Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/209

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WORCBSTBR. 109 Arnndel, and being, dottbtlev ai a reward, er. 29 Sep. 1897, EARL OF WORCESTER. He WM Constable of Jedborgh Caatle, 1897 ; Capt of Calala, 1898 ; was one of the ooinmittee to wind up the buainees of the pari, in Jan. 1398 ; Admiral of the fleet fcnr Ireland, Jan. 1899, aocompanying Richard II there, whom he apparently(*) deserted at Milford, being certainly present in the pari, that deposed him, and acting as Steward, 18 Oct. 1899, at the ooron. of Henry IV., to whom also he was, 1899, P.O., and Steward of the household ; Admiral of the North and West, and of Ireland, 1899- 1401 ; Coromissr. to treat with France, 1899 and 1401, to which country he in 1401 escorted the ei-Queen Consort Isabella, being also, early in 1402/3, one of the escort from Britanny of Joanna, the bride of Henrv IV. ; Lieut, of South Wales 1402, to 1403, when he resigned that post and joined his nephew, Lord Percy {** BoUipuT ") in rebellion, who was slain at the battle of Shrewsbury, 21 July, 1408, where he was taken prisoner and beheaded two days later, being Imr. at St. Peter's, 8hrewsbur7.(^) He d, probably unm., and certainly B.p.s.,(«) but, having been attainted, ku koncmri were thereby forfeited* The attainder, howerer, was reversed some 80 years later by Richard III. in Jan. 1488/4. Ill 1421, 1. Richard (Bkauohamf), Lord Abiroavsnnt, or to BsBGATitMHT, or Bbauohamp di BmoATBNirr, i. and h. of William 1422. Bbaucihamp, sum. as a Baron in that title, by writ 1892 (directed

    • WiUdme Btauehamp de Btrgavenny ") sue. his father in that Barony,

8 May 1411, being then aged 14 ; m. 7 July 141 1» Isabel, heiress of the Lords Lo Despenoer, and was er. Feb. 1420/1(<>) EARL OF WORCESTER. He d. s.p.nL 16 April 1422, when his vast estates and the representation of his Barony devolTcd on his only da., but the BaMom of WorcetUr reverted apparently to the Onnm, See fuller particulars under " Abuoatjuirt." IV. 1449, I. John (db Tiptopt or Tidbtot), Lord Tiptopt, to fr. 1427 ; sue, his father in the above Rarony (er. 1426). 27 Jan. 1470. 1452/3 ; and was er. 16 July 1440, EARL OF WORCESTER. He was beheaded for high treason, 18 Oct 1470, when aU hii honewre became forfeited, V. 1471, £. Edward (db Tiptopt or Tibbtot), Earl of to WoROBSTKR 11449] and Lord Tiptopt [1426], onlv aurr. s. and h. 1485. (• about 1468, is presumed to have become entitled to the above dignities on the re-accession of Edward IV., 14 Anril 1471, by which, apparently, the forfeiture of his father would liave become null. He d, unm. 12 Aug. 1486, when the Saridam of Woreeeter became extinet, but the Barony of Tiptoft fell into abeyance. (•) The accounts are very contradictory, some saving that he was dismissed by the king, and broke his rod of office at Conway. See Nai. Biogr. ^ . , 0>) " Qentil et loyal Chevalier . . . doui, rauonnable et graoieux, savs Froissart, while the writer of the Annalee Henriei QuarU save that «' no one would ever have suspected him of treason, for while English perfidy was a byword, he was always trusted . . yet he played the traitor both to Richard and to Henry. Family afieotion [relationship] may account for his first act of treason, but the second U not to be explained so simply. The common sccounts represent him as a prime mover in the [1408] rebellion." [Nat, Biogr,] (•) In Vincent's " Baronagium ** [Vincent, na xx, fo. 228, Coll. of arms] " the Earl is stated to have married and to have had an onljr child, Thomas Percy, who died before him without issue, All inquiries to aaoerUm whom the Earl married have hitherto proved ineffectual." [Belters Order of the Garter, p. 227, note 2.] Milles, in his very accurate " Catalogue of Honor " (1610) says exactly aa above ; Dugdale merely states that " he d, s.p," while Brooke (corrected severely and justly in

  • < Pifweni on Brooke ") attributes to him the wife and issue of his nephew, Sur Thomas

(A) '<« The charter or patent for this creation does not appear to have been enrolled." [Courtkopel,