Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/223

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YORK. 213 I>uk$ of Tftrk, M above stftied. In 1386 lie was one of the fourteen Comminn, to receive the Crown revenues. During the King's absenoe from EpgUnd he was three times Ucgent, vts., Sep. 1894 to Jan. 1394/5 ; Aug. to Sep. 1896 ; and May to Aug. 1899 ; Insing also Steward of England, March to Aug. 1399. He prepared to oppose the landing, in 1399, of hisji^ afterwards Henry IV., but soon joined his side, and was eventually P.C. to him. He iti. firstly, " at Itochefort, near Bordeauz* 1371, before Michaelmas,"('^) and apparently again about 1 March 1371/2, at Hertford Castle, Isabel, 8d an<l ynt. da. and coheir of Peter the Orud, KiifO OF Castilr and Lbon (1360-6S), by Marin dr Padilla. She, who was 6. 1355, d. 23 Nov. 1392, and was bur, in the Frinry church nt TiangIoy.(*') Her will dat. 6 Oct., without date of year, but made after 25 Fob. 1390, pr. 6 Jan. 1392/3. (<>) He m. secondly, about 4 Nov. 1393, Joan (then aged about 13), 2<1 dn.(<t) of Thomas (Holand), 2d Earl OF Kbmt, by Alice, da. of Richard (FiTLAfjvN), Earl of Arundkl. He cf. at Langley, the place of hisbirtli, 1 Aug. 1102, aged 61, and was bur. with his first wife there«(") M.L(0 Will (in which he calls himsdf " Duke of York, Enrl of Cambridge and Lord of TyndaU "), dat 25 Nov. 1400, pr. 6 Oct. 1402, at Lambeth. (r) His widow, who was b, about 1380, m. about March 1406 (pardon dat 14 May 1409), William (Willooqhbt) 5th Lord Willouqhdt dk Errsbt, who d. 30 Nov. 1409. She m, thirdly, as his second wife (Lie. York 6 Sep. 1410 to marry in the chapel of the manor of Foxflete), Henry (Lb Soropb), 8d Lord Scropk dk Mash ah, who d s.p. soon after 8 June 1415. She m, fourthly (pardon 14 Aug. 1416), as his first wife, Hbbbt (BBOKrum), Lord Ybsct, who d. 6 Jan. 1467/8. She d s.p. 12 April 1484. II. 1402, S. Edwaud (Plantagbnbt, called "of York," and to sometimes '*of Norwich "), Dvkb of York [1885], Earl of Cambridob 1415. [1362], and Earl of Rutland [1390], also Earl of Cork [L 1896 1], 1st s. and h., by first wife. He was (. about 1878, probably at Norwich ; knighted by Ric. IL, 15 July 1877 ; was K-G. about 1887, or |)0S8ibly not till he was, v.p., cr. 25 Feb. 1390, EAtlL OF RUTLAND, with a clause, it is said, that he wan to hold tlie same during the life of his father.(^) Admiral of the North, March 1391, and of Kngland, Nov. 1391 to May 1898 ; Cuttstable of the Tower of London, 1392, again 1397-99, and, finally, 1406-16. He accompanied Richard II. into Ireland in 1394, and was cr,, v.p., before 12 Aug. 1396,(1) EARL OF CORK [I.], by that King, with whom he was in great favour ; was Warden of the Cinque ports, 1396-98 ; Warden of the New forest and of all forests south of Trent, 1397 ; Lord of the Isle of Wight, 1897, taking a leading part in the arrest of the King's (and his own) uncle, the l)uke of Gloucester, and being, v.p., cr. 29 Sep. 1397, DUKE OF ALBEMARLE, of which dignity, however, be was (») WntAon'R *' Scixo Quartion of Edward IV." in The OenetUogigt, N.8., xii, 181. (^) " It is said by an historian [r.e., Walainghnm] that this Lady Isabel, having in her younger years been somewhat wanton, did yet afterwards become tax hearty penitent." [Sandford] (e) Nicolas' TeH. VeL l^) She was doubly related to her husband, both her grandmothers beiog of the house of Plantagenet. (*) He appears to have been a man without much ambition, given to hunting and rural pursuits, and was, says Hardy ng, "as fayre a person as a man might see anywhere." A portrait of him " from Harl. M.S. 1319," is engraved in '* DoyU/* He is uiid, in " Sandford " (p. 376), to have " detected and reviled " his son, the Earl of Rutland, for being "twice a traitor '* (vt2., both to Richard II. and Henry IV.) and an account is there given (p. 881) of his expedition to Windsor to inform the King of such treason. He, however, in his will makes his " most dear son of Rutland " his executor. (0 His monument was removed after the " Reformation " to the parish churoh at Langley, and is engraved in " Sandford " from a sketch made 1 July 1664. (S) Printed in Nichols's Royal WUU. (**) In a patent, however, dated 5 Not. 1402, 8 months after his father's death, he is called " Dux Eborad, Comes CantabrugiiB, RuUandia et CoraekB,'* See Sandford^ p. 381, where it is added, " All which honours he enjoyed till his death, except that of Cambridge, which was granted to Richard his brother, 2 Hen. V." (1) In a paUnt dat 12 Aug. (1396) 20 Ric. IL he is styled "BdwarduS, Comes Rutland et de Cork, Admirallus Anglio et HibemioD.** [Sani^fordf p. 880.]