Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/204

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194 WINTOUN — ^WODHULL. JUmarlM, On' 22 Dea 1840, the Earl of Bglinioii [&.], heir male of the body of Alezaoder Seton, afterwards Montgomerte, who waa next yr. br. to the 8rd Earl of Wuton [S.X waa aerved " nearest and lawful heir male general and alao nearest and lawful heur male of provision to George, 4th ESarl of Winton." This, of oourse, he oould only be, on the supposition that the issue male of the 8rd Earl was eztinctfC^) in which case, under the novodamu$ of 1686 (no nomination having been made by the 4th Earl, the grantee,) he would apparently be such heir male, and, as auch, be en- titled, subject to the attainder(^) of 1716, to the peerages of Wintoun and Seton. No such recognition, however, waa made by the Crown, when, aome 20 years later, he waa cr. Earl d Wfaiton [U.K.] WINTON. [U.K.] Xterldom. 1. « Thb Rt. Hon. William, Earl of Eqlinton " [S.], I 18fi9 ^^ ^- ^ ^^^^ 18^9* BARL OF WINTON.(«) See ** Egunton "

  • • * *^*'*'- Earldom [S.] cr. 1608, under the 18th Earl.

WIRMEGAY, or WORMEQAY. See " Bardolph ds Wirmboat/' Barouj (Bardolph)^ cr. 1229 ; far/eUed 1408. WISDOME. See " Blaohford of Wibdomb, go. DevoD," Barony (Rogers), er, 1871 ; €9. 1880. WISHAW. See *< Hamilton of Wibhaw, oo. Lanark," Barony (Hamilton J, cr. 1881 ; ex. 1868. WITTON. See " EuRB," apparently " Eurb of Witton, oo. Durham," Barony (BureJ, cr. 1544 ; ex, (presumably) 1707. WODEHOUSE op KIMBERLEY; see "Kimbbrlby." WODHULL, see Wahull. the Duke of Qordon, the Earla of Eglintoun and Aboyne being deacendants of this family in the male line." Tho', however, the name of Seton haa given way to thoae of Qordon and Montgomerie in Uie Scotch peerage, yet " Seton of Abercorn " and Seion of Pitmedden" atill [1897] exist in the Ba^netage and the race is, elsewhere, well r«[>re8ented by other families which bear that ancient name aa their patronymic. (•) Bee p. 192, note " e," aa to this point. (^) Aa to hia right being debarred by this attainder it is observed in *' ffewleU " that " such bar would apparently extend only to the isaue male of the 4th Earl, as the Bubaequent heira male and other heirs would take under a distinct and different substitution, and, in fact, under a new grant in their favour ; and if the subsequent grant to heira male, on failure of issue male to the [said] Earl, and in default of a nomination by him, fall within the decision of the case of Gordon of Park or of the aimilar case of the Sinclair peerage (decided by the House of Lords, 25 April 1782), then the attainder of 1716 would not be a bar to the title of the heir male." (^) No further description is given. It may of course be considered as practicaUy an acknowledgment that the grantee was entitled to the Scotch earldom of the same name. Compare the caae of the Barony of Lovat [U.K.] granted in 1837 to one who, in 1854, aome 17 years later (by the reversal of the attainder of 1747) became Lord Ijovat [3.] ; and that of the fiaronv of Wemyas [U.K.] granted in 1821 to one who, in 1826. ■ome 6 yeara later (by the reversal of the attainder uf 1745) became Eurl ol Wemysn [3. J