Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/206

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196 WOLVEBTOK. WOLVERTON. Barony. 1, Gkorgb Carb Gltk, of Stanmore Park, co. Midi., L 1 869. '^^ ^^ London, Banker, 6lh but 4th tury. a. of Sir Richard Carr Qltm. let Bart., of Qaunia, oo. Dorset^ and of London, Banker, aometime (1798-99} L. Mayor of London (ri. 27 April 1838, aged 83). by Mary, da. of John Plomftrb, of Fredville, NotU, was h. 27 Morch and hap. 6 May 1797, at St. Jamea', Weatm. ; waa partner in the well-known bank of " Qlyn, Milla, Currie and Co.," Lombard Street, London, of which he eventually became heail ; M.P. for Kendal, for 21 yean^ 1847-68 ; many years Chairman(*) of the London and North Western Bailway ; Q6t. of Harrow School, etc., and waa «r., 14 Dec 1869, BARON WOLVBRTON of WoWerton, ca Buckingham. He m. 17 March 1828, at St. James', Westm., Marianne (then a minor), da. of Paaooe Qbimfxll, of Tkplow House, Budcs, by Qeorgiana, 7th and yst da. of St. Leger (St. Lbqib, formeriy Aldworth), 1st. (Vth) Yuooum DoNERAiu [L] He d. 24 July 1878 in Upper Bccleston street, tged 76. His widow d. 80 March 1892, aged 89, at 101 Lancaster gate» Hyde Parki and was6tcr. at Stanbridge, oo. Dorset n. 1873. i?. GsoBGB Grbnfbll (Qltn), Baron Wolvirton, let B. and h., (. 10 Feb. 1824, in London ; ed. at Rugby and Univ. Coll., Oxford; partner in his father's bank, 1846; Chairman of the Railway Clearing house ; M.P. for Shaftesbury, 1867-78 ; Joint Sea to the Treasury, 1868-78 ; being " Whip " to the " Liberal " party, and one of the most aealoua supporters of the Gladstone Ministry(^) ; iuctoUU peerage 24 July 1878 ; P.O. 1873 ; Paymaster Gen., 1880-86, and Postmaster Gen., Feb. to Aug. 1886. He tn. 22 June 1848, at St Peter's, Baton sq., Georgiana Maria, 1st da. of the Rev. George Tufmill, of Uffington, Berkr. He d, s.p., suddenly at the Bedford Hotel, Brighton, 6 and was bur. 11 Nov. 1887, aged 68, from his house, 7 Stratton street^ Picondilly, at Ham cemetery, Surrey, but removed 28 Aug. 1888, to Iweme Minster, co. Dorset Will dat. 16 Jan. 1886, pr. Jan. 1888, above Xl,820,000(») personalty. His widow, who was h. 11 Oct 1826, d., of gout, 10 Jsn. 1894, at 73 South Audley street, and was hur, at Iweme Minster, igad 69. Will pr. at £48,000 personalty. III. 1887. S. Hbnrt Riohard (Gltn), Baron Wolvbrton, nephew and h. male, being 1st s. and h. of Vice- Admiral the Hon. Henry Carr Gltn, O.B., by Rose, da. of the Rev. Denis Mahomt, of Dromore Castle, co. Kerry, which Henry Carr, who <i. 16 Feb. 1884, aged 63, was 4th s. of the let Baron.(4) He was 6. 18 July 1861. in Upper Eccleston street; was a partner in the family bank ; Jtcc. to the peerage 6 Nov. 1887. but d. unm., 8 montlis afterwards, from a protracted tubercular illness, 2 July 1888, aged 27, at Warren House, Coombe Wood, in Kingston-on-Thames, and was bur. at Iweme afiid. {*) This post, perhaps, suggested to him the name of Wolverton for his title of peerage, as he appears to have had no property in or near that town. (n) He is described in Men and Mannere in Paii., in 1874, as a highly successful Whip, *^ bright, olieerful, good-tempered, and ready," He sue. H. B. W. Brand (Speaker, 1872-84) in that office. (<) The largest personal esUtea for probate in that year, 1888, were (1) Baron Stem, £8,641,000; (2) Mr. Hugh McOalmont £8,121,000; (8) Sir Robert Loder, Bart, £2,500,000; (4) Lord Wolverton, 11, 820,000; and (6) Sir John Hardy, Bart., £1 083 000 (d) The 8d son Riversdale-Robert, b. 12 April 1827, d. July 1829 ; the 2d son the Hon. St Leger-Richaid Glyn, b, 8 Oct 1826, (i. 16 April 1870, s.p.m., leaving five daughters and coheirs. (*) By what was probably a technical error in the will of the 2d Baron, the reversion to some £1,600,000 passed, owing to the untimely death of his successor, to the five daughters and coheirs of testator's next brother (see note " d *' above), but ihtae ladies generously released in July 1888, their claim thereto in favour of the holder of |he Baron/.