Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/211

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WOftCESTEtl. . 20 1 at Chepstow. M.I(*) Inq, p, mortem at WoUon-ttoder-Edge, oo. Clone., SI Fell. 1549/60. His widow d. 1566, and was bur. with htm at Chepstow. Will pr. 1565. YIII. 1549. S. William (Sombbsit), Earl of WonoBSTBiiy &a, let 8. and h., by second wife ; 5. about 1527, and Hyled Lord Hcrbbrt Un 1549, being knighied (as such), 20 Feb. 1546/7, at the coronation of Edward VL(^) He had been Cent, of the Privy Chamber and Principal Eaqnire to Hen. VIII., in 1544. He fltt«. io the pterage^ as above, 26 Nov. 1549, being then aged 22, and was sum. to Pari., 8 Jan. 1550 ; was one of the twentv-six Peers who signed, 16 June 1558, the settlement of the Crown by Ed. VI., on Lady Jane Crey,(*) but served as L. Carver at the coronation of Mary, 1 Oct 1558, and aa Dep. Ch. Butler at that of Elisabeth, 15 Jan. 1558/9 ; el. K.O., 28 April and inst., 19 June 1570 ; Dep. Earl Marshal, 2 April 1571 ; was on a apec. embassy to Paris, as proxy for Queen Elis., at the christening of a da. of Charles IX. of France, 1572*78. Lieut, of the Order of the Carter, 22 April 1579 ; one of the twenty-six noblemen who were tlie triers of Mary, Queen of Scots, 6 Oct 1586.(<^) He m., before 19 May 1550, Christian, da. of Edward (North), 4th Lord North dr Kirturo, by his first wife, Alice, da. of Robert Sqviiir. She was living 20 March 1568/4. He d. at his house ** by St. John's, near London," 21 Feb. 1588/9,(*) aged about 62, and was 5icr., 80 April 1589, at Raglan, CO. Monmonth.(0 Will dat 1 Feb. 1588, pr. 1589. Inq. poU mortem at CardiflT, 20 Not. 1589. IX. 1589. '4* Edward (Sombbsvt), Earl of Worgbstxr, &o , only g. and h. ; h. about 1550 ; U^ed Lobd Hkrbbrt, till he sue. to the peerage, as above, 21 Feb. 1588/9, being then above 86 vears old ; Ambasaailor to Scotland, May 1590, to congratulate James VI. [R.] on his marriage : er, M.A. of Oxford (Mag. Coll.),. 27 Sep. 1592,(«) voting, as such. 80 Aug. 1605(b) . el. KQ., 23 April and inst. 25 June 1593 ; Dep. Master of the Horse, 1597 ; Master of the Horse, 1601-16 ; P.C. 1601 ; L.-Lieut for co. Monmouth and co. GUmorgnii, 1602, He acted as Earl Marshal, or as a Commtsar. for that office, 10 Dec. 1601, 20 to 28 July 1603 (at the coronation uf James I.) ; 4 Feb. 1004, 10 March 1604, and 8 June 1610 ; waa a Commiiisr. of the Treaaiiry, 1612-14 ; L. Keo|Ksr of the Privy Seal, 1616 till liis death ; Judge of the Court of Requests, 1621 ; L. Great Chamberlain, 2 Feb. 1625/6, for the coronation of Charlea I. He m., before 1575, Elizabeth, 4th da. of Francis (Hastings), 2d Earl of HuNnNODOif, br Katharine, da. and coheir of Henry (Poli), Lord Mohtacutb, grandson of the well known Msrgaret, Coumtms of Salisburt. She d. at Worcester House, St. Clement Danes, Strand, co. Midz., 24 Aug. 1621, snd wss bur. at Raglan afsd. He d, at Worcester House afsd., 8 and was bur. 80 March 1628,(1) at Ilafflan,(l) in " about the 79th year of his sge.**(^) Will pr. 1628. Funeral certificate in the College of Arms. [William Somirskt, Hyled Lord Herbert, Ist s. and h. ap., 6. in Heiefordshure, 1576 ; matric. at Oxford (Mag. Coll.), 27 June 1591, aged 15, and wss er. ILA., 19 Aug. 1592. He d. nnm. and v.p., 1598.]

  • ) The tomb there containing the recumbent figures of himself and his seoond

[e is engraved in Sawtford, (n See vol iii, p. 71, note "c," iub " Derby,*' as to these 40 knights, who were so dubbed "in Ueu of the Bath.*' SSee ToL iii, p. 70, note *<f," fii5 " Derby,'* for their names. I See vol. iii, p. 72, note *<a,*' ftc5 *< Derby," for thehr names. (•) His portrait, " after F. Zucohero," hi en^ved in '* DojfU." It was quaintly said of him FQy. by Fuller] that " Queen Elisabeth excnsed his faiikf which was Popish ; and honoured his Juit^ulnea, which was Roman." O His monnment there was broken to pieces in the dvil wars. See " Sand/ord *' for an account thereof. (») See vol. vi, p. 218, note " a," tub " Pembroke." ^^n :a-^ (>») See vol. iU, p. 286, note " a," iub ** Effingham." y^ O 3 T Q (*) "In his youth a very fine sentleman and the best khrseman and tiltel times . . . and when years had abated these exercises it honour he gre w then to be a faithful and profound Counsellor.'* [Naunton], ** A great IfVourer oMBirtailg and good literature." [Sand/ord], His portrait (bald |m^ with beard andj " after a painter unknown/' is engraved in *' Doyls." ^I/'H m^ JRO^ J