Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/224

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214 TOUL aefmed, i Oct. 1399.(») He, bang Umb CoMlable of tLe Toww ai mude CoiMUble of Eoglaod, Jalj 1393 to 8e|iL 1399 ; Wardca of the Woi and ol Gwlule, 1399. Tbo' hk Sdeliiy to IUcl IL »m donUfal^^) be wm. bj Ucory IV,, immedisUly deprired of the casiody of the Tower and ol bk Dokciloai of Albemsrie (as abore-otated), but in 1399 he beeame P.O. to tbei Kia^ and, in 1401 Warden of North Walea. In the Pari of Jan. 1401, be vm rcat4jrcd in name awl eMUU, Bj the death of bia father, 1 Ang. 1402. be MC ao />«ic </ reri^ and £oH </ Caai^rnl^ which laai named dignitj he reaigncd before (pcolAUy afaortij before) 1 May 1414, vhtn, being reatured to all the ceUte, name, fame ani boooor, he eujoyed before the jodgmcni of 1399,(c) he apparently wan thereby reHored fa ike Dmkedum ofAlbemarU. He waa Warden of the Kaii Uarefacs and CmfL. of Bervicfc, 1414-15 ; Commander of the right wing of the army in France, 1415. He a^, 1396 (at her age of about 30), PhUippn, widow of Sir John Qolatbb, of LaiigWy. Oxon (who d. befure 9 Feb. 1396;, and formerly of Walter (FinwALTEs), Lobd Fitzwaltu (who d. 26 Sep. 1886), lot da. and eohctr of John (db Mcibok), Lobd Mobcm um. DuHSima, by Joane, «la. of Bartholouiew (ds B^iuihbbsbX ^^omi^ BuBaHUOB. Hed. lup. 25 Oct. 1415, being akin at the battle of Agin€oart^(«') aged about 4i, when the Dmktdam mf AlUmmrU (auppoaing it wm reaiored in 1414 from the forfeiture of 1399) aa alao the MaMam 9f Cork [L] became eximeL He was Wr. 1 DecL foUowing in Fotheringay chnnfa, CO. Northampton. Will dat. 2S Ang. 1416, pr. ai Lineoln. Hia widow, who waa ft. aa early aa 1867,(*) and waa heirem of the eatato of Donater, d. a.pu 17 July 1481, and WMter. in Wflrtm. Abbey. lfX(0 WiU dak 12 March 14S0, pr. 13 Nov. 1431. IIL 1426. 8. RiCDABD PLAHTAaiinrr,(6) nephew and heir, being a. and h. of Richard (PLavTAQBiKr), Babl or Cambudgb (attainted and executed 5 Aug. 1415), by Anne, only child that left iaane of Roger (Mortiiub), 4th Babl or Mabch, a. and h. of Edmund (Mobtimbb), 4th Kabl or Mabch, by Philippe, da. and h. of Lionel (PLABTAOKHitT), Dukb or Clabbncb, 3d butSd annr. a. of Edward ni., waa ft. 21 Sept. 1411, and waa, owing to hia faitber'a attainder, diaquali- fled, apparently, from aneeeeding to the family bononia. He waa, however, by act of the PaH. held at Laiceater [1425-26]. 4 Hen. VL, ^ leatoved to the dignitiea of DUKB OF YORE, EARL OF CAMBRlDaK(i>) AND RUTLAND, and Lobd or TlBDA^(<) (*) The Dnkei of Exeter, Surrey and Albemarle, and the Marqueea of Domet were all deprived of their dignitiea (all oonfetred In 1897) at the aame date, 6 Oct. 1899. Tbe worda applying to the three former were that they were ** to loee and forego from them theae namea that they now have oa Duka and the wonhip and the dignity thereof." [Roi. Pari, vol. iii, p. 452]. See voL vii, p. 170, note " a," jn6 " SomenMst." (^) Hia aUeged treaaon to Richard ia perhapa cmhl« ^ explanation, while that to Henry IV., in 1899, la poaaibly an invention ; but the diaraf:ter of thia Karl of Rutland (by which title lie ia beat known) ia geuorally (ace Hume 'a vl«i«|uoiit deicription of hia teigiveraation and duplicity), ooui>i<lered aa "infamoua." He unoueotionably took part in the murder of hia undo, Olouceatcr (whoae landa in Holdemeaa ha obtained), and hia aubaequent treaaon (aa to the Mortimer plot) in 1405, was undoubted. [See NaL Biogr,] Tbe character he givea bimaelf in hia will, aa "de toua pedbeun le plus mechant et coupabk," aeema fairly juat. (•) Ccurtkopc (<l) Leiand apeaks of him, in 1415, as *' a fatte man " whereby by much heat aod thronging be was smothered to death in the battle. A spirited aketcb of him " from Harl. M J. 1819," is in *" DofU, See, as to his character, note " b " above. (•) See vol. V, p. 822, note *' b," Mi6 *' Mohun." (0 See vol. iu, p. 870, note "^ b/' 9uh " Fitxwalter." (s) " He assumed the surname of Plantagenet apparently about 1448. This name, so extensively applied by late writera, had not been beard of in Englioh biatnry aiuoe the time of Gtoofirey of Anjou, aa Sir Jamea Ramaay (Lanauier and Yijrk)^ baa well remarked." [Watson's Seiu QuaHien of Bd. I V.] (^) The Earldom of Cambridge had apparenUv been surrendered by his saiil uncle, and granted 1 May 1414 to (tbo* subsequently forfeited by) his father, whose heir, however, he, also, wssl (t) The Lordship of Tindsll seems to have been a territorial, not a peerage, dignity.