Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/208

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Idd WOftOESlStL WORCESTER (County). [UBflO Di Abitot, Constable of Worcester Castle and hereditary Sheriff of Woroesierahira, if aometimet (iho* eironaooaly) oontidered to bftve been er. Eabl or WoBonviR ibout 1076, He Mt in the great ooancU of 1 082 and 1086](^)• Xarldom. 1, Walbban di Bbaumokt, Count of Mbolan in I 1136 1 f^noOfO') twin br. of Robert, Earl of Luobstir, being 1st a. of . Robert, Count of Hkdlah, 8ire de Beaumont^ &&, generally 1 1IR t oonaidered to have been Barl of LsidanR, by Isabel, da. of Hugh le 1 140 T Grand, Court of Vbrmamdoib ard Valdis (yr. a. of Hrrry I, King of Fraror) waa (. 1104 ; auo. hia father, 6 June 1118, in hia Wench potMiaions; mmhtiAghiBd by Henry L about 1120(*) ; fought on the tide of King Stephen, to whoae da., Marr (then aged 2 years) he waa aiBanoed, about March 1186, and by whom, about that date, he appears to have been cr. EARL OF W0RCB8TBR(<')* He appears, however, to have subsequently taken part with the Empress Maud and to have been deprioed of kii kanoun and possessions, both in Enipand and in Normandy, not many years later. He took the cross 24 March 1146. He flR. before 1141 Agnes, heiress (thro* her mother) of Qoumay-sur-Mame,(*) da. of Amauri lilt Court of Svrrux, by Agnea, da. and h. of Anseau dr Garlards, Seneschal of Frano&(^) He became a monk at Plr^auz, 21 daya before hia death, and waa bur. (with hia father) at that abbey, 9 April 1166, ag^ 62. He had issue, six sons, of whom the eldest, Robert,(^) sue. to his f ersign dignities, II. 1397, i. Sib Thoicas Pbbot, x.a., yr. br. of Henry, 1st Eabl to OF NoRTHUMRRRLARD, being 2d s. of Henry, (Prrot), Lord Prrot, by 1 403. his first wife, Mary, da. of Henry (Plartaqrrrt), Earl of Larcartrr, ffrandflon of Heniy HI. ; waa 6. in or soon after 1848 ; began his active militsqr career in France, under Sir John Chandoa ; waa Councillor of the duchy of Aquitawe and Seneschal of La Rochelle, 1869 ; of Poitou, 1870, and of the Limousio, 1872 ; waa a prisoner at Paria, 1872-78 ; waa X.O. between 14 April 1875 and 4 April 1876 ; ConaUble of Roxbuivh Castle, 1876-81 ; waa in attendance, 16 July 1877. at the coronation of lUchard II. ; Joint warden of the eaatem marchea, 1877 and 1888-84 ; Admiral of the North, 1878-80 and 1885-86 ; Admiral of the fleet north of the Thames, 1878 ; took part in the invasion of France in 1880, and of Spain in 1886 ; Vice-Chamberlain of the household, 1889 ; Ch. Justice of South Walea 1890, 1892 and 1894 ; was head of the embassy to France to treat for peace Feb. 1892 ; P.C. 1898 ; Steward of the Household, 1898-99 ; was, by the king's wish, chosen Procnrator for the clergy in pari, Sep. 1897, asseutiug, as such to &e banishment of Archbishop Arundel, and to the arbitrary execution of the Earl of (■) From thia Uno, whoae da. Emmeline m. Walter de Beauchamp, is derived the well known cognisance of that family (Earls of Warwick), the Star with the ragged staA (b) gee an admirable account of this family hi G. W. Watson's '* Andent SarU oj LeUaUr." [GennOogitt, N.S., vol x, pp. 1-16.J («) In 1124, he is thus spoken in the Ckromea of Robertus de Monte : ** Tunc satis juveniB, miles tamen armia fortia." (A) Henry of Huntingdon says that King Stephen bestowed, to his own damage, on Waleran ** the county and city of Woroeater," and [the continuator of] Florence of Worcester, in his account of the burning of Worceater, in 1188, distinctly calla him •' the SarV* Thia Earldom, however, ia not included among the 18 Earldoma created by King Stephen [See voL v., p. 86, note "a," mth " Lincoln "] as set out in Hound's

  • 'Oeojfity de MagfkomUi," but is therein s^ken of aa "a doubtful earldom of

Worcestershire," the learned author conaidering that in auch caaee the evidence of the chroniclers (alone) ia not sufficient. But having, aince that date. this Earldom of Woroeater to be sufficient. (•) ** But not also of Rochefort in Iveline (as La Roque, Anaelme, and L'AH de veri/Ur lee daie$ assert) which was retained by the Counts of Montfort" (See note Mb" above.)