Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/218

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208 WYNQ — ^TARBOROUQH. in. 1869. 8. William Dbapsb MoBTnoB (Bnr), Babon Wtntobd ov Wtvfobd Baou [1829], Isi ■. and h. ; 6. 2 Auf. 1826 ; Oapi. RilU fiiigada^ 1854-56 ; mtc io Uu peerage, 28 Oct 1869. Ha »., 17 Daa 1867, at St. Gaoi, Han. aq., Otrolina, lat da. of E?an Bailub, of Dochfour, oo. InTameaa, hj Qaoigiana Fkaderioa, da. of WilUam (Montaoo), 5th Duxi of lCAVOBnnB.(*) FamOff SdaUi.'—Thme, in 1888, oonaiatad of 2,817 aoitw in DorMtdiira ; 408 in BHex, and 240 in Kent. JUal, 8,460 aorea, worth £4,179 a year. Principal 8eai,~- Wynford Bagle^ near Maiden Newton, oo. Donet. WYNG. See DoBMBB of Wtng, oo. Buckingham," Barony ( Dormer X cr. 1615. WYNN, flee Winn. Y. YARBOROUGH. Barony; 2. Chablbs A ndbbson-Pblham, /onn^r/^ Andbboon, of L 1794 Brookleaby, oo. Lincoln, let a. and h. of Franda Amobbsom, of Hanby in Brougnton, in the laid county, by Eleanor, aiater of the Rev. Robert Oabtib-Tbblwall, da. of Thomaa Cabtir, of Baaavem, co. DenUgh, whidi Franda (who d, 28 Oct 1758, aged 47) waa a. and h. of (another) Francis Anokrsoii, of Manby afsd, by Mary, eiiter (whoae issue in 1763 became coheir) of Charlea Pklbam, of Brocklesby afsd. He was 6. 8 and bap, 20 Feb. 1748/9, at Broughton, 00. Lincoln ; took the name of Pelham after that of Andereon, in 1763, on auccMding to the estatea of hia great uncle, Charles Pelham {d, 6 Feb. 1763, aged 84) above- named, in compliance with hia will ; waa ll.P. for Beverley, 1768-74 ; for Lincolnshire (in four parla.), 1774-94 ; Sheriff of that county, 1771 ; F.kS., 8 May 1777 ; Recorder of Qrimaby, 1786 ; cr. D.O.L. of Oxford, 4 July 1793, and waa cr. 18 Aug. 1794, BARON YARBOROUGH of Yarborough, oo. Lincoln ; P.S.A., 14 April 1796. He m, 21 July 1770, at Chelsea, Midi., Sophia, da. and h. of John Aufrkri, of Chelsea afsd. She d, 25 Jan. 1786 and waa 5vr. at Brocklesby. He d, 22 Sep. 1823 at Brockleaby afsd, aged 74. WiU pr. 1824. II. 1823. 2 and L Chablbs (Andbbson-Pblham), Babon Yab- v«k ii«/v«M BORODOH, h. 8 and hap, 12 Aug. 1781, at Brocklesby ; ed. at Trin. JEariaon*. q^j^^ Cambridge ; M.A. 1801 ; waa M.P. for Great Grimsby, 1803-07, I. 1837. *"<! 'or Lincolushire (in four parls), 1807-23 ; eue, to the peerage 23 Sep. 1823*, Recorder of Great Grimsby, 1823-32; Recorder of Newport, isle of Wight, 1825-82 ; Lieut.-Col. North Line. R^g. of Yeomanry, 1831 ; Vice- Admiral of Hanta and the isle of Wight, 1831 ; many years Commodore (and a moat popular one) of the Royal Yacht Squadron. He was cr., 30 Jan. 1837, BARON WOHSLBY OF APULDURCOMBR, in the isle of Wight, and BARL OF YARBOliOUGH.(b) He m. 11 Aug. 1806, at LambeUi palace, HenrietU Anna Maria Charlotte, 2d da. of the Hon. John BRiDauAN-SiiiFSON, formerly BuiDOiMAN, of Babworth Halt, Notts (3d a. of Henry, Ist Baron Bradford), being the only surv. child and heir of her mother, his first wife, Henrietta Francea, da. and h. of Sir Thomaa WORSLir, 6th Bart, of Apulduroombe afsd. She who was b, at Babworth 24 April and bap. there 13 June 1788, d. 30 June, or July, (M Hia only a, Alpmon, 6. 26 Dec 1858, d, 18 Jan. followiug. (^ An undent Whig, who owed hia Earldom to the Melbourne ministry, he opposed his party on the free trade queation. He waa, however, best known for his princely hospitality to the members of the Yacht Club.