Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/205

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WOKINGHAM — WOLTERTON. 195 WOKINGHAM. " OcKiNOHAM [t.0., Wokingham] co. Bbrkb, Barony {Qeorg€f Prince of Dtnmark), cr, 1689, with the Dukidom or Cumbkrlamd, which tea ; es. 1708. WOLMER OF BLACKMOOR. i.e,, "WoLifBR OF Blagrmoor, CO, Southamptoni" Yiscountoy {Palmer), w. 1882, with the Barux)X of Sblbornb, whioh see. WOLSELEY OF CAIRO AND OF WOLSELEY. Barony. /, «« Sir Oarnbt Josbph Wolbblbt, a.O.B., a.O.M.0., I. 1882. Adjutant Qeoeml in her Migeety's foroee and late General Oom- manding-in-Chief the Eipeditionary forces in Egypt^" was cr. Viscountcy. 26 Nov. 1882, BARON WOLSELEY OF OAIRO(«) AND OF T 1 QQK WOLSELEY, 00. Stafford, being, 8 years later, er. 28 Sep. 1886, 1. 1050. VISCOUNT WOLSELEY of Woleeley, oo. Staflfbrd, with, in this last instance, a spec. rem. of that dignity, failing heirs male of his body, to his only da., Frances Garnet Wolsblkt, spinster, and tiie heirs male of her body. He was Ist s. of Gnmet Joseph Woii»LBT,(^) Major 26th Regiment (d. 1840, aged 68), by Anne, da. of William Smith, of Golden Bridge House, oo. Dublin, where ha was h, 4 June 1888 ; entered the army, 1862 ; served with the 80th Foot in the Burmese war 1862-68, being severely wounded, and with the 90th Light Infantry in the Crimean war, 1864-66, at the capture of Sebastopol, etc., being again severely wounded and receiving the Legion of Honour of France, and the 6th dass of the Medjidie ; distinguished himself in India during the mutiny, at the capture of Lueknow, and the defence of Alumbagh, 1866-66 ; served in China, 1860 ; in Canada, as Dep.-Quartermaster-Gen., 1867-70 ; commanded the Red River expedition 1870 ; O.B., 1870, receiving knigluhood^ as K.O.M.Q., 1870 ; Commander, as Major-General, on the Gold Coast, during the Ashantee war, 1878-74, receiving the thanks of Pari., and a grant of £26,000 ; was in command of the Auzilkry forces, 1874-76 ; KCB., 1874 ; O.O.M.O., 1874 ; Commissioner to Natal, for some months. 1876 ; Member of the Indian Council, 1876-78 ; Gov. of Cyprus, 1878; Gov. of Natal and the Transvaal, 1879-80 ; Adjutant General, 1880-90 ; O.O.B., 1880 ; Comm.- in- chief of the forces in Egpyt, July to Oct 1882, when he suppressed the revolt headed by Arabi Pasha ; and was consequently er., 26 Nov. 1882, Bmnn WoUdey of CaitD and of WoUdeyt as above stated ; receiving the order (1st olaas) of the Osmanieh, and being (a second time) thanked by Fan. He was in command in the Soudan, 1884 86. Having no male issue, he was er., 28 Sep. 1886, Vi$oount Wofide^, with, in that case, a spea rem. as above stated ; &.P., 1886 ; P.O. [I.], 1890 ; was Com.-in-chief of the forces in Ireland, 1890-96, being, in 1896, Com.-in-chief of the army ; FIbldMarshal, 1894 ; Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards and Gold Stick in waiting ; D.C.L. of Oxford, 17 June 1874 ; LL.D. of Cambridge (1874) and LL.D. of Dublin ; is a Knight Grand Cross of the Red Eagle of Prussia. He m. 4 Jane 1867, at St James*, Westm., LouiBa(<*), da. of Alexander Ebbkimb, of St George's pteoe^ Hyde Park Comer, by (— ), da, of (— ).=j= WOLTERTON. See *' Walpole of Womwrtok, oo. Norfolk," Barony (Walpole) er. 1766, the 2d Baron being «r., 1806, Earl op Orford. (<^) See vol. i, p. 79, note " a," tub " Amherst,'* for titles of peerage commemorative of military achievements. Q*) This Garnet Joseph, was 6th s. of the Rev. William Wolseley, Rector of Tullycorbet, co. Monaghan and formerly Capt 8 th Hussars (cf. 1800, aged about 70), who was dd s. of Sir Richard Wolselev, Bart. [L], so er. 19 Jsn. 1744, who was yr. br. of Sir Richard Wolseley, 6th Bart [E.J, which last named dignity was cr. 24 Nov. 1628. («) Her Father has been sometimes called Alexander tfrskine BoUne$; he is, however, described as '* Alexander Erskine, Gent," in the certificate of her marriage, in 1847, to which the witnesses are " Alexander Erskine " and " Elisabeth Harriet Holmea." The data and place of her birth has not been ascertained. 0»