Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/231

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ZETLAND. 221 z. ZETLAND. !./»., " Zrtland," Bai-ony [S] (Stnaari) cr. 1581, with the Eabldom of Orknxt [S.], which see ; fcrjeiitd 1614. Earldom. i. Lawrrncr (Dundas), ]>aron Dundas op Askb, co. T Ifi^ft Y»^^ [1794] also A Bitronet [1762], was cr. 2 July 1838,(») EARL 1. looo. Qp ZETLAND. He was lit s. and h. of Thomas (Ddndas), Babon DimnAS OP Abkr (an er. 13 Aug. 1794), by Charlotte da. of William (KiTZWiLLiAM) 3d Karl Fitzwiiliam [(.] and Ist Earl Fitkwiluauof Nordorouor; was 6. 10 April 1766, and bnp. at St. Geo. Han. Sq. ; e<l. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge, cr. M.A. 1786; wne MP. for liichmond, 1790-1802; for York, 1808-07; for Kichmond (n^nin) 1H07-11, and for York (ngnin) 1811-20; Lictit.-Co1. of the North Hiding Militia nnd Col. in the army during service, 1797 ; Col. of the Cleveland Vols., 1803; Alderman of York, 1808, being L. Mayor there<if, 1811-12; LLD. of (Cambridge, 1 Jnly 1811 ; F.S.A. ; sometime Pro Grand Master of the Society of Freemasons. He $ue, to tht pmaffe (Barony) 14 June 1820 ; was L. Lieut and Vice- Admiral of Orkney and Zetland, 1831, and was cr. Earl of Zdland, 2 July 1838;a) as nbove stated. He m. 21 April 1794, Harriet, 8d da. of Gen. John Halb, of Plantation, near Guisboro', co. York, by Mary, da. of William Cbalonbr, of Quisboni' af«d. She who was 6. 16 June 1769, d, 18 April 1834, at 19 Arlington street, aged 65. He ^. suddenly 19 Feb. 1839, at Aske House, oo. York, aged 72(^). Will pr. April 1839. IL 1839. 2. TnoMAS (Dundas), Earl of Zetland, dro., let s. and h. ; h. 5 Feb. 1795, in Wigmore street, Marylebone ; Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; cr, M.A., 1815 ; was M.P. for liichmond, 1818-80 ; for York, 1830-35; and for Richmond (again), 1886-89; L. Lieut, of the North Riding, 183S-73 ; $tylci Lord Dundas from 1838 till he me. to the peerage as above, 19 Feb. 1839 ; K.T.. 1 JnlyJ861, which order he resigned («) on being made (a few months before his death) jBLO., 26 Dec. 1872 ; Grand Master of the Society of Freemnfons, 1813-71. He m., 6 Sep. 1823, at St. Geo., Han. sq., Sophia Jane, yst. da. of Sir He<l worth Wim.iaM80Z«, 6lh Bsrt, of Whitburn Hall, oo. Durham, b^ Maria, da. of Sir James HauILTOK, of Monaghnn. She, who was 6. 21 Not. 1808, cf. 21 May 18H5, in her 62<1 year, at 19 Arlington street. He cf. s.p., somewhat suddenly, 6 May 1873, at Asko Hall afad., aged 78. in. 1873. 3 and ./. Lawrbnob (Dundas), Earl of Zittland w.*^«^...4. (1838), Barok Dundas of Askb (1794), also a Baronet (1762), marquessaie. n^j.i,,.^ ^^^ ^^^ i,elnK let s. and h. of the Hon. John Charles L 1 892. Dundas, of Woodhall, oo. York, by Margaret Matilda, da. of James Talbot, of Msryvillc, co. Wexfort, which John (who d 14 Feb. 3866, aged 57) was 4th but 2d surv. a of the 1st Earl. He was h. 16 Aug. 1844 ; ed. at Hnrrow, and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; an officer in the Royal Horse Guards, 1866-72 ; was M.P. for Richmond, 1872, till he tttc to thi peerage as above, 6 May 1873 ; was a Um in Waiting, May to July 1880 ; P.C, 1889 ; Vickrot of Trbland (as L. Lieut.), 1889-92. being cr. 22 Aug. 1892.(*) EARL OF RONALDSHAY, co. (■) This wns one of the coronation peerages of Queen Victoria for a list of which sec vol. ii, p. 145, note " b," itift. "'Carew.'^ (^) In politics he was an active and consistent Liberal. («) See vol. i, p. 11, note "b," tub " Aberdeen," for a list of Enights of the Thistle who sub8ei]Uftntly obtained the Garter. (<i) He (with the Dukes of Grafton, Rutland and Cleveland, and the Earl of Jersey) wns a firm and most honourable supiwrter of the Turf for nearl^r 60 years. (*) One of the eleven iieerages conferred on the recommendation of Lord Salisbory, on leaving office. See voL v, p. 126, note " c," eub '* Llangattook.*'