlotte Jane, the 1st da. and coheir, m. 12 Not. 1766, John (StuaH), 4th Eari of Bute [S.], who was er, 21 March 1795 ViteoufU Mountjoy of ike lite of Wufht^ Earl of IFindsor^ nnd Marquess of Bute, thus oom- memorsting, by the two first named titles, the family of his said wife. (^) Dorothea, da. of Peter Bold, of Bold, m. 17 Jan. 1757, at St. PauFs, Covent Garden, Thomas Patten, of Bank Ilnll, who d.ld March 1806, aged 86, being father by her of tlie two brothers, Thomas and Peter both abovenamed. (*) Her elder sister, Dorothea, inherited Bold Hall, and m. Sir Henry Hoghton> afterwards Bold- Hoghton, 8th Bart.