Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/212

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202 woBCBsnft. X. 162a 5 and 7. HsmiT (SomsurX Eabl op WoBcnnB, -m^^wnM^mm^ cUl, 2d bat 1st lorT.B. and !!.(•) ;iLia COL Hcrvlatd, 1577 ; Batik. MArquMnw. ^ Oxford {Mm^ Cofl.) 27 Jona 1591 (witk hk elda- br. aboT». L 1643 naiiMd) aced 14. He was sdid. to Pari. v.p. m hk fistliar'a fimnmj, as LORD HBRBBBT, bj vrita from 19 March 1604 to 12 Feb. 1623/4<k) ; waa jouit L.-Lkvt. of the ooontMa of Qlamorsan and IfoDmuntb, 1626-31 ; sw. as Kmrl uf WcnaUr, 3 March 1627/S ; waa a sealooa f upfmrtcr of ths rujal CKuae, for wbkh hs held his castle of Raglan, one of the last places that sorreodtired to the ParlkiDentarkiM,(*) from 1642 to 19 Aug. 1646^ imiaiog and supijortiog two sereral armka* and beinc LkDt.-Oen. of the forcea in Mon- moulb^hire. He wan in reward or. 2 March 1642/j/) MARQU ^.SS OP WORCKSTKR. He m, 16 June 1600, at St. Martin'a, Ludgate, in the presence of Queen KlitahMh, Anne, oolj sonr. da. and h. of John Russell, iIjM Lobo Bdsbsll (2d but lat sorr. a. and b. ap. of Franda, 2a Babl or BsDffOBO) bv Klinbeth, d&. of Sir Anthonj CooK.(«) She d. (as Countev of Woreestsr) at Woreester Hooae afML 1 April 1639 and was bur, at Raglan. Funeral certif. at Pub. Record oflSee. He dL In Covcnt Garden (where he waa in the eostodj of « Bkck Rod)." 18 Dee. 1646, and waa 6iir. at Christmas (with the 1st Earl) at Windeor.(0 Admon. 18 July 1652. Non& will, dated withm 8 dajs of death, pr. 80 Sep. 1653. ICarqiiMwttaL ^ t and 6. Edward (SombbsbtX Marqubs of If WoBoianEB, kc, 1st s. and h., 5. 1601 ; cd. abroad ; waa Ifiift «lfifltfLoBDHBBasR fawn 1628 to about 1644; U-Iieut. Barldom. '^^'^^' ^ South Wah» an4 Monmoothahire, 1642 ; CoL of a »• Reg. of Hone, 1642 ; and Iieut.-Oen. of the eoontka of ^^* J Hereford, Monmouth, Brecknock, Glamoigan, and Radnor, 1643, on behalf oi the King, of wiioee canae he and hk father were most saaloua sopporten. Between 16 April 1643 (when he k called Lord tierberl) and 13 Not. 1645 (when, as alto frequently afterwarda, he appears as Harl of QUmargam) he was probably cr., or promiaed to be cr. SAUL OF OLAMOROAN and BARON BBAUFORT OF CALDECOT CASTLE, oo. Monmouth, with, apparently, a spec rem. in farour of hk iasoe male by hk then wife.(s) Aa

    • Earl of Glamorgan " lie waa well known when acting for Chariea L in Ids

negotktiona^ 1645-47, with the Roman Catholica in Ireland.(^) A diacredited CommissioD, dated 1 April 1644, addreaMd to him aa Bari of Glamorgan, &€l, pfofessing to create him Duke oj SomenA, to make him K.Q., *'our Generalissimo, etc.," wss snrrended by him soon after he produced it, aome 16 years Uter.(s) He sue. hk father, 18 Dec 1646, as Marqum of WorcetUr, tho* by Act of Pari., 4 Feb. 1651/2,(0 (•) Of the 8 brothers, Tbomaa Somerset, the 8rd, waa cr,^ 1626, Yiaooont Somerset of Gsshel [1.1 and d. cp.m. about 1650. (b) See YoL tL, p. 221, noU " c," iii6 *' Pembroke," as to the confusion between thk Henry (Somerset), Lord Herbert^ and (Tharlea Herbert, ifykd Lord Herbert of Shur- land, a. and b. ap. of Philip, Earl of Pembroke C) The lead on the Castle was sold for £6,000, and the damage done to the house and woods was computed at £100,000, beaides as great a aum advanced to the king. (4) '*On(Uum$, 1488-1646 " in ap. 47th Rep. D. K. Pub. Reoorda. The date of 2NoT. 1642, being that of the dooquet, signed at Oxford, is the one which k generally aasigned.

  • (•) See Tol. i, p. 297, note " a," mh " Bedford."

{f Clarendon says of him that " he waa generally reputed the greatest monied man of tiie kingdom, and probably might not think it au unthrifty tbiug rather to dkburse it for the King, who might be able to repay it, than have it tiikon from kim by tlie other party. Thk mercenary motive, however, seems not very justly attributed to him, indeed his conduct appears to have been the result of true. loyalty. Uis portrait, in a hut (with feathers) surrounded by an Earl's corouet, '* after a painter uuknown," k engraved in *' lhyU»" (s) This mysterious Earldom of Gkmoigan, and the commission of, 1 April 1644, as to the dukedom of Somerset, &c, are fully dealt with iu Uik work, tu6 " Glamoigau." (M He is *' the Earl of Glamoigan " of Clarendon and Carte Clarendon, writing of him in 1643, says " Lord Herbert was a man of more than ordinary affection and rererenoe to the person of the king ... a Papist • , . whom many men loved and few hated ... of a mil and obliging nature" (*) AU titles gruited by Charles L since 4 Jan. 1641, were by this act disallowed.