Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/219

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TARBOROUGH — YAROM. 209 1813, aged 25. lie rf. on bonixl his yacht, "The Kesirel," off Vigo in Portugnl, 5 Sep. 1840, aged 65, and was bur. at BrocUesbj. Will dat June 1843, pr. Deo. 1846 at £80,000. Earldom. > ^ and 3, Charlbs Andbrson Worslbt (Andbrsox- j J Pklham), Earl ok Tarboroogh, &c, Ist s. and h., b. 12 April QiQ 1809, in Strntfonl plnce, Marylebone; ed. at Eton ; was M.P. for Barony. Newtown (Ule «>f Wight) 1830-31 ; fur Linoolnshire, 1831-32, jjj and for North Lincolnshire, 1835-46 ; ttjfUd Lord Worsut, ^^^* J 1837-46 ; we, to the peerage, as above, 5 Sep. 1846 ; Vice Admiral of linoulnshire, 1854 ; L.-Lieut thereof 1857 ; High Steward of Orent Grimaby. He m. 16 Deo. 1831, nt Brighton, Maria Adelaide, 2d da. of Coriiwalliii (^fAl;DK), 3d Viscount Hawahdrn [L], by Jane Grawfnrd, da. of Patrick Crnwfiirfl Biiiioa. Ho d. of a lingering pnnilysis, 7 Jan. 1862, at Brighton, aged 62.(*) His wi<1ow, who wiui h. Dee. 1814, m. 7 Aug. 1860, at St. Peter's, Eaton sq., William John (Uonsom), 1st VisoouNT Oxbmbridob of Burton, both being liWng 1897. Earldom. ^ J and 4* Ciiarlbb (Andbrson-Pblham), Earl of J] J Yarborodoh, &0., 1st s. and h. ; 5. 14 Jan. 1835, at Manby Hall, >18C ^' Lincoln ; H^ed Lord Worslrt, 1846-62; was M.P. for Barony. Great Grimsby, 1857-62 ; Lieut-Gol. 1st Batt. Lincoln Rifle ly. Vols., 1860 ; 9ue. to the peeroffe, as al>oTe, 7 Jan. 1862. He m. ^^* J 3 Aug. 1858, at St. Goo. Han. sq., Victoria Alezandrina, 4th da. of William (Harb), 2d Earl of Listowbl [I.], by Maria Angnsta, da. of Vioe-Admiml William Windham, jomeriy Luktn, of Felbrigge Hall, en. Nttrfolk. He d. 6 Feb. 1875, of epilepsy, at 17 Arlington street, aged 40. His widow, who WHS b. 23 Feb. 1840 (Queen Victoria being her sponsor), m. 16 July 1881, John Maunsell KiCHARDflON, of Little Brooklesby, and was living 1897. Earldom. ^ and 6. Charlbs Alfrbd Worslbt (Andbrbok- jy^ Pblrau), Earl of Yardorouoh [1837], Baron Tarborouoh 1875. P^^^]* '^"^^ Baron Worslbt of Afulduboombb [1887], 1st s. Barony. * and h. ; h. in South Audley street 11 June, and bap, 19 July Y 1859, at St. Geo. Han. sq. ; ilyUd Lord Worslbt, 1862-75 ; ^ ' J iue. to the peerage, as above, 6 Feb. 1875 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; B. A. 10 March 1881 ; M.A. 15 May 1884 ; Vice- Admiral of Tiincolnehire, 1883 ; Cnpt. of the Corps of the Gentlemen-at* Annit, ]800-»2; P.C. 1890. Ho m. 5 Aug. 1886, at St. Pctcr'a, Cranloy Gardens, Mnrcia Amelia Mary, tuojure Haronbss Contrr& See that dignity, cr, 1509. She, in whose favour the abeyance of that Rnrony waa terminated 8 June 1892, was b, at Wellesbourne 18 Oct and bap. there 24 Not. 1863. [Oharlbs-Sagkvillb Andbrson-Pblham, styled Lord Worslbt, 1st B. and h. ap., 5. 14 Aug. and bap, 14 Sep. 1887 at St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens.] Pamilg Eetatet. — Tliese, in 1883, oonbiated of 56,795 acres in Lincolnshire, besides 98 in Berks (worth £649 a year), which belonged to the Dow. Countess. Tolalf 56,893 acres, worth £84,649 a year. Principal i^Midence— Brooklesby Park, near Ulceby, oo. Lincoln. YAROM, t.ff. Yarm. t.«., "Fauoondbrg of Yarom, [t.e?., Yarm], co. York," Barony {Betaeyu), cr, 1627 ; see " Fauoonbbbo of Hbnknowlb," Visoountcy, cr. 1643 : eas. 1815. C^) He took an aoti?e part in politioB as a Liberal, till disabled by illness. P